AS THEY ARE TRIPLE SPRAYING ABOVE YOU: this bullshit psyop never dies …

An AI might be used as a trolling process, but it’s entirely likely that ONCE the kids are engaged, the chat sessions are handed off to EVIL pieces of shit that pay for the privilege to do THIS and worse to kids.
AI’s can’t do this, and there is more to this story … I think …
I do not classify most if not all abusers of children or child rapists as human, I think they are demons. So if some crooked minister says “forgive the pedophile”, UNDERSTAND he is asking you to FORGIVE a DEMON … and you can’t do that.
Another thing: the VATICAN cloaks EVERYTHING in secrecy, deception and LIES. Problem is? – there IS NO WAY TO FORGIVE WITHOUT THE TRUTH. How can I forgive you when I don’t even know what you have done? How can I forgive you if you are obscuring your actions in the occult? – even BAKED INTO the crooked Vatican pagan system is this idea, but it’s shielded by the confessional, the idea that KEEPING A SECRET is okay as long as you tell your priest about it … even if it involves raping kids.