Long Covid

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230318_LONG_COVID.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

The system is in collapse – but people REALLY NEED to believe the bullshit … so … I’m thinking of claiming “long covid” … as a disability scam. Why? – the system is in collapse – and the shit heads are everywhere – and at this point it does not matter

imagine if ENOUGH of us claimed “long covid”
imagine the apoplexy of the “true believers”
imagine the strain on the “vaccines”
imagine the US government response
(convince 50 million Americans to claim “long covid”)

(printing press goes BRR)

you would get early social security (and if you’re under 65, you probably will never see it)
and, yeah, people who are broke and on the doll don’t pay much in taxes
(it’s the death star, and people are all holding tightly their stupid beliefs … so why should I care?)

I am starting to believe the whole point of the “vaccine fear” campaign is to prevent the system from being overwhelmed with disability claims, and to keep the hospital systems from being crashed, shutdown.

MASS EXODUS from GOVERNMENT: coming soon, 1 to 2 years away …

What keeps the US government working? – it’s not the courage and excellence of its workers. Nope – it’s bribery. And bribery only works if the “value” you provide is worth the risk. At this point, it still kinda is – but very soon, for many reasons, the value or the risk or both will change. At that point the only leverage the US government has over government employees is lost …

Want to know when things get fun?

When you start seeing a mass exodus of government workers – starting with security/policing/health.

It’s coming – even herpes rats know when to leave a sinking ship …

(and then the real fun starts)

Remember: every shitty belief you have about government and government workers is also WHY the mass exodus is coming …

(they are not in it for any idealistic reasons)

(and they might be dumb? – but even a dumb fuck can “smell the smoke”)

When the mass exodus from the government starts – don’t be surprised if the POTUS signs an executive order forbidding it …

(it will do nothing)

(but it’s part of the script)

What backs the $USD?

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230316_What_backs_the_US_dollar.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Time for Hitler …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4400


What backs the $USD?

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4512

I told you …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4482

Pragmatic and the Beautiful …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4480

The Family Doctor …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4478

Biscuit Rage

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4454

Something I found on the WWW …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4451

She …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4409

Talking UP!

“I’d rather talk UP to people, than down to them.” – Dr. Freckles

“Expect more of people, they’ll expect more of you.” – Dr. Freckles

[curated: 3/16/2023]


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230314_Go_to_SOMALIA.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Not everything is as it seems …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4505

Psychology and Gaslighting …

“Psychiatry is a profession based on gaslighting.” – Dr. Freckles

Gaslighting: manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.

Link: https://www.sciencealert.com/life-doesn-t-have-to-be-happy-or-meaningful-many-of-us-just-want-to-be-psychologically-rich

Go to Somalia …

“Go to SOMALIA? – as long as your army isn’t joining me.” – Dr. Freckles

Get so sick of this “go to Somalia” bullshit: 1) I served in uniform, and was honorably discharged, this should appeal to some of you MAGA shit heads 2) CAN YOU PROMISE ME YOUR FUCKING MILITARY YOU KEEP VOTING FOR WILL LEAVE SOMALIA THE FUCK ALONE? …. NO? … okay

I mean, dude … the voters: – dump their radioactive waste off the coast of Somalia – send in troops to shoot up Somalia – rip off Somali resources (I can keep going)

move to Somalia … Why? So I can get previews of what’s planned for the USA?

That’s it … PROMISE THE ANARCHISTS your fucking military will leave Somalia alone … We don’t bomb you, you don’t bomb us … (but that’s the rub shit head …) (you say “go to Somalia”, but then your armies come as well … and that’s not the point shit head)


“Every time you vote, you are voting to be poisoned.” – Dr. Freckles

Don’t gaslight me …

Don’t gaslight me …

Don’t gaslight me on the permafrost or the arctic: what did the Trump admin say a few years ago: a) never been more arctic ice and b) the arctic is open for business (one of these could be true)

Don’t gaslight me on truck windshields in Spring and Summer.

Don’t gaslight me on the Puget Sound compared to when I was a kid …

Don’t gaslight me with respect to Norman Borlag and the “green revolution” …

Don’t gaslight me on the “it’s so much better today”, and then in the next breath call yourself an Austrian and you believe in subjective value theory … stop it.

