“Many medical problems persist until you run out of money, or other people’s money.” – Dr. Freckles


There is no economically feasible way you can provide sexual transition surgery to EVERY PERSON seeking it today – not financially, not logistically.

It would require TAXES to pay for it that would dwarf those taxes funding Medicare.

ERGO: it’s a fear monkey

40-50 million surgeries in the US each year …

1.6 million young people needing transition.

4 surgeries, on average, per transition.

That’s between 6 and 7 million additional surgeries, an increase of 14% at least, likely an increase of 20% over current surgical operations.

Exactly what does this do to malpractice?

Assuming hospital systems survive the onslaught of the COMING COVID LAWSUIT TIDAL WAVE, there would be no way for the insurance companies to cover this – and they would not.

This means bankrupt hospitals and doctors …

(tell me more about the coming wave of trans surgery)

Surgery + hospital stay: $100K on average …

$100K * 1.6M * 4 (total surgeries) == 640 billion dollars … and plan on doing a similar cohort every YEAR.

In terms of EVIL AGENDAS:

a) vaccine mass murder

b) mass sterilization with surgeries

c) making medically assisted suicide available FOR ALL – which is where Canada is at

Which is cheapest?

Which, given the bat shit crazy state of things, is likely to work?

Catholic Church and Child Trafficking

“Talking about child trafficking and NOT mentioning the Catholic Church is like talking about auto racing and ignoring the INDY 500.” – Dr. Freckles

Prior to the Monkey Herpes / COVID PSYOP? – the Vatican was facing a lot of problems with child abuse, child trafficking … but as China and the Banking system were helped by the fake crisis, so also the Vatican.





“You know what I WANT? – a woman in my life that has a grip on reality, even a tiny grip is better than none.” – Dr. Freckles