“This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can’t complete this action right now. Please try again later.”
– Elon’s Freedom’ing APP
ANNA BANNA: not so boxed in
Can you fucking IMAGINE having an account since 2010? Not banned? What kind of special fucking nugget are you ANNA?
(I have a banned account for every year I’ve been on the TRASH APP … but now they just toss you in the TWITTER/X CAGE so they can pretend to be freedom’ing … like Anna pretends to be a journalist … MISS INFORMATION is what I call her now.
HER ARCH NEMESIS the GOAT KING: also not boxed in … so fucking random
This grifter’s account was created barely a couple years ago, but TWITTER/X has guaranteed this con-artist’s place …
Tell me more, ANNA, about how you think misinformation works?
But at least ELON lets me play with the thot-bots and hooker-grifters and other WWW trash … which, BTW, (X) or TWITTER has a LOT of trash … it’s a “landfill” basically or a MUD for con-artists (which includes fake journalists like ANNA MERLANA BANANA …)
HERE is a good example of a FAKE ACCOUNT … if I had the money I could create hundreds of these … and I would, just to FUCK with that ASS ELON:
“Imagine a calamity so bad that bodies are left to rot in the streets, not enough people left alive to bury them, and it’s NOT GAZA, it’s the USA baby: COMING SOON.” – Dr. Freckles
Most of the links (for Vern) will be to Peninsula Daily News (local PAY WALL news). It’s weird for local newspapers to have paywalls, unless they desire no money from advertising.
Or the links are to the CENTER, the building.
It took some digging to find anything concrete about the GUY that made Port Angeles a MECCA for Badminton.
1973, Vern Burton is named Port Angeles Man of the Year … weird so few know who this guy is/was. Same year he retires, same year of the Yom Kippur War … random.
KARY MULLIS: “Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick.”