Dealing with depression …

“If you suffer from some VARIANT of what’s called ‘depression’, and you are OVER the age of 50? – whatever you’re doing, as long as you’re not harming others, is DOING IT RIGHT!” – Dr. Freckles

Humans …

“The more I understand God, the more I experience HUMANS, the easier it is for me to understand OLD TESTAMENT JUSTICE.” – Dr. Freckles

Deception Salad Bar

“When it comes to the GOVERNMENT: it takes a special kind of FREAK to cherry pick WHICH LIES to believe, and which ones to dismiss.” – Dr. Freckles

  • “Climate Change”
  • “We fixed the OZONE LAYER …”
  • “We solved POLIO and MALARIA …”
  • “COVID-19 was a PANDEMIC”
  • “Ukraine War”
  • “Trump / Biden Trauma Drama”
  • “UCR and Violent Crime going DOWN”
  • (and so much more)