IT at work …

The IT software / firewall at work classifies my blog, this blog, as porn …

If it is porn? – it’s a strange porn.

A porn for strangers …

A table set for strangers to feel less alone.


“Keep a fucking notebook!” – Dr. Freckles

(physical, paper, pen, pencil, style, notebook)

(I don’t care what you do for a living)

  • farmers
  • engineers
  • teachers
  • doctors
  • nurses
  • accountants
  • journalists
  • chefs
  • janitors
  • moms / dads / parents
  • everybody, fucker
  • you are not guaranteed electricity

The laundromat …

“The laundromat is like a casino that is more peaceful and less disappointing.” – Dr. Freckles

(bonus: you get to hear the cling-cling-cling of the change machine, and it’s like a slot machine paying out)




Boovula Ale:

In the future:

Some more Dr. Freckles quotes:

“Grieving is tough shit.” – Dr. Freckles

“Game theory OVER Behaviorism.” – Dr. Freckles

“Elon Musk is the Eddie Haskell of space.” – Dr. Freckles

“Social media is a mind-control trash heap, and if you put more weight into it than that? – you’re probably trash too.” – Dr. Freckles

“You can trust Lennie to not crush mice more than you can trust the government to NOT crush your dreams” – Dr. Freckles

“A rational person that gets kicked in the genitals enough? – ends up an anarchist.” – Dr. Freckles

“Auto-tune is auto-doom … to music.” – Dr. Freckles

“Humility is a tool against evil.” – Dr. Freckles

Read your Nietzsche shit head …

(humility drives the adder to drink its own poison)

In the future …

In the future …

The “CALIFORNIA DREAMING” video will be seen as naïve bright-siding utopian bullshit.

In the future …

Swamp masters, herding their hooker women, will lurk in the regions EAST of New York City. They will harvest sewage crab and live off of the snail greases and the lost virgin patties. It will be hard, but their names will be THROG and GRYG and TOOLLS … and they will be feared. In the future.

In the future …

The dancing nurses will be found, along with DB COOPER and the cause of the WTC-7 collapse … all found … all verified. Sure, you’ll use these secret papers to keep yourself warm, and you’ll burn the plastic coverings too … as you cower in your cave, on the run from the HIGLIN-CREW and the other droogs hanging near the Ivory Sands of Tyl … and still their hearts will be warn and yellow. In the future.


The bullet will be gold and gold will be power. Heinous derby riders, shooting horses for taco meat, will be chased out of Florida and find refuge in the storm drains of Dallas. The underground world, covered in mold and slime, becomes their empire of madness and the LOST ONES are forgotten, as their bones turn to dust. In the future.

Way off in the future …

People will live on MARS … they’ll have fancy cars and martinis at bars … they will ski Olympus Mons, and hangout with ROBOT-ELON-MUSK – carbon unit Musk will be dead by then, died in a TESLA accident. Many will come to his funeral, dressed in steel and suede, wondering and wandering the cemetery, finding only reflections of their own monkey failure … in the future.




Stock Market:


Right to speak:

Pulse of society:


Low quality FCC approved recording (banned):

When the leaves fall:


The anti-war party:

A shortwave broadcast, FCC allowed, banned by YouTube …

From 2 fucking years ago …

(I guess AI is slow as fuck?)

Someone asks me about my oath …

The one I took as a US Army officer …

And I think about all the censorship bullshit I’ve had to deal with – AND NO ONE LISTENS TO ME … I have almost no followers, WTF is the risk?

And I’d rather talk about bullshit hobbits, as much as I despise that JRR Tolkien crap, than talk about people “defending” the Bill of Rights, cuz it was burned, what was left of it, in 2020.

at this point? – there is nothing I can do or you can do that will stop this thing from coming …

Best you can do? – find a dried crusty on the side of the toilet bowl … before the flush happens

When the leaves fall …

When the leaves fall,

You can feel the cold rolling in …

When the leaves fall,

You know where she’s been …


You kept your heart,

So full of love,

But like some old pair of gloves,

She tossed you out …



When the leaves fall …

The sun disappears.

When the leaves fall …

You spend all day drinking beer …


There’s sadness in the air …

You no longer care …

Your soul aches,

Your body shakes,

Your mind breaks.



And there’s no way home again,

When the ground is cold,

you feel really old …

You go out on the land,

To find a friend.

Someone to comfort you,

until that brutal end.


When the leaves fall …

There’s noise in the woods …

When the leaves FALL …

It’s always what you “could” …

Could have listened to her scream …

Could’a not been so mean …

Could’a built her a home …

Could’a stopped all the roaming …

When the Leaves fall …

When the leaves fall …


That’s all …

“giver her some snickers”

Lennie …

Lennie where ya goin,

Are you tired of the farm?

Did you do someone harm?

Lennie where ya headed?

Are you sick of the land?

Are you sinking in the sand?

Does anyone understand, but George?


You were made with fists of iron,

You were built to hold up the sky …

But instead you find poor rodents,

And squeeze them … until they die …

Come on Lennie …

What’s this struggle for?

And Lennie sighs …

And say’s “no more” …


Lennie … what’s wrong … with this song?

Lennie, are you stuck in the throng?

Lennie, will you clean up that shack?

Lennie, will George give you your money back?

You wander strongly,

behind your good friend George,

he keeps you going,

but there’s something about him …

Something about him …

Something about George …

And Lennie has no clue.


Lennie are you tired?

Did you spend time alone?

Did you get mired,

in rancher’s desire,

when all that you want,

is a place with a warm fire?

Don’t be sad Lennie,

you can makes shoes from a tire.


Lennie are you angry?

Did you spend time in the barn,

Did you say “oh darn”?

You need to stay away from Curley’s wife,

Don’t make George take your life,

This world is filled with liquor and strife,


Lennie … are you okay?

Lennie … what’d ya do today?

Lennie, did Curley’s wife go away?

Lennie, there’s not much to say …

“Hey George, tell me again about the rabbits …”

Gun shot rings out …

Not time to pout …

It’s all done …

Lennie is on the other side,

where all is ONE …

Hey George, go clean that gun …

(then go get drunk and have some hookers)

USA: no anti-war party …

There is no anti-war party in this country …

Not because it couldn’t exist, but because it WILL NOT be allowed …

Libertarians? – give me a break … they are tripping over each other to endorse one side or another in this Israel/Hamas human disaster …

Peace? – no one is buying.

We should make war 100% voluntary – you want to fight? – GO FUCKING FIGHT!

You want to fund these calamities? – fucking do it.