“The real pandemic: ‘smart’ devices.” – Dr. Freckles
Ironically named things are destroying us.
“The real pandemic: ‘smart’ devices.” – Dr. Freckles
Ironically named things are destroying us.
“War and Armies: providing the world with dead, tortured, broken spirits, homeless people and refugees since 4,000 BC.” – Dr. Freckles
“They say, don’t drink with a ghost. I say, don’t drink with a Danish person – not unless you want to stare into the face of gormlessly fatalistic schadenfreude darkness.” – Dr. Freckles
“Cities are the ultimate mind fuck.” – Dr. Freckles
“A truly free republic can suffer an anarchist that lives in the woods and wants to be left alone.” – Dr. Freckles
I’ll say this again and it does bear repeating:
A free republic can suffer a few anarchists that live in the woods and want to be left alone.
A tyranny can’t suffer ONE.
“A ‘piece of land’ is WHAT Jesus rejected, in the wilderness, when Satan offered it – remember this when you think of the Middle East.” – Dr. Freckles
“Ask a Zionist: how many times has Israel, the nation, the STATE, been destroyed?” – Dr. Freckles
You can say: “Dan, Israel has been around thousands of years …”
But don’t cherry pick the EPOCHS of this history … much of if was about 1 SAM 8, and the curse.
“Israel” as a place has been burnt, destroyed, invaded, countless times …
Israel as the Children of Jacob – they ENDURE.
(if you’re a Christian and you don’t know the difference? – LEARN)
“How is NOT the Boy’s Life hovercraft every GEN-X boy’s ‘Rosebud’?” – Dr. Freckles
“In a world of ‘mostly good cops’, you wouldn’t need internal affairs.” – Dr. Freckles
“All the ‘thank you’ stuff these days seems like FUCK YOU – so just say ‘fuck you’, it’s more honest.” – Dr. Freckles