I was a traveler, in the TIME OF HIPPIES and RED WINE,

I spent my time, dancing the chorus, eating ouroboros,

I taught TIMOTHY LEARY all that he knew,

we sniffed glue,

I was his guide,

my brain was fried …

I am a traveler, and it’s all FINE.


He was a TRAVELER, in the time of BOBLIMPTOCK,

He spent his DAYS in a haze, drinking monkey spit,

He scolded ELVIS,

He sang to OLD CLOVIS,


He had his clam lover on TICK TOCK,

Cuz he was a traveler, and the road was cracked, and the SHIP was ROCKED.


She was a huntress, dressed in fiery love,

She was the QUEEN, fitting her kingdom like a glove,

She drank urchin wine and laughed before the swine.

She held court in MEMPHIS,

she was TEMPTRESS,

always scantily clad,




We were travelers on the ROAD of DISARRAY,

we made love to the swamp birds but HEY,

if a cow got into our way?

We’ll launch a troll-beam and see the world gleam.

As if this were the farce,

as if we were the fools,

as if land were far way,

wasn’t it cool?

To be that TRAVELLER?

To be that DUDE …


  1. When Col Sanders fought the NAZIs at Iwo Jima, a cleveland steamer, can I borrow your beamer … BMW …
  2. That time ZOOK the ALIEN stole your butt hole love ….
  3. And so Anne McGrood, hustling and rude, burned the CAR and flooded the bar …
  4. Horace the Slimy
  5. Tenny Tendril
  6. Whores from S’compton

Otherwise …

“So you got a group of random people to solve a problem for you, did ya? – it’s LEADERSHIP if it’s transparent, otherwise it’s just grifting.” – Dr. Freckles

Before the ENGLISH and the VATICAN …

“Before the ENGLISH and the VATICAN, Ireland had three nine day weeks to a MONTH. And you could say ‘well, that doesn’t add up Dan’, and I’d say ‘the other days are hangover days and LEAP YEARS are FUCKED’, that’s what I’d say in response.” – Dr. Freckles

Jonah, Nineveh and dogs …

“I think if I were Jonah, grumbling at being called to be a prophet … and I were sitting on that hill AFTER delivering the message, God would say to me, as I grumbled: ‘but WHAT about the dogs Dan?’ … and this is why God is a winner!” – Dr. Freckles

Holy Water

“Holy water might be mostly bullshit, I mean if Christ blessed it? – okay. But some random Catholic priest? – no.” – Dr. Freckles

To bless water you must find a martyr (that’s not possible), or a Saint who is simultaneously alive at the same time you are … how would you know?

An angel might be able to bless water for God.

And God could do it … but how often does THAT burning-bush stuff happen?


“… the abomination that causes desolation …” – in the Holy Place?

I believe THIS references Pope Francis (dark-John-the-Baptist) introducing the Antichrist to the world. I think Pope Francis will reveal the Antichrist, on or about Christmas, this year.

Which means if you believe I might be right, and if you believe in the RAPTURE? – then I would have my affairs in order, Earthly and spiritual, before December 24th, 2023.

And the location? – I think it could be Jerusalem, but it will probably be Bethlehem …


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230805_BLOODY_STAGE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Quick Update: I was having a pretty bad day yesterday …

Fake Pandemics: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8991

“Cancer Cure”: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8987

Bloody Stage: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8973

Ahead of my time (avant-garde): https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8971

Some of you get it: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8969

Dealing with depression: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8967

Humans: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8965

“A BLOODY STAGE for the Antichrist”: AMOC Collapse and the Clathrate Gun

Before we go too deep into this UGLY TOPIC, note THIS:

  1. We are living in an age of LIES and DECEPTION. We are living in an age of GRIFTERS and con-artists.
  2. The greatest GRIFTER and LIAR of all time is the DEVIL.
  4. Be a good Sovietologist: remove information you know to be false, if you find a contradiction? – remove all items that contradict each other. Then survey what is LEFT.
  5. It is my opinion that ALL SIDES ARE LYING when it concerns the environment: GOP/Conservatives are LYING, the LEFT/Progressives are lying.
  6. While I believe Dane Wigington is a SHEEP DOG, that does not imply everything he says is false. I think 80% of what he has said is true, while the other 20% is simply terrible fucking advice. If you can listen to him and understand that he is a deceiver, then there is some information that is useful. With respect to Stoicism, Covid-19, and the vaccine? – he is lying. With respect to “actions to take” he is giving shitty advice at this point, and in that sense he’s a lot like Guy McPherson. Hoodies? Marcus Aurelius? Handouts? Documentaries? Lawsuits? And “stay at your post” nonsense? – he, Dane, is full of shit. Dane’s confusing messaging is not an accident, it is intentional – therein lay the LIE that Dane is spreading. To quote Dane: “Chinese news is 10 times better.” “Chinese news is literally exponentially better.” – Dane … No Dane, it’s just as shitty as our news, and you act like it’s a “salad bar” – pick and choose what you to believe. It’s why, DANE, you pushed the false Covid narrative and you continue to do it via the vaccine garbage. “Nothing can stop them from doing MUCH WORSE …” – wrong. As a former air defense officer? – I can tell you there’s PLENTY that can be done against the slow moving targets, to include BOOST ASSISTED shoulder fired heat seeking missiles.
  7. I believe in LATE 2019, the deep state began LATE STAGE Geo-Engineering: levels of compounds so high, that many would have immediate toxic shock, and would simply drop DEAD … like the videos from Wuhan in early 2020. Covid-19 was likely COVER for this miscalculation.
  8. I’m a Christian man, and I will tell you a simple truth: THIS IS NOT EDEN, this is NOT the Millennium Kingdom, and it’s not Heaven. THIS IS THE FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT PLACE … it doesn’t have to be Hell, but human CHOICES can make it seem like Hell. If your pastor preaches a “you can burn and destroy and poop everywhere” Gospel? – your pastor is a deceiver.
  9. There are forbidden terms and concepts, eschewed by the LEFT and RIGHT when it comes to their “science”: a) permafrost, b) natural methane, c) clathrate gun, d) punctuated equilibrium, e) canfield ocean, f) nitrous oxide, g) hydrogen sulfide, h) tipping points, i) geoengineering, j) aluminum contamination and Alzheimers/Dementia, airline toxic air syndrome, autism … and other forbidden terms/topics … you find them, but they’re buried in search result nonsense.

Matthew 24: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+24&version=NIV

LINK: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-24/antarctic-sea-ice-levels-nosedive-five-sigma-event/102635204

LINK: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/25/gulf-stream-could-collapse-as-early-as-2025-study-suggests

LINK: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/25/florida-ocean-temperatures-hot-tub-extreme-weather

LINK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canfield_ocean

LINK: https://www.iflscience.com/seas-boiling-with-methane-on-scale-never-before-seen-reported-in-siberia-53905

Dealing with depression …

“If you suffer from some VARIANT of what’s called ‘depression’, and you are OVER the age of 50? – whatever you’re doing, as long as you’re not harming others, is DOING IT RIGHT!” – Dr. Freckles

Humans …

“The more I understand God, the more I experience HUMANS, the easier it is for me to understand OLD TESTAMENT JUSTICE.” – Dr. Freckles