MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220108_HYPER_STATISM_vs_COLLAPSE.mp3
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“If you want an abortion …”
What did my friend’s wife tell me, when I was in the US Army 20 years ago?
“If you want an abortion, just have your baby in a military hospital.”
(good luck with using the military replacements, the real fun starts soon)
- the NWO/deep-state fucks had enough power in 2020 to turn off much of the world economy. They had been raping, stealing, and doing other crooked shit for my entire life, probably longer, so why would they stop?
- any statism that follows the previous EPOCH can only be called hyper-statism
- hyper-statism is the totalistic control of all human affairs, to include human thought … this is NOT “1984” … they had “thought police”, but they couldn’t actually read minds … they were like our thought police TODAY … no, “thought police” in hyper-statism means the ability to infiltrate, with technology or other means, the deepest reaches of the human mind … to control it, program it.
- I’ve talked about collapse enough, on my podcast, I figure people know what collapse is …
- So the question is, what is more likely: hyper-statism which will require all of the promised technology, and beyond, to be delivered – soon … or collapse?
TECH requirements of Hyper-Statism:
- bio-electronic human programming
- free energy (or energy return that is better than oil in 1900)
- pre-crime
- experimental / cultural behaviorism
- neo-slavery
- cybernetic education systems
- quantum computing
- functional above room temperature non-rare earth based super-conduction (synthetic AND cheap super conductors)
- total destruction of spiritual life
- nano tech
- (just think BORG)
Forget politics, forget your favorite news site … if you were betting:
a) hyper-statism
b) collapse
(I think all other options are off the table, given the brain damage present in much of the population … I would love it if people understood that the only true path to survival is freedom … but I doubt they will)
(we don’t get a “graceful degradation” or “incrementalism” from here … sorry)
(nature: NOT LINEAR)