“I don’t have rock hard abs, I have rock hard kidney stones.” – Dr. Freckles
“Boblimptock is to RAGNAROK, what a SCAB is to a wound.” – Dr. Freckles
“Everyone has in them ONE Kurt Russell from SOME movie.” – Dr. Freckles
(I am RJ MacReady from THE THING: “nobody trusts anyone any more …”)
Yeah – that KURT.
(and I like the ending)

“Most of what you hold in a Glock? – is ammo.” – Dr. Freckles
“Most of what you hold in a GLOCK is ammo, and just what you need to be dangerous.” – Dr. Freckles

Somebody’s porn bot …
“Everyone is somebody’s porn bot.” – Dr. Freckles
“Social Contract: the obligation of all slaves to be happy when they are burnt alive by white phosphorous.” – Dr. Freckles
“Tik-Tok is to PSYOP BS what a hooker’s vagina is to genital crabs.” – Dr. Freckles
The “little guy” …
“The ideologies of all empires are grounded in the same lie: we’re helping the little guy.” – Dr. Freckles
“Isolationism” is a dog whistle …
Every time a “conservative” goes off the reservation and talks about downsizing this crooked neo-Stalinist hell hole empire? – “OMG … you’re an isolationist”
BTW: “isolationist” is also used as a proxy these days for “racist” or “anti-Semite”
Many Americans are so imbued with this “imperial ideology”, that they don’t see bombs going off when watching CNN or Fox News …
they see “freedom flames” and people being fed
(they never see the dead)
A message I received from SPACE …
Tig slism, me gorg te-mutie? – shaka-broog, shaka-now.
Zurgian tuz, mi glempt to gat.
Ikour, pen det. Fergimme sploy? – Yer toog di goon.
Borizon en-slev, iz-te, iz-te. Dooz-te et mel, per gormick, per gromet. Yi siy, eblo shoob mor. Beste net, endoou forg.
SKABEN, bu dord.
SKABEN, tet nottly.
Skaben cumi fy dim towald, ver gimmiler.
Vegetables taste like Meat …
“Making vegetables taste like meat? – a cringe too far.” – Dr. Freckles