“Living in this fallen world, you’re gonna step on some paws.” – Dr. Freckles

I was going to walk the dogs this morning and something happened to little Shaggy …

  1. going OUT THERE, taking risks
  2. making friends
  3. falling in love
  4. being yourself
  5. walking dogs – they need it, but sometimes …

Marriage and family …

“I think marriage and family would be more successful if we REDUCED the amount of time we spent away from it.” – Dr. Freckles

In 2020 I saw all I needed to know about the “noble parents” …

  • cowards
  • no nothings
  • toadies

I saw parents sacrifice their children’s innocence to Baal out of fear …

And if you got the fucking vaccine and were injured? – WHY MOTHER FUCKER? For a make believe pandemic? Why did you take it?

Here’s what I said: Poison or Placebo (3/10/2021)

The Canadian forest fires …

“… ‘Suddenly there are young people setting fires in forests’ … is not a rational position.” – Dr. Freckles

  • there have been more and extensive forest fires in the Siberian and Canadian sub-arctic the last 10 years
  • these fires don’t go out, in many cases, and burn year round
  • KIDS have been setting fires, negligently, in the woods, SINCE FIRE WAS DISCOVERED
  • How dry, relatively speaking, is the sub-arctic at this point? (good question)

You ever wonder WHY they went CO2 scare first, methane scare second?

You ever wonder why they switched from “global warming” to “climate change”?

(there’s an answer, you might not like it)