When PSYOPs end …

“Even when a PSYOP ends, it leaves a residue. The residue can be considered the basis for a religious belief – sometimes even a cult.” – Dr. Freckles

  • covid-19 and the “coffee filter” cult
  • 9/11 flag waving
  • the Moon Landings

All left a residue …

The residue create new belief systems, all of which is best dissected from the angle of comparative religion and mythology.

Think about the “moon landings”:

The “moon landing” is a BRILLIANT THING to lie about, if you’re a con artist or voter …

  • It’s not as hard as actually doing it
  • you can pocket a SHIT TON of money saying you did it
  • it creates a positive mythology that buttresses state power for generations

Hacking in 2023

“The key to hacking in 2023 is knowing this: a LOT OF STUFF is built VERY POORLY these days, just a matter of finding what part of the flimsy shed to push on … so the whole thing falls down.” – Dr. Freckles