(don’t worry about the silent part, iykyk)

"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241217_RIP_BEANS.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
RIP BEANS: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16184
Bullish: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16190
A soul: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16188
VDH: MAGA WAD BLOWN: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16180
Sure Eric: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16177
RAD ENGINEERING: Band back together? – we’ll see.
Yes: it’s low bandwidth, low data flow. Really only optimal for small text based emails or SMS type messaging. But there’s a lot of potential in that: a twitter that can’t be shut down. A distributed social media, open to everyone willing to install JS8 Call and set up a basic digital receive station: ATS-20 SSB SDR: $60, LOOP ANTENNA: $50, USB Soundcard for 3.5 mm phono OUT? – that’s like ten bucks. If you already have a computer, then it’s just a matter of a few basic steps. Sadly, no one is doing demos on HOW to do this. So if I am “back on board” then I think it’s about education at this point, and testing to the extent that I have the money (which I don’t).
BTW: if you donate to me the money is assumed for the podcast, please don’t donate to me thinking you are supporting Rad Engineering, because they are not the same thing.
Bullish bets on food, water, shelter, energy? – are not bullish for the human race.
“In February, the United States Department of Agriculture projected that the cattle herd could begin rebuilding by 2025.”
Well that’s next year, shit … is this good news or bad news?
Coffee: https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/coffee-prices-soar-to-highest-level-in-nearly-50-years/
Eggs: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/12/12/why-egg-prices-may-soon-flirt-with-record-highs-supplier.html
Corn: https://www.brownfieldagnews.com/news/2025-corn-prices-have-the-potential-to-rally/
Wheat: https://think.ing.com/articles/tighter-wheat-means-higher-prices/
Diesel prices only make sense if someone is lying BIG TIME about the state of the economy, and specifically the downside risks.
I believe we’ve been in a papered over global depression since at least 2008, and the “paper” only works for so long.
“A soul is a son of a bitch; once you realize you have it, you don’t want to lose it.” – Dr. Freckles
“BEANS: not a lot of dog, just a lot of wiggle.” – Dr. Freckles
Link: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/dog-breeds/breed-history-french-bulldog/
And then there was BEANS …
He was here.
He pooped.
He ate cat poop.
He was loved.
He will be remembered.
This is a loss beyond comprehension.
We know where you are Beans …
Sure Mr. “Google Only Ever Gives You the RIGHT ANSWERS” …
(fuck Eric)
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241216_OPEN_SEASON.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Open Season: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16167
Good One: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16164
Going postal: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16161
Magical Tulsi: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16158
By2030: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16152
Jordan Peterson – “not without my ego”: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16149
EVENT HORIZON: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16145
HOMESTEAD MOVIE revisited: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16140
Drones: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16135
DST: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16130
Big Stick: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=16127
These folks are open season …
REMEMBER: the FEDs really CARE about medical students in GRENADA, not so much the sailors on the USS Liberty … if you know you know.
And don’t get me started on why women in SE Asia will have children with birth defects AT VERY HIGH RATES for the next 10,000 years …
(assuming we have 10,000 years)
If you are a Christian, you should know:
The Lord in Heaven establishes TRUTH and the WORD that represents IT.
Or, there is no God and no truth and no point for words or intelligence or more chains that tie us down.