“Sometimes I find my greatest joy in being proven WRONG.” – Dr. Freckles
The fractor must endure …
FRACTOR: a fractor is a time traveler, who travels backwards in time (this doesn’t apply to traveling to the future, since no paradox could be introduced). Any amount of distortion within the unresolved “now” eliminates the previous state space for the causality field bounded by some local space-time. The fractor, by merely going back, even a a few seconds, erases the previous states and can introduce paradoxes. But the fractor survives this, and carries the memory of futures destroyed.
“In order for time travel into the past to make sense, every action erases the future, and the fractor endures despite contradiction or paradox.” – Dr. Freckles
Rule 1 of Time Travel: the conservation of the fractor.
Rule 2 of Time Travel: the scope of erasal is the scope of the NOW or the present and it’s unresolved trailing edge.
NASA, MK-ULTRA and Mind Control …
“There is no NASA without MK-ULTRA.” – Dr. Freckles
Cigarettes …
“You can abort me, but it’s illegal to self abort?” – Dr. Freckles
Losers …
“Sometimes it takes a loser to win.” – Dr. Freckles
Critical …
“If it’s not salvation critical, then it’s opinion, and it really doesn’t matter all that much.” – Dr. Freckles
Probably not …
“If you hold a stick of dynamite in your hand, and light the fuse? – God’s probably NOT going to stop it. He might make popcorn.” – Dr. Freckles
We are not the same …
“YOU want to live in a prison, with other prisoners, and shove dildos up your butt cracks all day, I want to live in a free country. We are not the same.” – Dr. Freckles
Lord loves sinners …
“They say the IRISH are the most in touch with the Lord, because the Lord LOVES sinners.” – Dr. Freckles
Space …
“Thinking about SPACE is like thinking about dragons … or wizards.” – Dr. Freckles
Fewer than 700 people have been to “space” since 1961 …
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_travellers_by_first_flight