“The victors write the history, so why wouldn’t the state write OUT of history the successes of human liberty?” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/28/2023]
"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
“The victors write the history, so why wouldn’t the state write OUT of history the successes of human liberty?” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/28/2023]
“Facts are empty without a model.” – Dr. Freckles
“I’m starting to think most anarchists and libertarians are AFRAID to admit the system is in collapse, which is weird.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/20/2023]
“War is easy compared to love.” – Dr. Freckles
Lord in Heaven, my Savior Jesus Christ,
You who command the universe, You who move the stars,
Your power holds the world together, so why am I troubled to see seams, the threads?
Your sacrifice saved the wicked and recovered the lost, so why do I fear my sins are too great?
I can spend my days contemplating death, but of no avail – for God will choose …
I can spend my day comparing my wealth with my neighbors, but are we not all princes in the Lord’s Kingdom?
I say, LET YOUR FEAR RESIDE NO MORE, leave the Devil to his work as well …
The plan of the Lord is GREAT, and no evil can change it, no more than a breath from one raven can change the course of a river.
Take solace in His love, and never forget: He walks the Earth, He watches the Heavens, He stands beside you and before you, He will never abandon you and His love endures for eternity.
In the name of Jesus our savior, we shall let it go and be at peace.
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230319_Do_not_worry.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
“Voting is about dopamine balance and not about checks and balances.” – Dr. Freckles
Much noise about Trump being arrested over the Stormy Daniels nonsense. It’s too dumb to be taken seriously. Might he be arrested? – in the same way Greta was … fake as fuck.
When someone says “Jesus loves Trump”, I know a couple things:
a) they don’t understand Jesus’ teachings
b) they don’t understand that Trump is a walking/talking deep state distraction
[curated: 3/20/2023]
“Never underestimate a voter’s delusional thinking.” – Dr. Freckles