“Most of what you hold in a Glock? – is ammo.” – Dr. Freckles
“Most of what you hold in a GLOCK is ammo, and just what you need to be dangerous.” – Dr. Freckles

“Most of what you hold in a Glock? – is ammo.” – Dr. Freckles
“Most of what you hold in a GLOCK is ammo, and just what you need to be dangerous.” – Dr. Freckles
“Everyone is somebody’s porn bot.” – Dr. Freckles
“Social Contract: the obligation of all slaves to be happy when they are burnt alive by white phosphorous.” – Dr. Freckles
“Tik-Tok is to PSYOP BS what a hooker’s vagina is to genital crabs.” – Dr. Freckles
“The ideologies of all empires are grounded in the same lie: we’re helping the little guy.” – Dr. Freckles
“Isolationism” is a dog whistle …
Every time a “conservative” goes off the reservation and talks about downsizing this crooked neo-Stalinist hell hole empire? – “OMG … you’re an isolationist”
BTW: “isolationist” is also used as a proxy these days for “racist” or “anti-Semite”
Many Americans are so imbued with this “imperial ideology”, that they don’t see bombs going off when watching CNN or Fox News …
they see “freedom flames” and people being fed
(they never see the dead)
Tig slism, me gorg te-mutie? – shaka-broog, shaka-now.
Zurgian tuz, mi glempt to gat.
Ikour, pen det. Fergimme sploy? – Yer toog di goon.
Borizon en-slev, iz-te, iz-te. Dooz-te et mel, per gormick, per gromet. Yi siy, eblo shoob mor. Beste net, endoou forg.
SKABEN, bu dord.
SKABEN, tet nottly.
Skaben cumi fy dim towald, ver gimmiler.
“Making vegetables taste like meat? – a cringe too far.” – Dr. Freckles
“Propaganda is generally constructed on the solid bedrock of irony.” – Dr. Freckles
“You see a problem, I see a plenitude of personal failures.” – Dr. Freckles