As Boblimptock comes …

We shall make meat-shells, and frolic through the wastelands of DIMBERSHIRE and Cleveland …

We shall feast on feral hog and horgen-toad …

We shall burn the caves of YONDOON, leaving the ELITE to smell their own rotten and burnt crotches …

Our seats will be made of gold.

We shall have fists of glowing titanium.


Dr. Freckles has said this other ways:

“With consciousness comes deception, it’s why the first ‘profession’ was grifter.” – Dr. Freckles

If #Boblimptock is ANYTHING, it is the CRESCENDO of the GRIFTER .. the con artist …

We live in an AGE of grifts …

And currently: the grifter is king

BTW: Grifters are also ABUSERS …

Psychological first.

Physically, often, second.

(that world will tip over soon)

(soon comes Gotterdammerung)

I eat gunktus.

I eat gunktus, and far out plutonium.

I feed on eel grease and long dead spider flowers.

You used your power for new soul source pudding?

I ate the monster soup, and melted the boovula.

Do you take the money?

Thought Experiment or Gedanken:

Let’s say you were a podcaster, and you spoke YOUR truth. One day some dude comes to you and says – “I’ll give you $5 million to stop talking about your truth.”

Do you take the money?

If you do why?

If you don’t why?