“Bryt syde: smort duvises hav set bak ingliszh bye forr huundrid yrs, n dats kewl.” – Dr. Freckles
“MARK MY WORDS, FULL STOP is my new TLDR.” – Dr. Freckles
I’m gonna start raising coyote/raccoon hybrids … it’s gonna be the NEXT big pet … except for the weird Ecuadorian parasites they will carry and their minds being filled with ball bearings.
Coycoon or Raccote … any name suggestions are welcome.
I need to plant hoil-beetles, and harvest the nutt juice from cactus-hawks. My women will massage their boobies as they plant corn in their nunya-pit. I can see myself riding a brown horse of enormous size, and packing a 12 gauge hand-cannon called “Nectar of Peet”. Sure, I might get stuck in my own power-hassle, but my love-cadre will give me spunk-clans and other rort-cream.
Humans do stupid and dangerous shit …
“Do stupid SHIT long enough, it will probably kill you. Also, humans do stupid shit – get over it, try to do it in moderation.” – Dr. Freckles
“New age ‘prosperity/BMW’ Christianity is a bargaining position, not a faith.” – Dr. Freckles
Don’t be afraid …
“Don’t be afraid to be brave.” – Dr. Freckles
“Scream as if the world never hears your voice; no one, to include God, will ever call you lukewarm.” – Dr. Freckles
Cities and Predators
“Cities are simulations for convincing PREDATORS they are not predators.” – Dr. Freckles
Bullies …
“Best protection against bullies: be more trouble than it’s worth.” – Dr. Freckles
Never too late …
“It’s never too late to fuck things up worse.” – Dr. Freckles