Eden …

“Eden seems like a boring place.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. we needed to get kicked out
  2. this world was never going to be paradise, but it could be a garden
  3. it’s important, this time of year, to remember the beginnings too: look into Genesis this Easter, into the creation myth, and meditate on the story of Abraham and Isaac and the sacrifice that was not. And then think about what God gave up for the world, think about the sacrifice of Jesus, and what THAT means.


“As diesel prices increase, the likelihood of government threats made REAL decreases.” – Dr. Freckles

BTW: if you don’t know that TRADE and MILITARIES basically run on diesel, how dumb are you?

What is subversive?

“The harder it is to find on the WWW, the more subversive it actually is.” – Dr. Freckles

If your FAVORITE YOUTUBE STAR has more than 100 subscribers? – chances are they’re saying precisely what the system wants them to say.