the “BUNKER”

“If you think you know WHERE the elite’s bunker complex is, you are probably wrong: unless your answer is Antarctica.” – Dr. Freckles

“Please don’t be offended: you will never reach the bunkers where THOSE who are most guilty dwell, but God will.” – Dr. Freckles

I get hippos … (but now fucking HORSES … fuck)

What about:

train horses to hunt and kill cows and then to feast on the fermenting grass in the cow’s bellies?

Why do this?

People that ask get eaten by horses.

Follow me on this …

Period piece horror film, set in Ancient Greece, Mycenean fucking times … 1100 BC shit …


Troy raises horses to eat human flesh, they build a giant wooden horse in which TINIER CARNIVOROUS horses are hidden …

Whole movie is some human chase scene with horses eating the assholes out of greasy smelly Greeks.