


Ways in which 2024 (or sooner) could be bat shit crazy:

Severity: 0-10, 10 being most severe, a potential “10,000 year event”. I would also say the scale is logarithmic and not linear … so it is a power of 10 difference as you go up each level …

Likelihood: high, medium, low or H, M, L …

  1. Dollar Collapse / Petro-Dollar Empire Collapse [S:5, L:H]
  2. US Civil War (because people are being pushed to the breaking point) [S:6, L:M]
  3. Alien Visitation or Invasion [S:7, L:L]
  4. Catastrophic geological event (super quakes, caldera eruptions) [S:8, L:M]
  5. Catastrophic climate event (clathrate gun or methane bomb mainly) [S:9, L:M]
  6. Solar Event [S:8, L:M]
  7. Famine [S:8, L:M]
  8. Nuclear War (if the Ukraine conflict is real, or even if it’s not, it could offer cover for this type of an extermination) [S:9, L:L]

*** these can work together, synergistically, one event triggering another or happening in parallel and building on each other … failure in complex systems is often cascading and unpredictable.

Only One Way:

Parasitic Illnesses:

Greatest Joy:

Teenagers making noise:

Only one way …

I think there’s only one way you “get away with” what THEY have been doing. If people in the near future are too busy, the ones left alive, just trying to stay alive? – they won’t be forming large “armies of revenge” and somehow load their asses onto cargo ships and sail to the main ALPHA COMPLEX in Antarctica.

It’s the only way this works out for them …

And how long will these bunkers function?

(do you really think THEY are better off)

(maybe you can’t win doing something like this)

(maybe nobody wins)

Parasitic Illnesses …

You can’t get twisty-egg disease unless your boovula is inflamed and there is darstiss residue collecting around the ring of your dorf-crooz.

I remember when Cary Grant made love to some blonde bimbo on a train, but he was hunted by angry Germans armed with bats and drag queen scamp oils … he got some kind of worm from eating that doberman-cake at the fishnet rally for OLD GREY BEARDED FREAKS and other hippies living in Sector-455-ZEBRA …

There are swamp turtles in South America, the live off of water buffalo scat and Amazon greebe-shit from dying anacondas … These turtles are infested with tiny singe-ant maggots, that feed on their brains and muscles … so the turtles move excruciatingly slow, and are covered in fungus and moss and other tiny worlds … People who have eaten these turtles also become infected, and the maggots eat away at all their happy memories, leaving them slow and sad and covered in moss …

SKY-VIRGINS do battle in vacuum ship dreadnoughts, 20 miles above the surface of the Earth. Sometimes you can see the flashes from their plasmatic rail guns, sometimes a laser blast or an explosion … The ships up there have poor circulation and are a home to many different kinds of mold … mold that enters these SKY-LESBIANS boovulas and cause stringus-infections and super-yeast-12000 … If you are sick from this type of infection, you can douse yourself in gasoline and monk-jelly and grab a road flare and jump out the airlock, falling through near space, towards the land below …

You get “flea-gulls” from hanging out at the ANCHOR BAR off of Grinken AVE in San Francisco, CA. They get into your junk, and your junk stops feeling right … So you take your gold to Melba’s off of 3rd and sell two pints of faerie dust jizz to take your lightning wand to the BIG EASY … You can buy a gamma ray laser to get rid of those fuckers … they’re tearing the insides out of you.

After 8 PM, when the guile folk tremble before MORTE, the guest is allowed to feed on lice pudding and the chef is allowed to bite the dark oyster …

When jousting near Mumbai, and your elephant craps a big one? – you can BUY a KITE-WRESTLER, or one of those kids that grabs a welding torch and tears apart ships along the shore, like sand termites … they have the tumor juice … they know.

Here is a short list of additional concerns:

  1. fire ants
  2. coodies
  3. killer bees
  4. great white sharks
  5. albino alligators
  6. roaches, giant ones
  7. rats of enormous size
  8. vampires
  9. robots
  10. herpes 9000 – don’t want
  11. vaccines for make believe problems
  12. nuclear holocaust
  13. bacteriological warfare
  14. chemical warfare
  15. computers
  16. hookers
  17. pimps
  18. ex-wives
  19. ex-wives that become hookers
  20. LOVE

LOVE is the KILLER …



(the ultimate parasitic illness)





A short conversation: 2024 and my madness …


Conservation of the FRACTOR:


Chinese Space Pilots:

NASA/MK-ULTRA Connection:

The fractor must endure …

FRACTOR: a fractor is a time traveler, who travels backwards in time (this doesn’t apply to traveling to the future, since no paradox could be introduced). Any amount of distortion within the unresolved “now” eliminates the previous state space for the causality field bounded by some local space-time. The fractor, by merely going back, even a a few seconds, erases the previous states and can introduce paradoxes. But the fractor survives this, and carries the memory of futures destroyed.

“In order for time travel into the past to make sense, every action erases the future, and the fractor endures despite contradiction or paradox.” – Dr. Freckles

Rule 1 of Time Travel: the conservation of the fractor.

Rule 2 of Time Travel: the scope of erasal is the scope of the NOW or the present and it’s unresolved trailing edge.


The FRACTOR survives …

I went back to the JFK assassination and got JOHNNY CARSON to sell paperclips to Muslim hoarders. They took a smell and went north …

I shunned the Moon goddess and knew her carnal despair as our bodies were entwined in zero G and our hearts were filled with muskrat juice. We danced among the caverns of ZORN as tulip soldiers fired their laser cannons at the KRIEGEN FOLK. And once we tore a hole in space time and reversed all the sacred crimes our pimp daddy FOSTER MCGIVENS returned from the wars with rescue trophies and dead hooker wives.

