“Isn’t it important that we have private moments, even with others, where nothing is recorded and all can fade with time?” – Dr. Freckles
Growing old …
“I never really thought about this, but people do grow old and die.” – Dr. Freckles
Consistent …
“Really dumb, stupid, dangerous things can be consistent.” – Dr. Freckles
Time Travel
“Time travel and fracking have a LOT in common.” – Dr. Freckles
Nothing is …
“Nothing is … UNTIL it is.” – Dr. Freckles
- alt: Schrodinger’s Cat interpretation
- time travel
- total oblivion
- survival of the fractor
Dogs barking, teenagers chatting …
“When you’re over 50 years old, dogs barking and teenagers talking is pretty much the same shit.” – Dr. Freckles
Nutty Buddy …
“You should never eat a Little Debbie’s Nutty Buddy bar … you shouldn’t buy the box of them … don’t look at the ingredients.” – Dr. Freckles
- plutonium
- aerosolized death bomb
- why not dip them in Nalley’s Tamale paste?
- why do you want to die?
Egyptian Slave Beer
“I bet the beer the Egyptians bought the slaves was about as good, maybe better than, Natural Light … without the luxuries of carbonation, refrigeration.” – Dr. Freckles
Christ and power …
“If your church preaches POWER, MONEY, and hoarding those things? – it preaches the gospel of the desert Devil.” – Dr. Freckles
- The greatest power is the WORD.
- The greatest WORD is LOVE.
(Jesus knows these things)
YouTube’s dirty trick …
Here’s the deal … if you just pick the radio button for “no, it’s not made for kids” – this does nothing … this is a trick and YouTube uses it to create account flags.
Make sure you open up the DIV and pick “yes, restrict my video to viewers over 18” – shouldn’t be necessary, but it is, or you run the risk of YouTube cancelling you.