Posted by:  UT-124  VIEWS: 123
Date: 2022-03-07 01:37:50

#Twitter #Fuckheads #BannedPermanently Hello RAD ENGINEERING, Your account, RadTerminal has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for: Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension. Note that if you attempt to evade a permanent suspension by creating new accounts, we will suspend your new accounts. If you wish to appeal this suspension, please contact our support team. Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103 -------------------------------- (violating our rules against evading permanent suspension)


Google Maps   Maidenhead Grid:  DN40XH

Overlapping LAT/LON Notes:
2023-04-05 16:54:26: Hey scrombo - where's the joint mix?
2022-08-27 12:01:32: too many wasted nights hunting eel-sparrow in the woods ...
2022-08-18 09:22:39: Zerohedge has banned me again. This is great. I guess I've b
2022-08-11 08:55:05: #KN2Z Important for you to note. You can send me an actual
2022-08-07 08:37:24: Tides? ... I saw the water run out when the JIMBO PRIESTS go
2022-08-07 07:12:33: @KW9Q SEND: scrongo troops to sector 14, once you have destr
2022-08-02 16:05:00: Take your Romeo style gigolos and your pastel swimming trunk
2022-08-01 09:43:52: The way you tell it, you were a golden boy or golden girl wh
2022-08-01 09:40:57: It was your own moon unit that led the way to the demon cave
2022-08-01 09:31:36: I had an inconceivable fear of frog swamps, where the last o
2022-08-01 08:53:38: I have covered the western lands in muck dust, leaving on th
2022-03-27 17:00:23: Calling all Jan Michael Vincents ... #RICKANDMORTY >SEND: ME
2022-03-27 10:48:28: Do you know the muffin man?
2022-03-23 20:34:42: I live the #BOBLIMPTOCK lifestyle ... eating poop crystals .
2022-03-20 11:33:06: NEW COMMAND IDEA! >DATING: ME, K7IAC, WM52, SF4* Meaning:
2022-03-20 11:25:28: >LOVETEST: ME, K7IAC This command contacts the application,
2022-03-20 10:50:05: Our first command, >SEND:, is being tested ... as in: >SEN
2022-03-19 18:38:09: query-based rss feed?
2022-03-18 20:38:55: Old sad ham sandwich ... is on the MENU ... JUNGIS FREAKS!
2022-03-18 16:56:46: Ok, so MAKE SURE you use DOUBLE QUOTES when using the FUCKIN
2022-03-18 12:28:44: This isn't pretty, need to come up with a better strategy.
2022-03-17 23:00:09: I can't imagine spending my days, smoking crack cocaine ...
2022-03-17 13:54:35: #JUSTINUTAH RAD LINK: short, upper case, link model for JS8
2022-03-17 11:28:03: rigctl: symbol lookup error: rigctl: undefined symbol: debug
2022-03-17 09:13:43: I'll talk to you #KF0BQL ... We can meet down by the old tr
2022-03-17 07:48:54: #HAM #HAMRADIO #JS8 #PERMISSION #LICENSE #HOBBY Old HAM dud
2022-03-17 07:46:57: OFT HEARD AMONG "CHRISTIANS": "You use the f-bomb? - I WISH
2022-03-14 17:05:24: Orchikrin: an extract of bovine testosterone, pituitary glan
2022-03-13 00:24:58: I need to start working on templates for standard messages,
2022-03-11 00:53:49: Item: Diesel Fuel Action: Selling Price: $12/gallon End: 4/5
2022-03-09 06:25:24: They have to keep the plates spinning ... if "talking about
2022-03-09 01:42:14: THIS ARTICLE? - it's SOVIET STYLE bullshit ... https://www
2022-03-09 01:40:13: I love this project because it keeps my mind off of a LOT of
2022-03-07 17:24:26: Today was a really great day ... kind of jazzed ... RAD ENGI
2022-03-07 01:41:26: That feeling when you trolled the #NSA on twitter, and they
2022-03-05 06:20:34: coming soon- a guide to moving data with no IP. a simple sol
2022-03-03 16:47:23: When I was stationed in S. Korea, we would go to Seoul, and
2022-03-03 16:33:18: RADENGINEERING.TECH CANNOT BE STOPPED! #psr #RadEngineering
2022-03-02 21:31:22: #chess
2022-03-02 21:28:33: #CTORadEngineering: the more I think about it? - I think the
2022-03-02 21:20:09: #4Justin: I don't know how expensive those infrared laser te
2022-03-02 21:06:21: #PSR #CEO #RadEngineering JS8 Call and its protocol have b
2022-03-02 21:01:37: #4Justin #CTO #RadEngineering TEAM CHESS: this is the first
2022-03-02 08:57:46: How can one claim to be Christian and yet encourage war?
