MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221006_FRANCE_with_SEATTLE_MIKE.mp3
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Some French News …
Link: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/
Seattle Mike takes a trip to France …
Seattle Mike’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/seattleskeptic
- What was the worst thing that happened on your trip?
- What was the best thing that happened on your trip?
- Tell us about the food in rural France? Compare this to food available in the urban areas? (think about what I’ve said: where the FEMA camps are)
- Did you see any signs of social deterioration?
- Did you avoid no-go zones?
- Would you recommend France to other people?
- Why didn’t you buy Dan a case of French wine?
- Anything else of interest, and the upcoming prophecy series using Maranatha (Bultema) as a guide …
Mike’s Notes:
Traveling: Air travel and the fraud of “customs” – appears to be a make-work program that’s run by computers. None of the documents we were told to travel with were asked for, except our passports. We were not even questioned about the purpose of our visit aside from tourism.
As far as trains? – took the RER to Paris from Charles De Gaulle. First train we got on broke before it even left the station. The train ride was depressing. Paris suburbs are a mess.

Food: The food was amazing from the first bite in Paris and got markedly better the further we traveled away from major cities.

€12 platter of local food(see photo)
Wine. No sulfates/sulfides = no headache
Beer. Tasty and not quite as alcoholic as American craft beer
Village food is unreal. No meal for two over $40 including drinks and dessert.
The mysterious skin issues I’ve been dealing with since 2006 disappeared by day two.
My sense of smell took a 20X by day two
Lost 8 pounds and I ate like a fatso….
People: Outside of cities – relatively high trust society. Keys left in parked cars. Super polite way of dealing with one another. An emphasis on some formality. No expectation of friendship just because you met someone.
Driving: ZERO left lane camping on any freeway except where there was congestion.

At least they’re honest…. Lol
Many French I spoke with had a realistic view of the government. In sum “they” will do what they want and don’t care about the people. Encountered only 2 certified assholes during the entire two weeks
Housing: Outside of the cities, housing is cheap. I saw nice 2-4 bedroom houses on a bit of property for anywhere from €90,000 to €200,000. Very affordable.
Link: https://www.etreproprio.com/immobilier-14771328-vente-maison-270m-a-sancerre-sancerre