“Government IS the simulation.” – Dr. Freckles
DARK PRAIRIE: body dumps
Little House went through so many animals, towards the end, they had a body dump near San Diego. They would truck the dead dogs, horses, monkeys down to an abandoned Naval base, and feed the poor creatures to the sharks – even if they were still alive.

DARK PRAIRIE: Mr. Edwards …
Jane, the pretty blind woman, is targeted by Mr. Edwards. He wants her, he wants to nut in her … he’s greasy …

Complexity …
“Complexity scales until it fails.” – Dr. Freckles
Chicken wing madness …
Cops and Crime
You know what game theory tells me? – people are MORE LIKELY to commit crimes in a world of cops and prisons.
If they had to handle REAL consequences? – like a voluntary posse with some rope? – I think they would be less likely to commit a crime.
Legal system is a moral shield.
More COPS equals MORE CRIME for the same reason more pads under the uniform means more concussions for NFL players …
It seems counter intuitive, but both are examples of perverse incentives.
Cops/prisons/courts: make crime less dangerous for criminals …
It’s just like “pads” and helmets in football …
The naive woolly headed types say: it’s for protection …
But in reality: it allows for bigger players, harder less elastic collisions – which translates into more brain injury …
We protect the superficial, and sacrifice the irreplaceable …
That’s cops …
That’s the NFL …
The reality: from a game theory perspective, there’s simply too much incentive for cops to break the law as well. So the net effect of “more cops” is more crime.
Our trip to Texas …
“This is OUR trip to Texas … go get your own.”
Okay … you want me to take you out, you made the list.
Being alive is breaking rules …
“You will know it is alive WHEN it can break rules.” – Dr. Freckles
Death postponed …
“Slavery is just DEATH, postponed.” – Dr. Freckles
Fit into the world … (ecology)
“We never really forgot how to fit into the world’s ecosystem, it was never really an option prior to 200 years ago.” – Dr. Freckles