2022-03-01 13:17:47: Yo MI-66, hope you are hanging in there ... 73.
2022-02-28 17:03:22:
2022-02-26 06:51:53: REMEMBER- 20 seperate broadcasts on one freq. you could conf
2022-02-25 21:17:13: shotgunning store and forward hot paths in the Notes-Network
2022-02-25 21:09:56: #Justin, #CTORadEngineering: we need to deconstruct the JS8
2022-02-24 07:30:21: Hey everyone, we're here on the WWW. >send
2022-02-23 03:24:50: Yo ENG-11, you are the 007 of the WWW. #boblimptock
2022-02-21 18:46:08: Justin ... #hashtags are a thing, and we know them and love
2022-02-21 18:14:04: Justin: HAM guys have their "competitions" - we're going to
2022-02-18 10:49:15: Mike, what up G? #MikeInMI @MikeInMich #SendJS8
2022-02-18 10:48:31: We're going to go up in the mountains to do some JS8 call se
2022-02-17 22:53:33: Nordic-ROO can't stand it. He'll burn the world.
2022-02-17 22:43:11:
2022-02-17 15:42:07: I am now sector-58 ...
2022-02-17 05:00:24: MOVE JONGO-TROOPS to BOBLIMPTOCK sector ...
2022-02-16 17:37:26: h;;;;7
2022-02-16 14:53:56: #PSR #PlanetaryStatusReport #Podcast #JS8 #Radio Anchor: ht
2022-02-15 09:12:37: #b00m3r #Dog #love
2022-02-15 08:31:32: Hey Justin, #JS8 this: M1L0-
2022-02-14 19:09:16: Hey Justin: in a "WWW down" world, setting a watch with some
2022-02-14 17:10:11: PSR:1L0- PSR:1L1-1
2022-02-14 16:15:35: @ @ @ @122.
2022-02-14 16:13:45: 122.
2022-02-14 11:57:56: YO BOB!? FUCK YOU!
2022-02-14 11:46:43: ALL BRUNGO JERKS R DOOMED
2022-02-14 11:00:53: Kevin is heading to sector 19.
2022-02-14 10:59:29: HELLO WENDY, are we meeting at the hooker club on Tuesday. #
2022-02-14 10:57:03: SCLOMBO is moving his 8th ARMY to sector-99. All forces will
2022-02-14 10:26:26: GROMBO has the combo to the safe. All glib shlim live accord
2022-02-13 01:49:56: Progress is going great with our #JS8 project ... lots to do
2022-02-08 21:59:07: CONVOY ... with Jim Davidson TWITTER:
2022-02-07 09:01:14: crazy shit
2022-02-07 00:45:35: gACa1RzOAGIOJy2Dvxp[[plus]]vDhv[[plus]]Q618kOZaCaLZtcxNlUOiP
2022-02-06 14:37:34: I'm going to SCRONGOS for frimptus and doriculi cubes ... #f
2022-02-06 14:29:59: I spent time on weirdo-freaks today ... fuckheads that would
2022-02-06 12:23:57:  You know just because you spy on me doesn't mean I will giv
2022-02-06 11:25:46: Some of our computers are being hacked at our house. We've c
2022-02-06 10:26:49: Boomer still sucks so much. #Bailey
2022-02-06 10:05:18: BOOMER SHIT! EVERYWEHRER
2022-02-06 09:49:47: This is another HORRIBLE sunday test. #dumpit
2022-02-05 12:35:34: "Home Brew": we should start a #JS8 facebook group for home-
2022-02-05 12:33:46: "Rad Terminals: a product we build, using Raspberry Pi compu
2022-02-05 08:18:35: good stuff on the 11 m test #Justin.
