MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230827_and_they_are_gone.mp3
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Hookers and Crypto: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/i-just-want-sell-titty-pictures-sex-workers-fked-crypto
.. and they are Gone.
- Still hanging on at the park, I will probably fill out some paperwork today for one potential course of action, but I feel exhausted. The sky is smoky here, some days less awful than others – certainly not as bad as 2018 seemed, or at least not as bad in Sequim. For a number of reasons, the weather here is mild, cooler. Not something to think on too deeply, just an observation.
- a place where we’ve been using internet has adopted a behavioral strategy of having their lowliest worker spend time near us: folding paper towels, opening and closing the same closet over and over again. I would prefer if someone just asked us to leave. They send by dooley-hoog face, and he slouches over and asks us about our day … but I know what he was saying … “get along cowboys, we see you, we don’t like you … get going”
- I get the feeling that locals are on the lookout for “strangers that don’t belong”, and that makes sense too. Not sure if that means this would be a harder easier place than Utah – fact is, where I was in Utah there were not a lot of people. Sure, I had some bad experiences with cops before I left, but that’s just a reality too. It’s not like the cops go after actual crime, abuse, moral decay – no, they, being bullies, go after the weakest person they can find that “doesn’t belong” and target them. “You better go HOBO … you better get lost.”
- I have this feeling, especially when I’m in WA state (the last time was briefly before Thanksgiving), that what upsets people the most is a person’s unwillingness to participate in the general corruption. Whether it’s flipping houses, getting shots or wearing coffee filters … the message is: you need to be afraid of what WE ARE afraid of. You need to do the things WE DO. If we are sinning in the sight of God, then Dan what is your excuse. This is Sodomite behavior too – the idea that ALL MUST SIN or there is some imbalance, some friction. Time to get GONE, right?
- We spent time down by the wharf last night. We were looking for a fried-crab shack called Erich’s Crab Spot, but instead we found a burnt out shack and no sign of Erich. The hookers and other dingly gents hanging out down there said “Erich had just up and left”, he was going East or West or North or South or some pleasant direction away from the noise of this post-modern swill pit. Kendra, Erich’s girlfriend, wanted to go with him, but he said “I’m not going to a place, but to a spirit … an identity of self separate from the nonsense of this town”. And then he was just gone.
- Sally Jed had left recently. She took her travel camper and American Express card and 50 gallons of whiskey – she’s heading up into the Cascade Mountains is what they’re saying. She’s gone …
- Kurt Lowery had his full. He had a 3,000 sq foot home, by the shore, a hot tub, and a heated pool. They say he packed his Jeep Cherokee with 40 pounds of dynamite, a few hunting rifles, and a spool of wire … he wasn’t starting a fire … the fire had started a long time ago. Kurt said he would “put the fire out”, and so he’s going some place also.