What is subversive?

“The harder it is to find on the WWW, the more subversive it actually is.” – Dr. Freckles

If your FAVORITE YOUTUBE STAR has more than 100 subscribers? – chances are they’re saying precisely what the system wants them to say.

Doses of rage …

“Do you think it’s accidental that THEY manage to pack your fears into well designed doses of rage?” – Dr. Freckles

How do you know it’s a trauma monkey?

On an individual scale, you might thing these “trauma monkeys” create instability.

But on a population scale they operate like a sedative.

People, too busy focused on bullshit, not really focused on what they need to be focused on.

Table top magic.

Link: https://nypost.com/2024/03/10/us-news/kathy-brandel-was-allegedly-raped-before-she-was-murdered-alongside-her-husband-ralph-hendry/