There’s a mystery in Sector-19

Something weird is going on in Sector-19, something scary.

We’re sending out forces to investigate, but already we are receiving reports of “Wisconsin type love making” among the groblon-herders and there are concerns that the color-breasted harvel-wolves will go mad and attack random farmers planting corn.

Stories of migration and shaking, as if the Temple of the Dead Spirit has split in two and the last soldiers were killed in Scompton. No one knows why the monkey-sauce restaurants have stopped serving Danish people, or why the last Earl of Sweden is hungover and near dead in Stockholm. Xenii musketeers shower lead upon the rampart, but we’re still not sure how many “hairy Karens” are left roving those greasy streets.

We’re sending scientists and sorcerers and witches to the center of this thing. They’ll travel in tunneling ships and hoor-barges and by hyper-tube. Their equipment will be the latest in REI survival ware, with various bloob-guns and hex-grenades and a few of them “bouncing Betty’s” the kids keep talking on about. The scientists will keep notes and sketches, harboring fears of the Bishop Cycle, and the other star travelers from Mars. They’ll send word soon, and then that dread mystery will be solved.

Some people fear it’s about that new BUTT VIRUS that’s crawling up the pipes …

Sector-19 has had out of control roach-scurbing and bubbly body wash victory soap. There are dead henkel-birds all across the roads and muskrat trackers are getting lost in the subways, stepping on needles, doing the “blues” and then jumping into the train. Can’t be sure about the snake venom treatments, some people are drinking bleach mixed with sand and glass in order to expel their personal demons. Sector-19 is falling apart.

Gord-forgers, unleashing New Zealand bee-pollen bull testicle extract MAGIC, will lead the Uug-Too Tribe beyond the edge of infinity. There will be strange demons along the way, and huntress widows and old clasping freaks. The crab will settle upon the mud, as Seeg-Ruun builds his palace upon the golden mountain. But this will give way to transcendence, and Sector-19 will find peace.

(something from 2018)


Okay … I have this idea for a movie, and I want you to shut the fuck up for a second.

I know “cocaine bear” … sure … SHARKNADO? – a day that ends in Y. Waiting for TIME-SHARK, that’s probably coming out for Christmas in 2025.

But here’s my pitch for “METH BADGER”, the motion picture.

Opening credits play “Country Road”, by John Denver, as the camera, showing a panorama of the Kentucky hills, keys in on one spot, where some old dude has a kennel in the backwoods … We creep up on the place, with the camera, as country road transitions to some nice keyboard/guitar work, with a banjo thrown in.

Here is where we meet our “man of folly”.

“Old Shimbly”, a crazy old coot that lives in the deep woods of Kentucky starts breeding honey badgers for the domestic Panda Express market …

“Shim”, as his friends call him, begins experimenting with steroids and growth hormones purchased from Ecuador. He ends up getting raided by the FEDs, but one of his PRIZE badgers escapes … Shim is riddled with bullets, as his FAVORITE badger, “Ol Annie”, licks his wounds, and Shim says “get outta here girl”, so the gigantic female honey badger runs for the woods … transition to a short montage with “Man Comes Around” playing (of course Johnny Cash), showing the brief history of “Ol Annie”, and the various things Shim did to raise her to enormous size.

These here normal honey badgers … ones not common to N. America … get to be about 30 pounds … but “Ol Annie”, Shim’s pet name for the experimental badger, grew to be 300 pounds … ten times the size of an average honey badger, but it’s worse …

She was in heat, and needing to breed …

This wasn’t any normal honey badger … its eyes glowed yellow-green in the darkness, and it seemed to SCREAM when it killed. Shim fed it road kill and old dead hookers he found in the Ohio River, bad food, fueled a bad badger.

“Ol Annie” roamed the countryside after the FED operation, and eventually stumbled across two bumbling Falstaffian fools who also happened to be METH distributers. They had about 50 pounds of PRIMO GRADE meth … and the badger ate the meth, then she hunted and ate the poor doomed Skakespearian fools …

Of course there’s a sexy scientist from the University of Kentucky – she grew up in Germany, but has a twang. And then there’s that brave fucking sheriff, who warned about people breeding killer badgers, but nobody listened. Gertrude gets all upset when she discovers that the insane badger had bred with mountain lion, and it seemed as if she might give birth to super-lion-honey-badger … there’s a lot of handwringing over this.

At one point, the Sheriff and Gertrude are on a scouting trip, and they witness the battle between the male mountain lion and Annie …

Gertrude: “I know I said I’d seen everything …”

Sheriff: “I know …”

Gertrude: “But …”

Sheriff: “You ain’t never been to Alabama.”

Lots of Bluegrass music is showcased in this, whatever …

There’s a big finale where the local hillbilly has a vulcan canon, and tears the badger a new one, just before the badger lands on him and bites his head off …

And it’s all somber music and bullshit at the end …

And it looks like the sheriff is going to bang Gertrude.

(and nobody cares about the two fools, Shim, or the lost meth)



(we make this movie for less than 20 million, we make 300 million)

“X” is so UNCENSORED …

The other day I posted to a mutual follower this:

“Cut yourself some slacks …” – an idiom, and a reference to Rick and Morty.

My account was immediately locked down by TWITTER, my ability to post on hold for 7 days. I pay Elon money … btw.

Note: many ZIONIST accounts are allowed to post the most vile shit you can imagine, threatening the mass killing of innocent men, women, children. But I use an IDIOM that supposedly the AI didn’t have in its heuristic database … possible, not likely.

I’ve had to experience multiple forms of censorship since my first blog,, went online in 2011. I’ve had too many TWITTER accounts to list, most banned by Twitter, a few shut down by myself for the simple frustration of “shadow banning”.

I paid Sound Cloud money for a few years, to PROVABLY delete/remove subscribers, folks who were actually donating to my podcast. The response back from the folks I was paying? – no response, they simply DGAF. Probably random …

I tried STEEMIT until every crypto-whale with diabetes had zoned in on me, and more or less did everything they could to bury my thread – the “defenders of freedom” couldn’t handle a different voice. Random, totally random, once again.

I have been run off of YOUTUBE, and I am simply tired of playing in their crooked sandbox.

ZEROHEDGE has permabanned me – thought about buying a paid subscription, but given I pay TWITTER and they just locked my account because their SMART AI doesn’t understand a common idiom? – yeah … I’m thinking I don’t have any more money to waste. But this too is just coincidence.

I don’t think there’s much time left to give a shit about stuff like this …

I think the most “rational” people I know are lining up to vote for Trump …

The madness is complete, the nation is insane, and it’s hard to say for certain what comes next – but it’s not going to be pretty, or linear, or something most are prepared for.

So fuck it …

My voice is too dangerous to be heard by more than 50 people …

(that just seems weird)

But I am getting tired.