“As empires collapse, grifters and parasites multiply.” – Dr. Freckles
Mantra, tautology …
“Every mantra is a tautology, every tautology a mantra.” – Dr. Freckles
Boring sports …
“Sports would be more fun if players randomly left the field and started pounding on the spectators, hard.” – Dr. Freckles
I want to watch a professional baseball game where the players can just go off all half-cocked and assault the onlookers, and it’s just part of the deal …
You want to see that game? – you might get beaten real bad in front of your kids …
Think of all the sponsors …
I would arm all NBA players with glocks. There’d be this part of every game, maybe before the 4th period, where the players would just lay into each other, and the FANS … tearing shit up with GLOCK-19 hollow point rounds.
People would say … “shit Dan, that’s wrong …”
Can you imagine professional swimming?
The swimmers armed with spring loaded harpoon guns?
And it’s like:
fuck, I can go berzerk and maybe shoot my competitor from East S’compon High because I’m all crazy from the meth I smoked.
I think the women should be naked as they swim.
Think about professional bowling, where the competitors at some point just pick up a bowling ball and wail on some person watching, some random observer, beating their skull so bad that their brains spill out.
And the kiddies? – they’ll buy the videos and the comics and cocaine.
Wouldn’t it be GREAT to watch a football game and see the entire offensive line just RUN UP into the stands and start pouncing on shitty drunks screaming their cigarette lies to all the scrunglies?
See some giant offensive lineman just pin some schmuck up against the wall, yeah.
Loving smart …
“I love SMART, so I’m often partial to crazy.” – Dr. Freckles
Irish …
“To be Irish is to be a stubborn dreamer.” – Dr. Freckles
Dogs, humans, and the cookout …
“Dogs or wolves, and humans, came together over the BBQ.” – Dr. Freckles
HIGH explosives …
“I like my HIGH explosives … I want my gas to expand at maximum velocity.” – Dr. Freckles
Food and poop …
“Food also proves itself as poop.” – Dr. Freckles
Comedy, Tragedy, Reality …
“Comedy is the smile tragedy wears.” – Dr. Freckles
Kindness vs Communism (revisited, again)
“People that learn the difference between kindness and communism become wise.” – Dr. Freckles