Your Sobriety …

If you are comfortable in your sobriety, why do you spend all day posting about it?

It really does remind me of the gun control idiots who have to tell us EVERY SINGLE FUCKING HORROR STORY over and over again …

(pretty much the same fucking vibe)

“Dan, drinking ruined my life …”

“So don’t drink …”

“But alcohol is so bad for you …”


“But …”

“Listen – you are sounding like someone that WANTS a DRINK …”

“That’s racist …”

(and scene)


Everything you do, obsessively, to include training for marathons and drinking? – means you are NOT doing other things …

(like caring for your family)

Combining .MP4 videos (using FFMPEG)

Create the script file that contains the file list: file_list.txt (as shown are the contents)

#combine video

file 'HDV_1254.MP4'
file 'HDV_1255.MP4'
file 'HDV_1256.MP4'
file 'HDV_1257.MP4'

Then, on the LINUX terminal line (command line):

$ ffmpeg -f concat -i file_list.txt -c copy 20230429_Walking_Dogs.mp4

And if you just want to merge/combine all the videos in a directory, do this bash command to concatenate the .mp4 file names:

$ for f in *.mp4; do echo "file '$f'" >> file_list.txt; done

… and then, just run the same command for ffmpeg as shown above …