Remember “malls” …

Remember going to that food court and ordering that REAL ITALIAN pizza slice, named after some Mexican killed in France?

Remember those FUN STORES with fake shit and whoopie cushions? You could buy your girl a mood ring and then test your love at the YMCA shower … those were days, mall rat days.

Some SCRYB is selling cell phone plans in the main hall, and he says “LISTEN UP VERN, YOU GONNA BUY THIS RINGLE DING” … and it’s all I can do to keep myself from braining this GUY with a baseball bat from DICK’S SPORTS.

I would go to Nordstrom’s and try on their spring/summer pastel button down BULLSHIT. I’d go home to my dorm room at the UW and watch GEORGE F. WILL mind fuck me with sideways “small government republican” tripe, as I drifted deeper into a personal abyss that almost destroyed me … but malls helped, amirite?

You remember going to the mall with RITA, and trying on the mascara-dick-wand at Frederick’s? – she would tease you with those strapless bras, and those tube tops, but you were her jizzum king, and she was your sandwich dream. You’d spend the day watching Woody Allen films and trying on skirts and shoes … she would … you’d pay. And by the time the sun was going down, you’d grab takeout from Old Style Panda Express, their motto used to be “Real Good Panda, Real Fast … Panda Express” … you’d get the Orange Panda, and she’d order General Tso’s Panda, and you’d make love in your studio apartment till the sun came up … somewhere.

The mall is where RICK broke your small ginger heart. He was big and strong and played football, he said he’d marry you one day. But instead he left you pregnant, and you’d just finished seeing Jurassic Park … so you think life is a shame. And Rick had his game and he ended up lame and washed up near S’compton. But your cat-spirit burned hot, and you made your way to Hot Topic for some new tees …

There was this store, at this one mall …

Called “S’kleeves”, and it only sold sleeveless clothes …

Gumbo freaks and EAST SIDE TOMMIES and various law enforcement would frequent S’kleeves for buying wife beater t-shirts and sleeveless coats and jackets … the same place would sell MERCURY LOVE POTION from the Philippines, and very abrasive rope, and cloth masks, chloroform …

I recall going to SEARS and buying a new bicycle … I rode and rode and rode down MUH ROADS all summer day long … chased by midget-squirrels and pettergast-flies … and the sun rose so high in the sky … and I was at peace, because of malls.

Malls were our AMAZON.

Malls were our INTERNET.

Malls were our SOCIAL NETWORK.

Malls is where we first contracted genital crabs …

Malls is where we bought smack from Birney.

Malls is where the world died.


I carried the straw …




A simple horrible truth:

Gravity corporation:

Bugs is steak:

Sheep dipping the long con:

The West and Russia:

DEIs and Chinese Spies:


What is subversive?:


Fear and cope:

Cry and scream:

Pigeon herpes:

Snake meat:

I carried the straw:

Biodome of biochar:

Imagine the Amish:

Summer of Love:

.700 NITRO EXPRESS Revolver:

BSG and Hi-Point:


Wait till tomorrow:

A republic:

More guns:


Sailing is a conversation:

Of Satoshi and Freckles:

Kings and Queens and Hood Ornaments:

Racism and division:


Healing wounds:

Nice CIA:

Making Money:

Second best grifter occupation:

Weak men:


Endless optimism:

Doses of rage:

Pass or fail:

Jesus didn’t threaten:

What’s ahead:

Eden …

“Eden seems like a boring place.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. we needed to get kicked out
  2. this world was never going to be paradise, but it could be a garden
  3. it’s important, this time of year, to remember the beginnings too: look into Genesis this Easter, into the creation myth, and meditate on the story of Abraham and Isaac and the sacrifice that was not. And then think about what God gave up for the world, think about the sacrifice of Jesus, and what THAT means.

A simple and horrible truth …

This IS the horrible truth, and it does NOT make you anti-Semitic to express it:

It comes down to the belief that only the JEWS have ever suffered … and if others have suffered, they haven’t suffered enough by comparison.

I believe this is FALSE.

and also

This is a toxic and non-empathetic perspective, and it is not a mystery that so many Israelis seem okay with the GAZA war crimes.

Does this mean God does not love the Children of Jacob? – NO!

God loves the Hebrew people deeply, as He loves any Christian disciple. But to say this means THEY have only ever suffered is to ignore both the Bible and wider history. You might say they were clever at creating their own suffering, but no more than others.


“gravity” is owned by Gravity Corporation …

When you “fall” you pay them their fee.

When Gravity Inc says “fuck you, pay me”

they might actually break your arm or legs

(I know this)


“As diesel prices increase, the likelihood of government threats made REAL decreases.” – Dr. Freckles

BTW: if you don’t know that TRADE and MILITARIES basically run on diesel, how dumb are you?

What is subversive?

“The harder it is to find on the WWW, the more subversive it actually is.” – Dr. Freckles

If your FAVORITE YOUTUBE STAR has more than 100 subscribers? – chances are they’re saying precisely what the system wants them to say.

I carried the straw …

I carried the straw for your 4 star wedding …

You took my garland and exchanged it for mead …

I dove straight into your impossible meadow …

You went to our bed with another fellow.

I yearned for shelter in the mountains of moss …
You put us at risk for cherry lip gloss.
I stood on the hill amplifying your love.
You took a ride with Bill and wore a rubber glove.

I said stop betting on end game losers.
You said don’t get into that bad cop’s cruiser.

I said find guidance from the frost king of Texas.
You burnt my heart with diesel fury, and then drove away in your LEXUS.

I built you a castle not far from Spain.
You said you wouldn’t stop doing cocaine.

I flew with the eagles in the Valley of Sheeb.
You looked at my costume and called me a weeb.

I stroked the onyx cougar and gave her my lead.
You found me in the garden, remember what you said?

I found a brown stain, you said it was yours.
You said you found pubic hair from one of my whores.

I took a long walk with Fister McGhee.
You shaped a new clock for timing the sea.

I fiddled with glory, in a codpiece of steel.
You sold are 3 babies for a crystal meth meal.

I tried to find witches to cure your disease.
You laughed at my quest and did as you please.

I rode a large bear to save you from death.
You spent a “hard weakened” with my brother Seth.

I couldn’t stop thinking you were the ONE for me.
You smiled as Brian covered you in pee.

I got lost in the deserts of Zoob.
You created a shortage in genital lube.

When the Moon went wild and I told you to smile?
You wandered with Lyle near the caves of Zune.

I stroked your Persian rug.
You spent the month with a eastside thug.

I ran the watch in the time of the apes.
You took my soul and squashed it like a grape.

I met your mom and she walked me all the way home.
You took my money to get another loan.

When I forgot your last heart with Marta in tow?
You walked the street like a dirty ho.

And if I mistreat you I can’t see the light …
You are my window lark, I give up the fight.

Fly away little bird …

Fly away sky-hawk woman …

Find your splendid home in the woods.

I’ll find my cave in which to linger.