The ultimate lie detector would be a brain pathway analyzer that could distinguish between memory recall and imagination.
THE INVINCIBLE STATE (and other faerie tales)

The killer vaccine revisited …
Something I didn’t fully cover, I think, in my last podcast – so I will briefly revisit the idea. The “vaccine injury” trauma is designed to control for people who understand the covid is/was bullshit, and might want to go on disability because WHY THE FUCK NOT, at this point?
So you gotta scare those rubes …
Promoting the invincible STATE
We don’t know, but trust the science …
Trump …
Orca whales don’t know how to reproduce … (right)
Ever since the FUKUSHIMA disaster I have been, at least while I still lived in Seattle, sensitive to the articles from the Seattle Times. Keep in mind, I dealt with these mother fuckers in 2011 when I became a whistle blower regarding the purchase of Microsoft AMALGA by the UW health system.
Remember, they said “trust the science”? – but look at the shitty work they get away with when it comes to the state of the Puget Sound:
- methane releases detected, we don’t know why
- rotten egg smell at the waterfront, we don’t know why
- dolphin kill, lots dead, we don’t know why
- salmon runs crashing, but we don’t know why
etc, etc, etc
But remember: when it comes to the monkey herpes (covid), you have to trust their CERTAINTY …
[curated: 3/20/2023]
Victors and history …
“The victors write the history, so why wouldn’t the state write OUT of history the successes of human liberty?” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/28/2023]
Facts …
“Facts are empty without a model.” – Dr. Freckles
“I’m starting to think most anarchists and libertarians are AFRAID to admit the system is in collapse, which is weird.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/20/2023]
Love and War
“War is easy compared to love.” – Dr. Freckles
A Prayer of Acceptance, Letting Go and Peace …
Lord in Heaven, my Savior Jesus Christ,
You who command the universe, You who move the stars,
Your power holds the world together, so why am I troubled to see seams, the threads?
Your sacrifice saved the wicked and recovered the lost, so why do I fear my sins are too great?
I can spend my days contemplating death, but of no avail – for God will choose …
I can spend my day comparing my wealth with my neighbors, but are we not all princes in the Lord’s Kingdom?
I say, LET YOUR FEAR RESIDE NO MORE, leave the Devil to his work as well …
The plan of the Lord is GREAT, and no evil can change it, no more than a breath from one raven can change the course of a river.
Take solace in His love, and never forget: He walks the Earth, He watches the Heavens, He stands beside you and before you, He will never abandon you and His love endures for eternity.
In the name of Jesus our savior, we shall let it go and be at peace.
Do not worry!

- Greetings to the faithful in Christ.
- First Reading, Psalm 20: “Some trust in chariots …” –
- A Prayer of Acceptance, Letting Go and Peace …
- Second Reading, Matthew 6:25-34: “Do not worry …” –
- Third Reading, Mark 4: 35-41, “Why are you so afraid?” –
- Discussion: how do we let things go, and give them to Christ? – not easy, especially for me. He is not pleading for ignorance or to stand by and do nothing. The Lord is asking us to LIVE the faith and be unafraid, he is not saying “hide in the caves and be unafraid”.
- Lord’s Prayer
- Go forth in love and bravery. Remember: as Christians we are ALL called upon to minister in his name. And as far as church goes? – remember that it is just you and one other that is required for a church.
“Voting is about dopamine balance and not about checks and balances.” – Dr. Freckles