Reality …
“Reality is racist.” – Dr. Freckles
Demonology by other means …
“Democracy is demonology by other means.” – Dr. Freckles
What phase are we in?
- Are we in the “we will buy out the leadership” or assassinate them phase?
- Are we at the “we’ll invade” like it’s the 1990’s phase?
- Or … are we near the end of empire, and all our government can do is watch phase?

“You do understand that you are watching your neighbors slowly become Daleks?” – Dr. Freckles
- ear buds
- vr goggles
- wearing them all the time
- wtaf
“You are born, you have some experiences, then you die – GROW THE FUCK UP!” – Dr. Freckles
“Thrill seeker? – the thrills seek YOU on planet Boblimptock, that’s why hermits live in caves, that’s why it doesn’t matter where you live.” – Dr. Freckles
“Thrill seeker? – the thrills seek YOU.” – Dr. Freckles

- many angles to this story
- conservative case: this is another example of collapse, the inability to properly respond to an emergency … and it’s not new … remember Katrina? Or more recent, Maui?
- this might be an example of the use of geoengineering to target a community with an inland hurricane – in order to extract rare earths or other precious materials from the hills
- the history of the FEDs treating Appalachia like shit goes back a LONG LONG TIME, at least to the end of the US Civil War. Arguably, they just don’t want potential rebels up in the woods, they want them in camps …ooops … I mean cities.

MOAR Project 2025
“Project 2025 will make the Manhattan Project look like the Alan Parson’s Project.” – Dr. Freckles