MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220915_Dont_look_too_closely.mp3
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The job situation … and other updates
It didn’t work out … sucks.
RAD ENGINEERING work? – yes, but I’m kind of severely depressed right now and in general when I’m this depressed I’m not super productive on technical projects. It’s transitory, it’s getting better, but I think it will be another week or two before I get back to normal.
Podcast? – still thinking about changing up the format, but I’ve been thinking about that since last year …
I believe we are in what I called THE GREAT DISCONTINUITY … sadly, it’s just the beginning part … our government is doing everything it can to keep “sad old terrible things” alive … and this is slowing down the process … and making it more painful. The main “sad old thing” is the debt based economy, and they won’t, they can’t, give that up, giving that up means $USD is dead. But brothers and sisters, no matter how “strong” the dollar is vis-a-vis other shitty currencies right now, the $USD is doomed (and I think it’s WAY SOONER and WAY MORE NON LINEAR than you can imagine, and they might trigger WW3 to stop it).
The GREAT DISCONTINUITY is about movement to a new equilibrium … and this can be KRAZY AS F.
One definition for a system being in “equilibrium” is the following: observable metrics that define the system are nearly 100% predictable or deterministic.
One definition of disequilibrium is the inverse of the above: in the disequilibrium state, metrics that define the system are nearly impossible to predict – you might predict trends, short term, but you are still faced with longer term unpredictable states.
This is a sliding scale, and it is about predictability.
And most systems, being guided in part by the laws of thermodynamics, have a “strange attractor” or likely ground state equilibrium – but even this is dependent upon time scale. For example: many who research the Earth’s climate would argue that “warmer” is closer to the normative equilibrium for Earth than “cooler” – or, “hot house Earth” is where Earth should be spending (and has spent) most of its history. You can research this yourself. However, the Earth is still here, and history is generative. If we started going through never ending super cycles of “cooling” and ended up at “snowball earth” for a few billion years? – then models change. This is the super-cycle of punctuated equilibrium, followed by periods of equilibrium, and so on.
Nukes … and other fun stuff …
I get into discussions with people, often, regarding this issue of “nuclear power”, and people (especially republicans and libertarians) will pretend that since a private contractor is doing the work, it’s like the free market, and ERGO we don’t have to worry. But that’s not true, in fact it’s more likely that the additional regulatory complexity only makes things worse.
This isn’t just about nuclear power – this involves the entire US federal government and ESPECIALLY the national security state and its core institutions (CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS).
You can ONLY manage risk via oversight, but secret or top secret or Q-clearance projects are restricted and so you are stuck with “trust us, we’re from the government, we mean you no harm …”.
U.S. government currently interferes with almost every aspect of our lives, from economics, to healthcare, to the dissemination of information and, frankly, in how other nations see us and respond to us (and our aggression).
Governments don’t know how to be transparent, is a key point here … even without secrecy acts, bureaucracies always protect themselves first. So, it’s pretty much impossible for government to not keep secrets … you can at least not have laws against discovering them.
Thought experiment: F117 and poisoned burn pit employees
“Transparency is key to managing risk.” – Dr. Freckles
Fukushima, more than a decade later …
Thought experiment: you live next to a bomb, the bomb could go off and kill you and your family. Technocracy says: you don’t have a right to know how to defuse the bomb.
- right-to-repair
- open source
- implies: right to know (doesn’t mean the other guy won’t keep secrets, but you DO have a right to uncover them)
“Government is an amplifier for shitheads.” – Dr. Freckles
“Just because ‘smart people’ are working on something does not mean it works.” – Dr. Freckles
Brutality …
“Brutality can make the truth seem a lie.” – Dr. Freckles
Educate, don’t intimidate …
“It’s possible that the ONLY WAY to educate, is to remove the intimidate.” – Dr. Freckles
Why we hate the IRS? – not just about the money.
It’s the privacy, the stress and time … the THEFT of our well being.
Drama …
“Drama? – humans didn’t invent it, we just made it more complicated.” – Dr. Freckles
Some things help …
“Many things help, Jesus saves.” – Dr. Freckles
Ukraine crap …
I don’t really want to talk about this too much. Information is out that there were some power outages – big whoop, it’s war. But, if this is a real war and not some fake PSYOP style WAG THE DOG war? – then Putin may be preparing a massive counter attack using a cauldron strategy. This could be a significant strategic defeat for Kiev.
- Cauldron tactics and deep battle
- Exchanging space for time and resources: this is the way you fight on the Steppes.
- Russians have a smaller military force than the Ukies, so it is better for them to give up territory and strike at the Ukraine forces when the time/space permits.
If it weren’t faith, it would be emptiness …
I was watching this documentary about the FLDS, and the discussion of the “celestial kingdom” and losing it … and wondered if I were stronger when I was simply an existentialist-atheist, escaping all the nonsense traps.
Don’t …
“Don’t look too closely, your life will slip away.” – Dr. Freckles