MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220627_REALITY_with_AJ.mp3
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Guest: A.J. from Florida, his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7uUefH4CZvbJIbd7e4kgg
A.J.: What’s up Dan? With like stuff?
Dan: Weird Florida wildlife …
A) Gaslighting/Manipulating Americans about economic conditions and collapse: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/msnbc-guest-tells-inflation-anxious-americans-stop-complaining-calm-down
B) Can people “just get along” if there are no cops, no prisons, no electricity, and the water/food thing is no longer easy?
C) Is it possible we live in a simulation? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis
- Spooky stuff, new job
- My friend’s drive to work
- Mandela Effect
- Going back to the Moon … ????
- How is this different from solipsism or extreme skepticism?
- What is the meaning of materialism or idealism?
- How would you verify other forms of consciousness? – beyond magical explanations.
- Is it not just ask likely that the “proofs for simulation” are also proofs for God? The notion of equidistant non locality between objects separated by distance.
- Is it possible CERN was an attempt at introducing an unresolvable bug into the simulation?
- Double slit / wave-particle problem
- The Observer Effect
- The functionalization of nature, such that it looks like equations
- 3D emerges from 2D information, the “Holographic Principle” …
- The weird desire for government and “laws” … very few want to be free, and that could be a way of managing complexity, in the simulation … “hey, most players … and NPCs … they need to be voters ….” It makes the programming easier.
The Dilation of the Present and the possibility of Time Travel …
What about re-thinking super-position in the context of generalized causality and contingency problems between an expanding number of concurrent processes in nature, dilating the “moment” rather than introducing multiple equal and satisfactory states? – or rather, there is no “multiverse”, but it is how we define the “now” that is critical and creates the illusion of the multiverse? If you live within some local space time where “very little happens”, then the now would contract to its minimal state. But what if you live in a noisy sector of space-time? – then the “now” could expand beyond what we would even define as a second or an hour … though the passage of time would remain the same perceptibly, time is in fact getting “gummed up” or restricted, because of the number of simultaneous interacting forces/behaviors that must be resolved before the next frame of reality can be observed. Observation depends, in this case, on complexity … and the more local space time complexity? – the bigger the “now” becomes, mainly going backwards, because too many events are not yet resolved. This also means that feasible time travel exists, for some distance into the past, based upon the complexity introduced. This is also how the CERN system might be creating remembered contradictions or the Mandela Effect.
If this interpretation of the “now” as not uniform or constant could be shown, then it would introduce potential evidence of “lag time” in the resolution of multiple choices and paths in causality for some local space time. It might indicate a “system” trying to adjust future reality frames based upon yet to be resolved events. So, in the case of Schrodinger’s Cat? – the cat will die, deterministically – but only after the events have been resolved within the generalized “now” … and the “now” might sometimes dilate in size to have a depth of unresolved events going back decades, if not hundreds of years. Of course, once the events are resolved they are likely untouchable – unless you can generate a sufficient level of complexity and energy to disturb resolved events and push them back into unresolved.

Nick Bostrum: https://youtu.be/rfKiTGj-zeQ
D) How is life in Florida …