2022-02-05 07:54:33: 11m test successful into michigan
2022-02-05 03:35:10: MP3:
2022-02-05 03:26:47: PSR: Someone dies ... #spotify #anchor #podcast #death #cha
2022-02-04 15:13:06: I think they have this set up to interface with email servic
2022-02-04 15:11:17: I think you're right, there's a LOT here ... #JS8 .. a lot o
2022-02-04 15:10:05: fuck if I know #justin, but that html code messed up the bro
2022-02-04 15:09:23: Format for SMS: @APRSIS CMD :SMSGTE :@Phone# Message Forma
2022-02-04 13:47:54: Woooo ... #Justin ... that's some pretty cool traffic from #
2022-02-04 13:46:05: 20:20:32 - (1099) - K7IAC: KB9ENS HOW COPY? ♢ 20:22:07
2022-02-04 13:35:16: I saw the last dirty queen hunting #BOJIMBULOUS by the waysi
2022-02-04 11:45:21: note view count (for online only)?
2022-02-03 13:19:30: 1) download, 2) search, 3) delete, 4) OPSEC note form featur
2022-02-03 13:15:54: need to take node call signs and integrate to select ... may
2022-02-03 13:14:27: Search Delete Security Features i can get these done and th
2022-02-03 12:57:09: #psrnotes #psr #justin #toggle #state #app make opsec featu
2022-02-03 12:14:18: #psr #psrnotes #status #programming #php #boblimptock ****
2022-02-03 09:01:57: YO ... I NEED BEER MONEY ... please donate here: https://www
2022-02-03 08:42:10: This is one site that cannot ban me. They will not halt me.
2022-02-03 08:23:41: YO #JUSTIN ... waddup in scrow town, where them there dogs e
2022-02-02 18:02:16: #justin: it might be checksum related, that's why the "non e
2022-02-02 17:56:40: #justin: I'm kinda drunk and high ... sorry ... it's the MOO
2022-02-02 17:44:16: #justin: what makes you my JINGO-PIMP? (except for the Fred
2022-02-02 17:41:08: #justin: sorry about that ... we should discuss in our next
2022-02-02 17:39:11: #dan if you type in a note after it is encrypted, it will no
2022-02-02 14:38:10: #PSR #PSRNOTES #STATUS **** put measely form in same view .
2022-02-02 06:21:55: 1gB8gm6F[[plus]]mGA32uXSsNfleaK2/MdBLx4OyrhnXSCnVLGN0oinp[[p
2022-02-02 04:13:11: Getting it done ... wondering too ... thinking about #beer a
2022-02-02 02:23:26: 1. 2. https://www.movable
2022-01-31 18:57:02: Maybe BOOMER doesn't love me no more. Maybe I'm old trash an
2022-01-31 18:53:29: I am horrified. I sit here, drinking old VODKA CRAZY. And I
2022-01-31 18:44:10: I'm kinda drunk. I'm kinda drunk about being like ... whatev
2022-01-31 16:40:29: #psrnotes #todo #gaps #JustInUtah I need to have three basi
2022-01-31 15:09:55: #JustinRoosevelt #Project #Radio #PsrNotes This is where I'
2022-01-31 07:40:02: There are coodies in SECTOR-12 ... and all the old aliens ar
2022-01-31 07:37:37: I can't stop thinking about whale urine ... #urine
2022-01-31 07:19:20: Time to engrogriate the fortics. After FEARING FOR OUR PIG
2022-01-31 06:59:09: I'm selling a DRAGON. It breathes fire and spits whiskey and
2022-01-31 06:57:15: I found 6 ancient stones near GOOB MOUNTAIN. All the stones
2022-01-30 19:52:26: #pirateradio spotted on 3845khz lsb at 7;51 pm 1/30/22 aroun
2022-01-30 17:58:28: MORMON STYLE dude-on-girl-on-dude-on-girl-on-girl ... LIVE R
2022-01-30 17:16:16: #SEX #ANAL #POWER An old lonely scumbag looking for fast ti
2022-01-30 16:28:42: Justin (and Boomer): These are my "to do's" right now: 1.
2022-01-30 15:33:31: Justin: Ok ... so do you know how easy it would be to hook u
2022-01-30 14:01:09: Jorgen-Tuul is moving humpback armies east of SCOMPTON ... #