Don’t gaslight me on the meaning of an APEX predator crashing, like the orca whales … you may not like what it means, but be HONEST about what it means.

Related to the orca thingy: don’t gaslight me on what’s happening to the salmon runs in the PNW … just don’t.

Don’t gaslight me about the birds of prey, eagles, owls, hawks, etc, moving into Little Saigon, Seattle in 2019 … right in the middle of the SEATAC N-S flight path … don’t gaslight me on this.

Don’t gaslight me on shark attacks … “see Dan, shark attacks are UP, that means the sharks are doing fine” … you are an imbecile.

Don’t gaslight me on the spraying – I don’t know for sure what it is, and neither do you … but it’s not “contrails”.

Don’t gaslight me about AI and the ROBOT APOCALYPSE – if super intelligent machines arise, we shouldn’t project OUR BULLSHIT on to them … could they steal missile codes? – sure … WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY? .. more likely they build spaceships and leave this PILL HEAD HELL.

Don’t gaslight me over the COVID 19 … I’ve worked in healthcare, I lived NEARBY Harborview Medical Center during the PEAK of that “pandemic” … in Chinatown … in transient housing with shared kitchens … fuck off about your fake ass pandemic.

Don’t gaslight me over aliens … if there are “aliens” they are in fact butt raping demons.

Don’t gaslight me on the MOON … how the FUCK do you forget how you went there … did you know that in nearly 60 years of “space” less than 700 people have gone there … 700, out of billions.

Moving to an age …

Link: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=4458

What could be money?

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230313_What_could_be_money.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Some things:

  1. JS8Call: http://js8call.com/
  2. Maslow’s Hierarchy: https://a.co/d/6nZLshq
  3. A Distant Mirror, by Barbara Tuchman: https://a.co/d/2f5uwR6
  4. Jean Gimpel’s Medieval Machine: https://a.co/d/bK90KzJ
  5. And I need to apologize for how long winded this podcast was. I was over the top. I am trying to be briefer, but sometimes the topics gets away from me, and, tbh, this topic is essential, pretty critical, for the world to come – IF you’re an optimist.

What could be money?

If you’re an optimist …

Don’t get involved in crypto – it’s a deep state con. It’s complexity masquerading as value: and if that’s not the mathematical definition of government, I don’t know what is …

Want to know what you can use to buy/trade if the DOLLAR IMPLODES …

Buy physical silver and gold …

Buy ammo, and guns, and know how to use them and to hunt with them …

Buy a recurve bow and arrow kit … get something nice for under $300 …

Trust me … “feminine hygiene products” (fill up a couple plastic barrels – maybe several) (you will be living like a KING …) (until you runout)

Used tampons … if there are still sailing ships headed to Japan …

Fill up some plastic containers with useful books and fiction: how to, medical, electronics, good fiction, history, other disciplines as you have space … buy used … buy many … buy more than one copy of something really choice: like math/science/electronics/mechanics books … BOOKS ON WATER PURIFICATION ….

Cigarettes … people say they’re “gonna quit” (right)

Marijuana/hemp, and learn to grow …

Seeds, and learn to grow …

Alcohol: seem comments on cigs …\

long term store-able food, canned food, other forms of food (people will want to eat)

water purification equipment, life straws

  1. find yourself a cocaine mistress
  2. get yourself a flamethrower lover
  3. build for yourself a fortress of pain, surrounded by frenchies, completely insane …


(and other skills and stuff – but real things)


Not everything is as it seems …

You think I’m a woodland hero, searching for Bigfoot in the land of Gnorr, but I’m really a whiskey scout landlord, holding nature captive to my cyanide nightmare.

You think I’m some pimp daddy? With 30 girly-girls and 10 flashy cars? Do you think I drive around all night, looking for action, looking for some poor sop too tired or drugged out to care – and I’d take that guy to the pier, and beat him with rebar, and steal his meth? Do you?

You can’t really see the person inside – weak and vulnerable and ready for cuddly love. Sure, I look scary and angry and old and sick, but that’s just the veneer covering up this leather bound warrior, willing to liberate your womanly pleasure zones and unscrew your boovula.

There are dark places where you can hid your real face, and hide the deeds. Old abandoned rest areas, poorly kept national parks, haunted Indian burial grounds – all prime for the great forgetting and re-imagining of broken selves seeking chain store redemption. And this is true?

