MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220427_I_am_going_to_scare_you.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
- went to “Be Prepared Expo” last weekend, did a class … the slides are here: https://planetarystatusreport.com/RADSLIDES
- Pyro putty …
- I need to send out some thank you emails …
- Beyond that? – not much …
- Quick Start Ham Radio (education videos): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZfGCFh4gpZZUYvc1lRus-Q
Ukraine …
- IF this story is real …
- IF the “Ukraine War” is not contrived PSYOP bs …
Methane bomb and atom bomb …
In 2019, I told my listeners a set of things. I got many details wrong, but the scale and impact, in my opinion, was dead on. I called it the Great Discontinuity (November 2019), but I don’t claim or care if I’m the only person to coin the term, I will take some credit for meditation, thinking, researching on this topic since 2016 … when I published an essay based on a lunchtime conversation, where 3 software engineers were making predictions … about the future. I called it: The Odds of Survival
What I’m about to describe is based partially on my my own conclusions, and partially on the observations and conclusions of others. I knew, from the beginning, it (the rona) looked fishy, but I didn’t fully understand the purpose.
I also believe, for many reasons, a worldwide famine is inevitable, it’s just a question of how bad. Once a famine hits, tptb ability to control anything will break down.
Let me revisit what I’ve said, consistently, since March of 2020:
- the “Rona” is not a pandemic, and it looked like a military psychological warfare operation. It included a kind of “halftime show” called “race war” – and I have video documentation of this in Seattle that clearly shows the truth of CHOP CHAZ … and BLM … and Antifa … 100% govt. owned psyops … movable improv artists scaring people to death. This, plus the vaccine-trauma-drama, did a great deal to keep people in a consistent (statistically speaking) state. And the “reset”? – that’s so middle management sociopaths don’t abandon ship too soon … gotta mind fuck them too … maybe especially them.
- The “goal state” of these PSYOPs, in my opinion, was almost EXACTLY LIKE the plot of the Truman Show … just done on a global scale: don’t leave your home, don’t talk to people, don’t celebrate (unless you’re a dancing nurse), don’t travel much … don’t spend too much time at the grocery store … small business destroyed, life becoming house arrest on a national, if not global, scale. Keeps lots of people off the roads.
- I also told you that these psyops were “planned responses” to a scenario they expected. I call it a “fuzzy event” because of the on-again, off-again “locked down” and “opened up” kabuki dance … Simon Says crap … Whatever “event” TPTB fear is near? – they do not control the schedule.
- I generally believe, but it is simply a not provable axiom, that the “bigger the lie”, the more likely that “what” it’s hiding is bad … really bad … in some relation to the lie.
- When I went back to Seattle (2017), and this is anecdotal, I was shocked with how quiet the forests were, how trashed the environment looked, and how nobody seemed to understand that this would impact their lives, soon. The summer of 2018 I could barely breathe walking home from the bus station – yes I’m old, a little overweight, but July/August/September 2018 were, in so many ways, apocalyptic … the scenery, background, narrative, fit an actual catastrophe, and most just didn’t care … “Trump Psyop” was nearing its crescendo (and “Q” … what a mind screw)
- I do NOT believe much of anything the government says … if they say “it will take 100 years”? – then it will either never happen, or is ALREADY HAPPENING. So I began looking at punctuated equilibrium and runaway climate change and the issues of positive feedbacks.
- There are MANY warming feedbacks … for thousands of years, the arctic was the Earth’s freezer/air-conditioner … it enabled a circulatory system for heat exchange, the great oceanic rivers, like the Gulf Stream, that are the arteries of this great air conditioner. But, it looks like the sub-arctic is in permafrost collapse (positive feedback with methane involved) and it looks like sub-sea blowouts of methane, in the arctic, are happening. I they have spread lies about the recent sources of methane – they do not want to address the trillions of tons of frozen methane AND organic materials converting methane/CO2 happening across the arctic circle. This could be a giant lie, but they chose their lie: covid/race war/trump-biden-trauma-drama … these were the Queen, King and Knight … dark ones …
- Some believe there is enough methane that is in the atmosphere, currently frozen, and being converted from permafrost, not to mention nitrous oxide (1,000 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2 … btw: methane over 10 years is 100 times worse than CO2, and thats HOW it cooks you. Yes, methane breaks down … but it takes decades to remove what can, and may, be released. Simply put: this is way more plausible a “climate emergency” than any of the BS the government has fed us.
