“Because the Lord is Great, I am a cosmological agnostic.” – Dr. Freckles
Predictive programming … (meh)
“Predictive programming: how Hollywood and the CIA owns your mind.” – Dr. Freckles
Predictive Programming, along with revelation of method, is the belief that evil shitty scummy people owe you ANY FUCKING OBLIGATION to tell you “what’s gonna happen” …
If they’re feeding you info, it’s probably to prepare your mind for a PSYOP.
(kind of like that movie CONTAGION from 2011 I think …)
Bond Villain Reset
“People believe the RESET/WEF nonsense simply because they’ve had DECADES of the HUGE REVEAL in Hollywood flicks, Bond movies.” – Dr. Freckles
“The GREAT RESET is a cartoon.” – Dr. Freckles
Small screens, small world …
“There’s a better world out there, too big for screens.” – Dr. Freckles
Appearance of the Antichrist …
“I can’t think of a people, especially post 2020, more ready for the Antichrist. I can’t think of a time more ripe for his appearance.” – Dr. Freckles
Bad relationship …
“If the relationship begins with a gun to your head, don’t assume it will improve.” – Dr. Freckles
“Space is hard to believe.” – Dr. Freckles
Moral superiority …
“Moral superiority in a pill head neo-Stalinist empire is hard to come by.” – Dr. Freckles
Pride and shame …
“Just because you’re not ASHAMED of who you are, DOES NOT IMPLY you should be PROUD of who you are: they are not opposites.” – Dr. Freckles
“The only people more fucked up than hard core alcoholics are 12 steppers.” – Dr. Freckles