MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220420_YOU_NEED_HELP_KILLING_YOURSELF.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
- We are going to the “Be Prepared EXPO” on Friday, and doing a presentation on Saturday: https://planetarystatusreport.com/RADSLIDES
- It’s hard, we had zero money to begin with, just enough to keep the lights on. There is very little likelihood, given where things are NOW and where they are rapidly going, that we will get any additional investment or support.
- Many of the components needed to build out this network are becoming unobtainable … especially SSB CB radios and similar HAM radios.
- We’re not giving up.
Impossible …
“Impossible is just a stop sign created by fear.” – Dr. Freckles
Clapper …
Clap on, clap off … clap on, clap off … the CLAPPER!
If I were a bond villain, I would develop some kind of “clapper” device, that when I “clapped on” it gave everyone within 200 feet of me (except me) chlamydia … but when I “clapped off” it would kill everyone within 200 feet – probably killing the people you just gave the clap.
The “Clapper” …
Symmetry and systemic illness …
“Any syndrome that displays on the surface of the body symmetrically, is probably indicative of a systemic issue.” – Dr. Freckles (this applies to humans and cars and other stuff)
Frank James
“Once you learn to see IT for what IT is? – you can’t un-see it.” – Dr. Freckles
A soul …
“Having a soul makes you a shitty lawyer or a shitty spy.” – Dr. Freckles
Anarchism, Christianity, and 1-SAM-8 …
“You can be an anarchist, and not be a Christian … but I don’t see HOW you can be a Christian without being an anarchist.” – Dr. Freckles
SHIT POST: 4/12/22
14 mendicants hunted the wild witches. 3 returned with frunctal scars to their bleebus, and contusions and herpes.
Infiltration …
Why I left the Libertarian Party …
And why I think anarchism, in America, is deeply infiltrated by the FBI/CIA … God knows who else.
SHIT POST: 4/11/22
I kept my musk women down by the swamps, so they could feed their minds and ungugulate their splunktus. They hovered by the nordic princes with their 320i cars and their BMWs … and their pimp style ocean side condos. I kept my own heart safe, but I could see my whore wife was stuck on low.
To be …
“To be free, is to be a KING!” – Dr. Freckles
Medically assisted suicide for those suffering from suicidal thoughts … (not the Onion)
Kelly Johnson
“Money don’t make stupid smart.” – Dr. Freckles
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_Johnson_(engineer)
Clinton Trauma Drama
This is critical: the Clinton crooks are more likely to end up in some cannibal’s stool at this point, than go to jail.
The Clintons aren’t going to jail …
I was 22 when that stuff began …
(I’m 30 years older now)
(nothing gets resolved)
(its purpose is to piss you off, without any resolution, ever)
Trump is not going to jail …
Gates and Fauci? – not going to jail …
(they have drinks with each other, and mock us, privately, for believing this nonsense)
If you can afford to … please donate …
I joke about beer/weed, but in reality we need money to pay rent, but then so does everyone else. We need money to buy food, but everyone else does too … And if you’re some city freak who thinks “I have zero debt, my house is worth a million bucks, and I have my 401k” … well … soon … you will understand that even with all that, and 2,000 rounds of 9 mm, you don’t have enough … especially if you want to stay in a commie metropolitan area.
(but like I said, donate only if you can afford to …)