- They may have known about this, with a window of certainty, 50+ years ago. It’s possible the first powerful computers were put to work modeling this question: is there a leftover “transaction”, from the last ice age, in the arctic? – is it big enough to rock the equilibrium of life on Earth, and potentially leading to extinction. It explains a LOT of the crooked shit since JFK – better than aliens and commies, because these are psyops too (going back to the first days of the FBI).
- The methane event and “peak oil” (which I won’t discuss much), are not mutually exclusive in this scenario … it’s almost a race between two demons … one or both could kills us, or take many of us out.
- If they had a “window” then they would have to pull the trigger when the model says “window has begun” – 9/11 really seems like that.
- The “sky painting” could be geoengineering, could be something else – but I think you’d be foolish to deny that it is happening. If the government says it’s “researching something it might do one day”? – chances are they will never do it OR they are DOING IT RIGHT NOW.
- Their model probably updated them on a “new window” after taking data measurements – a REAL benefit of 9/11 was the shutting down of airline traffic, and slowing down of US economic activity for a week or two … This led to particulate matter falling out of the sky, and the government scientists (as said) could create a true baseline … with this new baseline and a few years of new data, factoring in geoengineering, they could revise the window – and the new window of probability began in 2020.
- I think we are in their end game – and that end game might involve a horror that Carl Sagan once described so eloquently: “Nuclear Winter”. Nuclear Winter is a horror story, for any rational person: but if you are some fool that thinks they “run the world”, this is a last ditch attempt to arrest runaway climate change that could possibly SKIP hothouse Earth on its way to Venus Syndrome … and you can look into that horror on your own. “Hothouse Earth” would be like what I’ve called “Florida Man world” … and “Florida Man World” is where I hope we end up – but I think that’s really hopeful. Keep in mind – pretty much all of our boiling water nuclear reactors are built at sea level, and many, if not all, would have a catastrophic event if either a) they ran out of a source of cool water, via temperature, via drought or b) the water level becomes so high that the reactor complex is flooded out. Which means some kind of wall, at least 300 feet tall, needs to be built around all of them … 300 feet will account for worst case tsunami sized waves …
So yes, I’ve discussed all of the above in various forms. I’ve tried to tune out Dane Wigington, because I wasn’t really sure how his strategy could work. That doesn’t mean he’s not genuine, it just means he might have chosen a bad strategy. But I’ve kept up on many sources, from a “Sovietological” perspective, and I’ve seen the indication, lately, of what I’d call “cover your ass” behavior from various journalistic outlets, that 5 years ago would have said “runaway methane” is crazy and nothing to worry about … both can’t be true.
I think the “new window” of 2019-2020 was sort of fuzzy, and they needed a super drama PSYOP – something that would astound. You can’t really do a real pandemic without harming your (government’s) ability to control what is going on. A real pandemic would have actually led directly to collapse – instead, they created a pseudo reality, filled it with fake numbers and hospital mistakes, and scared our neighbors, in a cultish way, to death.
This could never last more than a few years, ergo: the window is likely less than 5 years. This also means the crucible of this event is near – and it’s either a) “Hot House Earth” (bad) or b) “Venus Syndrome” (basically the end of everything)
I’m a Christian, but not a prophet. There is a lot of prophecy concerning “boiling seas” and “fire”. All of the above would be the result of a coastal shelf release event, lasting months, dumping trillions of tons of methane into the atmosphere … the seas would boil.
A forest fire with an upgrade is a “fire storm” – they happen, but are generally rare … except for the last decade or so. If the wrong fire storm followed a fuel trail to the wrong city? – like say, San Francisco? or Seattle? or Portland? … this could be very catastrophic. You would need a fire-safe room, with its own air, and shielding, because temperatures will get quite high. At a certain point? – the fuel air mixtures can turn almost ANYTHING into fuel … that is a firestorm … it creates its own winds.
