Remember WHEN …

I remember Mrs Muggleworth’s celery paste, Puddle Flower would come home from the shallows, and bring me Spring Jebson’s Cotton tacos and Shirley style clam cake with celery paste.

Why can’t it be like it used to be?

Remember when we’d buy unicorn sauce from Treb, on the corner? He’d sell it from out behind the shed where his mother gave birth to him. It would be slick and brown and tangy, it added spark and life to our otherwise droll stoog-rations. Nestor-snakes would hunt our babies, but at least we had unicorn sauce.

remember that?

I used to play jump-it ball with the boys in the open lot across from the nuclear factory. We’d rub radioactive mud on our junk and wear hats made from mutant flowers, for hours we’d dance and play, with nothing left to do or say but cut the tumors off our arms, for dinner. And when that time ended? – we had the deadly “green clouds” from Denver, and that was nice too. I wonder, will it ever be like that again?

Do you think?

Can we MAGA this bitch?

Cum-steaks used to be really popular among the French people in Dallas. You’d see them up late, with doongle-hammers, beating out the JUICE. The stench of dirg-leeches filled the air as those dark figures of regret drifted in and out of their own shame castles. And mom would cook up skizz-stew for the dorb-master, and life was simple.

Can it be like that again, if we try real hard?


Dad had some kind of den below the barn …

There’d be these screams at night, and you’d never ask – not unless you wanted something, something real bad to happen. Sure, there were garbage bags filled, moved, dumped in Lake Gorch … for the tringle fish to feed upon. And his hands would be stained red, and his affect cold, and his eyes staring miles ahead of his heart. We would all have pancakes.

Can MAGA BLUMP save us so that we can have this again?

We used to make slab-loaf for parties, celebrations. Nurse Yuul would bring Danish style short-ribs, and our home would be filled with mist and smiles. Mom would render the grissolm-fat into some kind of form and mix in parrot droppings and rat marrow and dying frog goo. It would take hours to make, but everyone felt good about it, it was special …

Can we MAGA our way back to that place?