“All governments are home owners associations, and SATAN is president.” – Dr. Freckles
A list of enemies …
“I’ve made a list of enemies and everyone is on it, including me.” – Dr. Freckles
A lot of landfills …
“There are a PLETHORA of landfills on the way to perfection.” – Dr. Freckles
How do you tell someone NOT to listen?
“You can’t tell someone to NOT LISTEN to your podcast if they are not listening to what you are saying. It’s a mind-fuck, and it predates podcasting, back to old timer Langley days.” – Dr. Freckles
Just more likely, at an increasing rate … (exponential)
“SPOILER: the older you get the more likely it is you will die, and it’s not linear.” – Dr. Freckles
Good thing Trump won … FREEDUMBZ …
I wonder if the puddle-flower that’s been emailing me will have some SLICK opinion on WHY … tune in later, right.

SCREW the ROME comparison TARD: more like the MONGOL EMPIRE

Mongol Timeline: 1206 – 1368, about 1.5 centuries.
Rome Timeline:
- Western Empire: 200 BCE to 400 AD.
- Eastern Empire: 200 BCE to 1453 AD.
America BEGAN as an expanding empire, but I guess you could pick the END of the Civil War as the beginning, if you wish: 1865 …
I understand the desire to compare the USA to Rome, but what if that’s wishful thinking?
If we follow the MONGOL timeline, then I would expect the CRASH to be very messy, but history RHYMES right?
Is he?

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241127_100PCT_FICTION.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Laundry List:
- last month has been strange
- since I nuked my Zero Hedge and Twitter Accounts, things have gotten weirder
- I am nearly certain that a threat made against me 8 years ago has turned out to be true, and it doesn’t matter … like the “VEGAS” incident, it amounts to nothing
- Jarrod Fidden is a grifter, a con-artist … he MIGHT be a wannabe cult leader … the fact that the journalist Anna Merlan is focused on him “not liking vaccines” tells you PRECISELY how late in the game we are … but I was re-reading some of his “press” from 8 years ago, and it’s also obvious that journalism as a profession has been IN DECLINE a LONG fucking time … perhaps there never was a golden age, maybe even Woodward/Bernstein are bullshit
- The GO DADDY bullshit of 2021 might have been connected to the same 8 year old threat, some nutty and random stuff going on there that a grifter who knows how to bribe a tech could pull off
- Epstein ALIVE or Epstein DEAD are not the only options
- you might as well assume all podcasts are fictional bullshit and enjoy them or not … analyze them or not … park them in your head or NOT
- If I am still blogging in MAY, you get a MEA CULPA vis-a-vis BOBLIMPTOCK and maybe we all get to grow … I’m looking forward to that …
- TRUMP is designed to fail, you figure it out
- It makes no difference to me if you listen to my podcast
- I do respond to feedback, not all of it
- If you need someone to yell at? – it’s probably not me … When I want to scream? – I do a podcast
- I don’t care why there is censorship
- For someone out there who “doesn’t listen”, you sure do keep track
- Don’t donate money to random strangers on the WWW unless you accept the possibility that you are LITERALLY donating to Hitler
- I am not your dad, your brother, your sister … if I say “brother” it’s the way people say “bro” or friend or pal … depending upon how I say it, I could mean any number of fucking things
- I am the most racist man in history, and NO I DO NOT HATE BLACK PEOPLE … if this confuses you, try “conservatives” or “anarchists” voting for TRUMP
- You will get no warning
- This could go on forever … the infinite gray nothing
- Most days I want to be wrong, and I want to prove myself wrong. Meditate on this: I know EVERYTHING I need to know about WHERE I WORK, and if I were some kind of ANARCHIST ZEALOT perhaps I would have said no to the point of street homelessness. That either means I’m compromised or I am flexible … or yes to both, because I am trying to survive
- I’ve learned that I am a magical person since 2020: wherever I go, they don’t forcibly vaccinate the old, they don’t forcibly test at the hospitals or deny surgery, there are no “drag queen story times” at the local library, and up close BLM/ANTIFA is fake as fuck … but I’ve never seen the proud boys UP CLOSE, I can only presume they are fake as fuck too … I never get to more than a few hundred “listeners” on any platform, but I seem to attract a bevy of grifters … nice …. and it doesn’t matter … no exploding cows where I live, just fake ass clouds and food that gets worse in quality and more expensive each year …. Oh, yeah: my assumptions about public schools have been validated … nice list since 2020
- I don’t have any money, that does not make me good or bad. If you have MORE “money” than I do, that’s okay, it doesn’t matter. Spending any energy beating up on the poor, the homeless, the “illegals” might make you feel better, for now. Sooner than you can imagine, you MIGHT find yourself in the same boat as them, a refugee in your own country (or maybe you’ve been one a while like me). So maybe don’t focus on that stuff, right.
- For the RECORD, I did not get “kicked out” of Seattle, I did not get kicked out of Utah. When a homeless student talks to me about living out of a car with their single parent, I never say “too bad you guys got kicked out” of your home … maybe that’s because I’m not an asshole
- Never claimed to be good at the keyboard, I use it mainly as a storytelling device … if YOU are some shit head from 7 or 8 years ago who LOVED my kb work in Indianapolis but now hates it? … well, you get to choose the color of your car at the dealership … afterwards it’s on you fucker
- This is a world made safe for liars
- Just because YOU THINK you know me or any other random shit head on the WWW, does not mean you actually do … hell, even when you meet people IRL you can’t be sure these days
- I want to go 100% fiction …
To be a Snowden …
“In order to BE Snowden, you had to think it was okay to FUCK some people.” – Dr. Freckles