The Song of Straag Flesh …

For too many days now, the HELGEN-KLAN has been scouring the river bottoms for what’s left of the salmprey … half salmon, half lamprey … something the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came up with …

Seegen-Nol, the knife-wielder, kept his own nig-swamp out back behind the dumpster. He’d brew muesel-wax and sell his own tyg-sore scabs to the pimp off of Blinkton Street. There were those demon cubs that roamed about, seeking after the fallen-by’s and the other side-alley scum crew. He’d been Helgen-Klan since he was 10 years old, before that he was sold to the pedo-merchants for use by the sky-lords and the sky-hawk-shaman.

The MORG FIEND UNION of splaguus were living it LARGE 10,000 feet up … in super-mega structures of steel and will and whore-guzzle … These were the SKY FIENDS selling juice marker to the scuzzle realm below … the lower tiers … the sewer folk.

At the appointed time each day, he would climb to the top of Dixon Tower, and speak directly to the sky-lords above, in their cloud realms, living a kite-fancy life:

YERGEN, I was your butter scamp during the heaving times,
You kept my flesh hidden in the score zone,
You kept my screams blocked by the lancet guards,
You kept my skeezel-juice in a JAR labeled COARSE ...

I saw you ...

HO-TREASE, you beat me with whips of iron and glass,
so many chunks of flesh tore off and left by the sink,
and you told me "don't tell anyone", and so I didn't.
I kept your HO-SECRET, 
as I cleaned the cum and blood from the bathroom floor.

I brought you spice wine ...

That tribe of sea minge?
They would tie me up and kick me,
they would spend all day beating and kicking me.
They enjoyed filling a pillow case with bars of soap,
and taking that bag of soap,
and pounding me in the nads ...

I remember your breath ...

I spend my days making swords and knives,
I carve out my words of revenge on every dead thing.

I keep the warm truth of this hellscape,
and for the cost of my rotten flesh ...

I'll wait for you, you fuckers ...

I'll wait for you in Hell.

Seegen-Nol spoke those words, to the sky, to the clans above …

They were the golden people, and their world was clean and their air was crisp and pure and innocent still …

The eagles and hawks had long since gone, but the robot birds guarded these regions …

And Seegen-Nol knew his challenge was great.

But his was the song of revenge.

There’s was the reaping of consequences, growing from a garden of dismal rule.


(I see you)

Food …

“If your local area is not healthy enough, from a habitat perspective, to grow food? – then you probably shouldn’t be living there, even if your food gets shipped in.” – Dr. Freckles





Ways in which 2024 (or sooner) could be bat shit crazy:

Severity: 0-10, 10 being most severe, a potential “10,000 year event”. I would also say the scale is logarithmic and not linear … so it is a power of 10 difference as you go up each level …

Likelihood: high, medium, low or H, M, L …

  1. Dollar Collapse / Petro-Dollar Empire Collapse [S:5, L:H]
  2. US Civil War (because people are being pushed to the breaking point) [S:6, L:M]
  3. Alien Visitation or Invasion [S:7, L:L]
  4. Catastrophic geological event (super quakes, caldera eruptions) [S:8, L:M]
  5. Catastrophic climate event (clathrate gun or methane bomb mainly) [S:9, L:M]
  6. Solar Event [S:8, L:M]
  7. Famine [S:8, L:M]
  8. Nuclear War (if the Ukraine conflict is real, or even if it’s not, it could offer cover for this type of an extermination) [S:9, L:L]

*** these can work together, synergistically, one event triggering another or happening in parallel and building on each other … failure in complex systems is often cascading and unpredictable.

Only One Way:

Parasitic Illnesses:

Greatest Joy:

Teenagers making noise: