
I was thinking about certain “workflow tools” and “wizards” that exist in the world of web design and programming generally … and how, like Gandalf, they’re really a fucking disappointment. You end up with worse problems to unwind, later, that you dump on your replacement.


If some mother fucker comes to your door and says “YOU ARE THE ONLY HOPE TO SAVE THE WORLD”? – they are a grifter, and full of shit. The world doesn’t succeed or fail on the whims of any one person.

However – the world can turn sideways, or improve, based on ENOUGH people.

Gandalf’s “elevator pitch” is a lot of fear and intimidation bullshit.

(and Bilbo should have blown that mother fucker away)

And the good guys win? – you probably end up with a WORSE of EYE of SAURON.

(voters and statists do what they do)


The 501C3 doesn’t help you, not really … you can tell me about “tax deductions”, but that’s low energy bullshit.


And ties their ideology to whomever is tyrant TODAY.

The Antichrist

The Antichrist will be an evil reflection of Christ.

In a sense: like Olestra … not fat, not a thing anyone should consume … and it will give you the shits.

And if you think you know who it is and you’re right, before the Revelation? – you should write the name on a rock, and toss it into the sea … as I’ve said so many times before.

It’s a trap …

“Beware the limited-hangout sheepdog humans that say something right every once in a while: it’s a trap.” – Dr. Freckles


“People being ‘right’ once in a blue moon does NOT make them trustworthy, no more than a broken clock.” – Dr. Freckles

A Free Republic

“A truly free republic can suffer an anarchist that lives in the woods and wants to be left alone.” – Dr. Freckles

I’ll say this again and it does bear repeating:

A free republic can suffer a few anarchists that live in the woods and want to be left alone.

A tyranny can’t suffer ONE.

A piece of land …

“A ‘piece of land’ is WHAT Jesus rejected, in the wilderness, when Satan offered it – remember this when you think of the Middle East.” – Dr. Freckles

“Ask a Zionist: how many times has Israel, the nation, the STATE, been destroyed?” – Dr. Freckles

You can say: “Dan, Israel has been around thousands of years …”

But don’t cherry pick the EPOCHS of this history … much of if was about 1 SAM 8, and the curse.

“Israel” as a place has been burnt, destroyed, invaded, countless times …

Israel as the Children of Jacob – they ENDURE.

(if you’re a Christian and you don’t know the difference? – LEARN)