I need to state this again: I am not a prophet, even if you agreed with everything here, so far, you can still say “but that doesn’t imply worldwide nuclear war”. As a Christian with some understanding of prophecy, this, plus the methane event, would be a good match.
I think the Ukraine thing has gotten stupid beyond belief – this makes me wonder, what was or is the point? I did not believe Putin would be dumb enough to do this, but perhaps he had no choice – perhaps his generals said “do something or be replaced”, imaging a native Russian speaker. The Ukraine thing would be a perfect spark for WW3 in the worst case, and if it were for the purpose of generating a nuclear winter? – then likely all sides are expected to “launch it all” … every bit … make it as close to an asteroid hit as possible.
So then what? – if you live in any city you will likely be hit with SEVERAL nukes, and more than one nuke strike. To accomplish what they need to accomplish, with the nuclear weapons they have, they would need to use them all … and perhaps try to trigger one or more caldera volcanoes with them as well, this would also lead to a rapid cooling event, in theory.
The problem with the “nuclear winter” scenario, is that it is also possible that this nuclear war triggers a more rapid release of methane, and runaway methane still beats nuclear winter to the finish line.
I don’t want to scare you, and I’m not really scared. I have this bittersweet connection to everything earthly. I say to myself, “I might miss this” … I remind myself, “Dan, you have to learn to let go”. I talk about these “dogs” that I live with, in my podcast. I discuss how therapeutic they’ve been. But recently I’ve had these horrible thoughts about dogs, and even cats, in a scenario where human life went sideways in a global famine. It’s a morbid fear, and it may seem irrational to some – I’ll own my own fear.
Btw: fear isn’t categorically “good” or “bad”: it’s really two things …
- How you use it.
- How you avoid fake versions of it. (psyop prevention)
I think there might be reason to be concerned that IF we find ourselves in the “longest hottest summer ever”, “they” might see this as a last resort action and they needed to act.
I also want to make this clear: I don’t think it’s the “end of the world”, but people do and will die. Perhaps a lot of people will die, and it won’t be imaginary, like the “rona”. There is always a chance a person could hold on, using technology, for long enough to repopulate the Earth – yes there will be wastelands, and mutants, perhaps even really smart apes.
But who are the people that can afford these bunkers, these hideouts?
I know it’s a club, I’m not a member, not sure I care, except for the dogs.
Here’s another clarification: if the worst case of runaway methane feedbacks occurs, I believe there are, after much tumult, the following possible future equilibrium states.
- Hot House Earth or what I call Florida Man World: move if you live below 300 feet sea level, just to be safe. Might be alligators, in the pacific northwest, in 30 years.
- Venus Syndrome: just think being roasted like a turkey, like the outside is an oven, all the time, perhaps you would live for a few seconds …
- A little ice age followed by Florida Man World: think mass oceanic evaporative event, think 10-15% of the mass, of the oceans, converting to vapor over a few months. In many ways the Earth’s oceans are like a thermal battery, and eventually they will discharge.
- Snowball Earth: mass evaporative event, albedo effect kicks in, and you get global never ending winter, basically.
Of all the above: Hot House Earth would seem to fit future scenarios.
But we are entering treacherous waters, because history has become unstuck.
The show went GREAT … (but had those fun weird moments too)
It was good. We are very thankful to the folks at “Be Prepared Expo” for giving us the chance. I think a lot of folks were happy that we were there, mainly, to educate. To say “YES, you can network computers with single side band CB radios …” … it can be done, it can be done over a great distance. And nothing is perfect, but what we are doing with JS8Call (not something we built) is trying to say what basic text based services would a person want if they could get it almost everywhere, and eventually everywhere, but you control the system. You have a right-to-repair. You will get schematics. This is what we talked about, and it was maybe a little weird as presentations go, I think the audience appreciated the sentiment (or narc’d me out as some kind of white separatist … because I’m not … I’m not white … I’m ginger).
Some of the HAM guys seemed a bit “purposeful”, but I also think there are some weird vibes in the HAM community. You’d think they would want these frequencies to be used for more than just the “daily antenna report”, it would save HAM and free a lot of people from the WWW to create a separate, truly decentralized, international radio network.