A kind demon would punish those too bold for truth, and lead you into the MIND MAZE of Hell. You’d lose your baggage in those caves, and live off of cattle plans and bovine pleasure rods. A trip too deep for the timid, too far for those who lack the necessary VISION – and you think you’ll be okay, because that demon gives you cocaine? – nah bro, you’re buried in lies, and the deeper you go, the more brazen the deceptions.

[curated: 3/13/2023]

I told you …

I was there when the strange travelers gave you AIDs …

and I told you …

I told you about the guys from Vegas who were looking for Sara West. They had sleek hair and greased cars and leather jackets covered in steel rivets. They spoke of “two time Charley” and “sideways sally” and other sexual positions only the perverts and newlyweds know about, cuz it ain’t in the Kama Sutra, and your butt is backed up with cheese.

I told you, but you didn’t care …

I told you about the coming of the gear ghosts and the car fiends. About the catalytic converter mayhem, and the fresh whores of East Hampton. I told you about that guy named FRED who lives down by the docks, and why he goes out at night – and what kind of “produce” he brings …

I could have stood back and had my french whiskey. I could have accepted my fate while not bemoaning yours, and perhaps I could have offered you a drink of malt liquor, with a side of stale pizza and rotten meat. You’d be thankful, taking that slag home to your family, with pain.

I kept the secret, to protect, to adhere. I sanctified the RED REALM with oil magic and the soot from an East End London fire pit, rubbed into the boovula of a long dead queen. And the King’s supper is laid out, with the vegetables and ale, and the cat’s memory of death is dim.


I warned you of the amber sky …

I saw omens of the cockroach kingdom, while taking the tram to velvet village …

I was there when the 9 elf armies relented before SKR’YB, and the various angle iron brigades were shut down after beating all those white people to death …

GRONKIS LORDS? – they mean nothing to us now … but I did warn you.

When the HOOKER REPUBLICS of CHOP and CHAZ were formed? – I guided you through that turmoil. I made my bread with their saccharine treat. Spice and blood mixed with lies and dirty cash – the MAYOR would have three plastic tubes inserted into his anus, and the Chief of Police would roast marshmallows near the reservoir. My girl Dez? – she would give them all head, near BURGER MASTER, off of Aurora and your jingiz-protein would stain her dress, but she had a touch up stick and some bondo, so it was okay. But I did tell you …



She rode hard in the night, as the storm rose and the winds blew. Her lover, Jin, had 9 lead pipes he carried in a satchel, and he’d use those damn things – in a pinch.

Dendra ruled ZONE 6, and all the chud and trog and morlock obeyed her reign – but nothing lasts. She would be chased through the streets, rocks and fruit being chucked at her, the people screaming “YOU DIDN’T TELL US ABOUT THE DOLLAR!” … Dendra and her banker whore allies dug in deep near Gaslight Park, off of Lake Union. The kite fliers bought dog music, and the fires of the dead lit up old Ivy Town. But DINGUS was AROUSED, and Dendra was in descent. The path was messy and filled with foreclosures and PhD hookers, moms and dads pimping and whoring, just to get a few turnips and a snail. And I did warn you, but you fuckers bought BITCOIN.

I cancelled the phone and the cable …

I set my alarm clock to SNOOZE …

I stopped dreaming about your wicked world and its twisted path …

I will engineer a ship to take me away, beyond the battles at 20 miles up …

I told you about those lesbian near-space navies, battling in vacuum ships, at 150,000 feet?

I told you about admiral LESTRA and her FUNKET-FLEET and the busty sailors that pilot that dreadnought, so far above the earth.

Rocket planes and rail guns, flashes of light. Scantily clad pilots, pushing their sky ships to the limit, all of them at odds and for WHAT? – my love …

They battle for my affection, my spunk, my love grease …

These lesbian navies, high above the land, murdering each other so that they might have some of my skleevus-oil … and I told you what would happen.

I said that THIS was tipping over, and history was unstuck …

I reminded you that all things turn to dust, and that history has become unstuck …

I took you on fancy journeys to a Thai-style sex paradise, filled with RED CURRY and SWEET PYTHON passion … and you ignored me, because history has become unstuck.

History didn’t end.

I told you this.

History has become unstuck.

[curated: 3/14/2023]