Shut up AND LISTEN fucker …

The wookie people are coming … they’re tired of our insolence and wrathful deceitfulness and our cocaine breakfast parties …

they grow tired of our FANCY ATTITUDES …

they seek after GREASE WISDOM and the John Travolta “barbarino” happy ending …

Wookies are everywhere …


There are mass graves all over Utah … nobody talks about it. Places where hundreds of folks, natives, gypsies, were just buried … no one knows why.

You go to Vernal and say “hey buddy, want to talk about those mass graves under the WALMART” … and it’s just deer in the headlights man … and your the JORGEN NULL beast.

The elderly track down their lost cousins, to some RANCH near T’lib, where the old style Mormons have 30 wives and love is a wet noodle pie. They know about the dead, the humpton flesh, the dregs and crags and lost boys. So many humans from the atomic tests, burnt alive, and then just dumped in the Utah desert …

So shut …. LISTEN … please.

The CAT LADIES of Chicago mean business.

Prices of cat food keep going up, so they pick up some poor sap at the bar and get him home, and kill him. Then, with the Kitchenaid, they turn that poor suitor into FANCY FEAST for their furry kids …

These cat women don’t care about you … they might be sexy and busty, but they will feed you to their cats …

SHUT UP FUCKER … listen.

UNIVERSAL PEST MERCHANTS are setting up shop near PLUTO. They don’t care that it’s not a planet and they don’t give a shit about your IDEAS or DREAMS …

These sleaze flesh dealers are looking for pink-monkeys and they will sell these among the QUIB of REGION-HOTEL. They get gold and diamonds for each hairless atrocity as they dance to the naked duel snakes and live like DUKES on the chamber of dark energy and brown dwarfs …


Eating your McMuffins and pondering Sklade the Foul?

Your time is coming RUBE and the glow of amber lightning shall envelop your tasteless heart and a cat named PHIL will relieve you of your LIFE …


Listen …

In the not too distant future:

  1. Turg Nurdlers from the inner Earth.
  2. TANTRIC HYPERINFLATION (Jerome is great)
  3. Bone math for the kids.
  4. Roach paste riots …
  5. Love pastures near Sklabe Ville …
  6. Signature miniature Mama Celeste pizzas made from depleted uranium and blood sausage.
  7. Kelly fast cars and the death rattle …
  8. “Nothing will be found, nothing will be discovered, the universe is a METH MONKEY and you are its bitch.” – Dr. Freckles

And I still don’t think you can hear me …

(you’re not listening)

Reasoning with PSYOPs …

“You don’t reason with a PSYOP, you ignore it.” – Dr. Freckles


  1. this is real, and they really do want to drive most people insane
  2. this is not real, and they really do want to drive most people insane
  3. this is the end times
  4. there is no God, and this is the infinite gray nothing … a cosmic expanse of existential NULL

Dogs …

“For your dog, every truck is YOUR truck, and if the food is on the floor the maritime laws of salvage apply.” – Dr. Freckles

Money free inflation …

“Funny thing about inflation: it doesn’t mean much if you don’t have any money.” – Dr. Freckles

Yes – there’s been inflation.

No – I can’t say that the amount of free cash out there has been very extensive. Seems like poor folks still don’t have any cash – so if you have nothing, it’s kind of irrelevant what the price is.