How can we?
“How can we collect taxes if we don’t raise money from taxes?” – Dr. Freckles
Red Queen Hypothesis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Queen_hypothesis
The Antichrist
The Antichrist will be an evil reflection of Christ.
In a sense: like Olestra … not fat, not a thing anyone should consume … and it will give you the shits.
And if you think you know who it is and you’re right, before the Revelation? – you should write the name on a rock, and toss it into the sea … as I’ve said so many times before.
The real pandemic …
“The real pandemic: ‘smart’ devices.” – Dr. Freckles
Ironically named things are destroying us.
War and Armies
“War and Armies: providing the world with dead, tortured, broken spirits, homeless people and refugees since 4,000 BC.” – Dr. Freckles
Drinks with a Dane …
“They say, don’t drink with a ghost. I say, don’t drink with a Danish person – not unless you want to stare into the face of gormlessly fatalistic schadenfreude darkness.” – Dr. Freckles
Ultimate mind fuck …
“Cities are the ultimate mind fuck.” – Dr. Freckles
A Free Republic
“A truly free republic can suffer an anarchist that lives in the woods and wants to be left alone.” – Dr. Freckles
I’ll say this again and it does bear repeating:
A free republic can suffer a few anarchists that live in the woods and want to be left alone.
A tyranny can’t suffer ONE.