“If some of your company’s critical revenue comes from the FED GRIFT? – whether it’s payouts, or tax favors, or free FED bucks? – chances are you do nothing good, and probably you do a helluva a lot of BAD.” – Dr. Freckles
Validating honey pots …
“Validating honey pots has been a big part of the manipulation since early 2020.” – Dr. Freckles
- ufo/aliens
- WEF/reset
- WUHAN LABS (someone has never worked at a US county hospital)
- Tucker / Alex
- Elon / Twitter
- too many others to list
There are limited hangouts, honey pots, distractions.
Professor Crab-Tree
“If my name were PROFESSOR CRAB-TREE, I would CRISPR engineer apple trees that grew Dungeness crabs.” – Dr. Freckles
“Be careful when looking for old furniture: old chairs have fart demons.” – Dr. Freckles
let’s keep it simple:
Boomers did a lot of coke back in the 70’s / 80’s.
(some laxative in it)
(many of those coke heads got super broke and had to sell all their furniture)
Freedom, and physical assault …
“If you don’t know the difference between freedom and physical assault, you will be treated like an animal.” – Dr. Freckles
“Jesus was engagement farming.” – Dr. Freckles
Squishy stuff …
“Spock would have been happiest as simply a software engineer. God forbid you enter that field AFTER 30, as a human, and KNOW the ‘squishy stuff’ that doesn’t fit into logic – then you are truly doomed.” – Dr. Freckles
“The world will be WOKE when I get to play Kunta Kinte in the upcoming ROOTS revival.” – Dr. Freckles
Look away …
“If you saw me on the street, you would look away.” – Dr. Freckles
Talked about on YOUTUBE …
“If it’s being talked about on YouTube, it’s probably wrong.” – Dr. Freckles