PSR: NOTES (Terms of Service)

  1. THIS IS A FREE SPEECH PLATFORM BY DESIGN! As long as you do not promote specific acts of violence against a specific person? – you are fine. We are also NOT FANS of pedophiles, so stay away from this site – unless you are a pedo and WANT to be doxed.
  2. This is a free speech platform, and so we’re ok with whatever business you have AS LONG AS you are not violating NAP.
  3. We’re ok with “foul language” and “dirty words” – we agree with Lenny Bruce, and if the “H-BOMB” is ok? – then probably the f-bomb is ok too. Bad language will NOT get you banned here.
  4. RACISM? SEXISM? XENOPHOBIA of all SORTS? – get over it … and feel free to post your racist nonsense here … I would probably encrypt it for your “star chamber” brown shirts … but whatever .. post your bullshit. I would rather have you posting your shit on this site, than stirring up shit in the streets … “Post your shit on our site, don’t stir up shit in the streets.” – Dr. Freckles
  5. As of 2/2/22, this site ( is currently undergoing development and testing. There will be periodic updates, the best way to get the “latest version” is to refresh the notes page. THIS SITE IS BETA. You cannot currently delete your posts, but this function is going to be deployed soon (as of this posting).
  6. The current post limit is 1,000 posts – this might change, up or down.
  7. The current note size is 1,900 characters, which is roughly a page of text.
  8. 1 k posts (x) 1.9 k characters per post, works out to ROUGHLY 10 x 100 page books. You can use this system as a travel log – and with encryption coming (SOON) you will be able to lock/control reading and editing of your post.
  9. This is a ZERO LOGIN and ZERO COOKIE site, as of right now. We use your IP ADDRESS, coupled with GIS information, to track usage. Every website you visit requires your computer to have a unique IP address, but in the case of standard hosting OR VPN the location provided will not match your current location. If you move from your home computer to your work computer at a different location, your IP address will change – and therefore be a different account. If you have a laptop or mobile device, and switch from your home network to, say, a coffee shop’s network? – your IP address will change and this will also be a different “account” from the perspective of the system.
  10. We reserve the right to delete ANY MATERIAL that directs a person or group to violate NAP. What is NAP?
  11. NAP: the non-aggression principle MEANS no bullying, no violence, no resolution or problem solving with the use of force. Basically, non-violent cooperative problem solving is what we should do. Don’t tread on other people, don’t be tread on.
  12. What does NAP mean in the context of this site? – it means if we discover that you are promoting pedophilia or child pornography, your IP address will be blocked. If we see that you are using the site to PUBLICLY advocate for specific acts of violence against a group or individual? – your IP address will be blocked.
  13. Talking about violence IS NOT THE SAME as advocating specific acts of violence or aggression, for example: if I post “I wish Bill Gates were dead”, this is NOT the same as “we plan on killing Bill Gates, here is when and how” … Wishing someone dead, who is powerful, is an ancient form of protest, and not an act of violence EVEN IF it is rude.
  14. Being RUDE or trolling is NOT a violation of NAP.
  15. This is essentially an anonymous system. For any given IP address, in most cases, the “location” information will be shared with many internet services provider customers. If you want to identify yourself, that’s up to you – you can use a hashtag. However, anyone could use “your hashtag”, and that means spoofing. A combination of LOGON source and hashtag is as specific in terms of doxing yourself as you can get – that and you could post your name/address with the lat/lon coords.
  16. This system will probably remain free. If we go to a fee-for-service model, the totally anonymous LOGON model will not apply to your new account. The “free” service will likely continue, but the “verified user” service will be an add-on with additional features for paying customers – coming soon.
  17. your IP ADDRESS is linked to your privacy … it’s like your checking account number on the WWW … you should have situational awareness when it comes to this address. We use your IP address to allow “space” for notes … but your IP address can change … data mode VS on your home internet or being at work. You need to manage this … you need to be concerned about it …. and then consider using a VPN.