“Don’t mess with an adult man on a tricycle … he’s already got enough problems.” – Dr. Freckles
“If I were to describe the bullshit ‘climate’ dance between the LEFT and RIGHT? – it would be a LIE chasing a DECEIVER … decades of useless GASLIGHTING from all.” – Dr. Freckles
Days without drinking …
“If you have to tell people how many days it’s been since you drank last? – you’re gonna drink again.” – Dr. Freckles
Dating websites and grifters …
“Dating websites: because grifters need help.” – Dr. Freckles
Necessity …
“Necessity is the mother of necessity.” – Dr. Freckles
Weirdly hopeful …
“I’m trying to be hopeful in the weirdest way possible.” – Dr. Freckles
Cops and Rule-of-law …
“If you approach the ‘cop’ situation believing there’s a rule-of-law? – you are wrong, since at least 2020.” – Dr. Freckles
- Mayberry was fictional
- COPs were always tools of power
- Power is losing power, and this will impact cops
- Even if you assume COPs represent a random selection of humans, it is too much power to give anyone
- But you should know: the cop rules no longer apply, and if it’s still a “game”? – it’s a game being played by inmates in an asylum ….
So be fucking careful with your cop interactions.
Understand, as with the eagle, sometimes you “bury it and forget about it”.
Don’t …
“Don’t bail out ANY loans, it’s that simple.” – Dr. Freckles
- Perverse Incentives
- Seat belts and football pads
- Which industry is special? – Housing, Petroleum/Energy, Military, Agriculture, Education ??? Which one deserves subsidies and bailouts?
- No one is getting bailed out next time around, we’ll all be too busy bailing water
The Bible
“The Bible is a book that cleverly doesn’t really have an ending, the Word is forever.” – Dr. Freckles
Meth mouth …
“The open hole of hell has meth mouth.” – Dr. Freckles
I was awake in bed as I looked out the window, all the way to the end of infinity …
In the blackness, out there in space, some person was looking back at me …
In the blackness, there are strangers with eyes and hands and hunger, looking back …