When Cleopatra ruled Egypt and the other Macedonian Kingdoms fell, I took a turn as Caesar, and leapt from rooftop to rooftop like a Mexican roof dog hunting some small tasty morsel to quench my lust. Tilly Gippers stole the time-watch and needed a lift to 1873 to steal gold from his long lost love – but I told him “we’ve fractured time too much, we live, but our hearts turn black and cold” … he didn’t care … he had all the cocaine.

I was a Norse King, when Ragnar raided the English poolies and left the monks dead at old Red Rock. Carsten, the feston-herder, etched my name on the walls of Cornish masters, as the harlot women of sector-98 went wild and left their disco love by the exchequer, no longer delinquent in her payments to the outsiders. William the Conquerer sold tickets on e-Bay, and the time rift spread to quadrant-ALPHA, and too many fractors ran loose in the city.

The FRACTOR is a jaded soul that rides the wave of improbable life. The fractor is conserved by space-time to enabled the wild pizza ride between possible NOWs, and the yesterday NOW that the fractor can get to. Like an expanding oasis in a torn up desert, the causality field is the warm cuddly place that protects the FRACTOR – but nothing can protect the fractor from the sadness of loss, and of lives never existing, and other queer effects of broken time.

Someone taught Hitler to dive off of Old Creek’s Mountain and to lead the lesbian beastress women against the voluptuous armies of Madam Soviet, during the great commie war of 1956 … so many fission bombs were dropped on NYC and LA and Tokyo and London … the mutants ruled the lands and the comic chants filled the air with stale regret.

The fractors stole THE RUBIES of MARS in 1985, after President Ray-gun delivered his great speech denouncing the space-nazis of region-712. They took them rubies to the belirium-mines on Saturn, and harvested gimble flesh from the super beings that feed on our own nightmares. Nasty and unlikely friends lived on angel grease there.

Bone day is getting closer …

The dogs sense it …

They know that the great wheel is damaged, and that all stuff will be replenished and repeated. The dogs will gather the bones into a great pile, and make things ready for the reboot of history lost.

The fractors sense it too …

(and we prepare)

AT END TIME, when the the loop is closed between creation and destruction, T-RAY ARTISTS form coalitions of accident whereby they hold hands across time and institute the permanent FRACTOR – universe without end, without beginning, time looping in on itself, ouroboros …

I would stand there, at Time’s End, and sing the songs of lost worlds – of lands destroyed, of existence wiped away. We survive the great reaping only to carry the wounds of trillions, and to have knowledge of that which never happened.

And our hearts grow heavy.

And we sleep.




No one under 50:




Right Things:

Spotify nonsense:

Salvation Critical:

Israel: no one under the age of 50 died of COVID-19 …


  1. A tsunami of class action lawsuits will hit every major hospital system.
  2. Once discovery begins, a LOT of interesting stuff will come out.
  3. Unless there is an act of congress, many of these systems will go bankrupt and shut down, many hospitals will have to reduce services.
  4. The bulk of these will hit in 2024 …

(ask me why I think “2024” will be different than advertised)




Greetings and updates.

Reading 1: Jeremiah 33,

Reading 2: Proverbs 28:9,

Reading 3: Matthew 7: 7-12,


Lord in Heaven,

In our daily lives we often forget that You are always here, always near.

It is hard for us, often, to escape the ritual, the Sunday Mass and Worship,

the various commitments we have to the churches we attend,

and in our actions these forms of remembrance become empty and disconnected.

But did you not Jesus, in the garden, humble yourself to pray?

Did you not, Dear Lord, on the Cross, pray for the forgiveness of those who “do not know what they do”?

If Jesus could humble himself to pray, with heart and vigor and passion, and He is the Son of God, then can we not humble ourselves to pray, with passion, to our Lord in Heaven, asking for his help on our part and for those sinners who need Him now?


We pray to you this day for the wisdom to know the words,

We pray for the compassion to send our love, to you Christ, on the part of those we love.

We remember the stranger, the orphan, the widow – and we remember them in prayer.

We pray for guidance and grace, so that we can forgive others, as we ourselves are forgiven.

In Your Name we serve,


Reading 4: Mark 11: 22-26,

Reading 5: Luke 22: 39-46,


  1. Jesus in the garden, Jesus before he died on the cross.
  2. kind of angry at my neighbors over the dog situation.
  3. kind of angry at parents who blame everything for their kid’s situation except for themselves.
  4. But the anger? – is bad.
  5. So I pray for peace, for grace, for my ability to forgive.
  6. Prayer is critical when times are hard, prayer is essential for grace and thanksgiving.
  7. How do you pray?

Moment of silence: Prayer – for those in our lives who need the help and need to begin.

Have a great week!




Conspiracy of Silence:

Old School House:

Responsible People:


Probably Not:

We are not the same:

The old school house, in the film “Over the Edge” …

There’s an old school house in the parking lot, almost as if it’s on display, a monument, to a time now forgotten. Next to this is the “New Granada Jr High”, flashy and modern and plastic and aluminum.

With the old school house – there’s more “outside” than “inside”. You get the sense that it’s a limited space, but still a space of control – without any pretense.

The new school has it all. Food, fun, sports, drugs. The new school is a place you can dump your kid for the day.

The old school house had a way out for every room.

The new school house has a way in for every kid, and no way out.