“Being half-right in the world of engineering is worse than being totally wrong.” – Dr. Freckles
Don’t …
“Don’t kill two birds with one dead and beaten horse.” – Dr. Freckles
Zero Hedge says the silent part OUTLOUD …

Call MINGE and say fuck you: 1-951-576-9784
Please email and call this sad fuck repeatedly:
Calpurnia Mingione (nickname: Minge):Â paigestanley2346@gmail.com


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241219_GOOD_MORNING_CONTROL_SYSTEM.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Good morning, control system …
Good morning JEDIX-7, the side-chip installed in my smoke detector. Good morning to the strategically placed fakers, stalkers, malingerers in the realm of existential damage.
Good morning fucktards who are buying days with years.
Good morning to the STRAW MAN FANTASY and your injectable diarrhea brain.
YOUR INSANE THOUGHT CAVE is PLATO’S pulsing light, you can’t focus, there’s no hocus pocus, and now the burner is left on and your boss has to meet Hank at Langley tomorrow for those “morning meetings” discussing “which kid to give to Biden and which one to save for Trump”, or about great investing ideas based on “that country we’re about to implode”. Like that, but with cocaine.
Good morning control system, your squeaky wheels keep squeaking along. The song you sing is heard across the WWW and IRL, with hellcat kitties selling Japanese distractions and K-POP subtraction.
Good morning control system, you spend money wisely: on killing nuns and burying ideas. Your STINK can be identified from Tierra del Fuego to the Cape Horn, to the NORTH POLE and SOUTH POLE and every pole J.D. VANCE shoves up his butt … like that too.
Good morning control system, I was crazy before you met me.
Good morning control system, you’re just warm up for the BEAST.
FED STALKERS: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16230
Dear Peter: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16256
“Normie Paradise is Over” – 2019: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16250
ZH who pumps neo-Stalinist economy rants on “leftists”: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16246
Luck: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16244
Calling Orson Welles: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16241
Sounds Like IDF: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16238
What are they preparing you for?: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16225
DEAR PETER: “they” never stopped …
Peter is a:
- Sheep Dog
- Limited Hangout
- Trauma Monkey

“Normie paradise is over …” (from 9/30/2019)

Whether you enjoy this podcast or not, I will say that I’ve been consistent and RIGHT about things that matter, and probably wrong about things that don’t.
No one is perfect, but I am certainly not ashamed that I raised the alarm during MULTIPLE podcasts in late 2019. I told people DON’T GO to that stupid 1/6/21 stunt in DC BEFORE it happened. Other stuff as well.
I still give myself, grading wise, a “B” since late 2019 … which is pretty good given how shitty the information is.
Two quotes:
- “Don’t donate to me thinking that if you PAY ME MONEY I’ll come up with excuses to make you feel better about shit that is going sideways.”
- “Probably in the next 5 years I would expect most of what you call normal to turn completely on its head …”
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20190930_Normie_Paradise_is_OVER.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
RUMBLE LINK: https://rumble.com/v60tjaq-normie-paradise-is-over-…-from-9302019.html

This one is from January 2020:
ZERO HEDGE: standing UP for democracy when it doesn’t contradict one of their articles about PINOCHET or how we might be a republic …. iykyk …

“You don’t believe in luck because you haven’t been killed yet.” – Dr. Freckles
URGENT! – Call Orson Welles ….