MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230831_BAD_COPS.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
- Moving to PA. Rural PA not far from Scranton, but that’s all I’ll say at this point.
- Why am I moving to PA? – because the option is between that and being street homeless. I’m hoping it turns out to be ideal in the way Utah was – but I don’t know, and my host really doesn’t know me yet. I believe he’ll find me to be an affable hermit, willing to help where and when he can and to pay what rent he can. This is my theory.
- I still need to raise between 400 and 500 dollars for a ticket and extra baggage charges and other items for the journey. I know I’ve asked a lot of you already, and I will understand if you can’t help. Times are tough.
- I’ve been told that the “we’re all refugees now” has resonated with some of my listeners. I think I would say this applies to more than just “space” but applies to our un tethered existence, spiritually, in this nation – most especially for Christians. We are refugees no longer having access to that sense of community that once existed, and the Levitt Town / Norman Borlaug world destroyed, nearly.
“The safest space you will find is in the grave.” – Dr. Freckles
- Qualified Immunity: is a type of legal immunity that protects a government official from lawsuits alleging that the official violated a plaintiff’s rights, only allowing suits where officials violated a “clearly established” statutory or constitutional right.
- There are many who presume a “bad cop” is less problematic, legally and ethically, than a straight criminal – but this is flawed reasoning on many levels.
- Even if we ignore the moral component of being a cop, we have to admit that they have resources, alliances, and authority that makes them FAR MORE DANGEROUS than an ordinary criminal. In fact the best comparison is to the cartels or organized crime generally.
- STAYGLON-BEASTS are breaking into fidgit-condos near Brinkley and 114th. Stomach beetles have been reported, jellyfish rabies is rampant here.i
- Old creeps are pimping out ugly hookers near Stunkton AVE. Caprice Le Roy is in charge of those hooker armies and is clearly making move against DIGLY and his hubba hubba soup gang. We’ll see what happens.
- Hijackers have taken control of the STAR SHIP YOOBULON-HORNET and are threatening to launch neutron bombs at the primary or main TACO BELL protein processing facility. They claim TACO BELL is using gammy-beings for it’s new style space taco meat. But these are sentient creatures, and are suffering a holocaust for your belly freak.
- The candy-chimp is haunting Dorset Corners. The monster spreads sugar and starch and hooks you on quick carbo-highs. Diabetes-23 is spreading, and the new artificial pancreas pumps cannot keep up. God help Dorset Corners.
- The FLYING TEETERS concert was cancelled last night because, at the last minute, TORG RAIDERS took out the stage and began holding people hostage. They claim that the TEETERS never returned their phone calls … and that there are babies … and they need their daddies.
- JISTER-WIVES are monitoring the waves between here and sclimpton. Torpedo husbands want to move stiglon-armies to region 7, while the BISHOP keeps his time at dumbah’s castle, where the greasy weasels cut up the meat.