MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220123_FEAR.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Sarcasm, and the Turing Test …

Another important fact for snowflakes: SARCASM is not PASSIVE AGGRESSION … If it confuses you? – ask for clarification. (but SARCASM is a pretty cheap Turing Test, BTW … and the bots on all social media go haywire when you use sarcasm – hence another reason for my using it)

REACH ME ON GETTR: https://www.gettr.com/user/planetarystatus

Relationship trouble …

Link: https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/01/21/detroit-man-accused-of-pouring-lighter-fluid-on-pregnant-girlfriend-setting-her-on-fire/

Joy …

“Joy is aesthetically more pleasing IF you are not surrounded by people screaming in pain.” – Dr. Freckles

Fear and consciousness, revisited …

“Fear is the gap between consciousness and knowledge.” – Dr. Freckles

Have you spent time on GRINKEN STREET?

Have you seen the RED DEVIL MISTRESS? Her dancing at midnight? When her body was covered in grombo-oils and her maidens would bear swords and knives and pillowcases filled with rocks? This was always going to be the final offering to the priestess. We were always going to get trapped.

I was her crooked lover, when we would lurk down by SHIMBLEY’S off of SCRIMPTOM. We’d drink harlot whiskey and breathe the fumes of bromide and aluminum and other barium laced poisons falling from the sky hawks. “You coming to my place for Sid’s birthday?”, she asked. “No baby, I’m heading to HOOKER SQUARE for the free money …”

She was slim and hard. Her sunken eyes betrayed years on the street, looking for her pain sauce in every gutter. I’d think she was my girlfriend, if she wasn’t my hooker wife.

“Did you hear about Terry?”

“Nah, what up?”

“Terry was selling S’KLINK down by the old abandoned library …”


“nah … fucking GRONKIS LORDS are moving into Splunkton and have some road kings on Grinken …”

The GRONKIS LORDS were moving EAST … they began as an offshoot of the EAST SIDE HOOLIES, who were originally the anti-SEMITIC JEWS of BOBSBURG. But then they, the Lords, had a following out with the CRIPS in Seattle, and this all set off a WEST SIDE vs EAST SIDE grudge match between all the hip hop overlords in Detroit.

“Shit … Terry gonna get ripped?” … Ripping? – that’s when a tribe gets an old pickup and chain and rope … they attach your legs to some old cottonwood tree and the chain to your chest … you are pulled apart and then dumped in the river … probably near the sewage plant.

“Don’t know …”, my street flower said. My Meg … my tormentor.

Things are getting tougher on Grinken Street.


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220122_Space_Based_Entertainment.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Forklift driver …

(a random dream)

How weak is your community?

We are entering a kind of semi-reflective stage in the “monkey herpes” narrative … and people are coming up with excuses:

  1. it’s the Democrats
  2. it’s the GOP
  3. it’s Biden or Trump
  4. it’s the Chinese
  5. it was no big deal, but we overreacted …

But as we stare down the barrels of civilization scale collapse, maybe we should ponder this: how weak were our communities and neighborhoods that the “rona” took it down?

Monkeys on the run …

Link: https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/01/truck-carrying-100-monkeys-crashes-in-pa-and-now-some-are-missing-police.html

Space Based Entertainment …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/worlds-first-space-based-entertainment-studio-be-launched-2024

Half a mile from Splunkton …

“Everyone I know lives a half a mile from Splunkton, just down the road from Boblimptock, not far from Grinken Street.” – Dr. Freckles

Rent-a-bot …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/renting-robots-less-minimum-wage-boon-companies

Hookers and Cocaine …

Donate … fuck …

CHANGE THE CASSETTE … (turn up the volume)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220121_Change_the_cassette.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

When that old FORD truck is nearly done …

What do?

  1. change the cassette
  2. turn up the volume

The Middle East … (shit hole)

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/china-chipping-away-americas-influence-middle-east

“Switching Rigs” …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/make-preparations-canadian-vaxx-mandate-cross-border-trucking-now-effect-domestic

Impossible …

“… ‘Impossible’ is just a fancy word for ‘I give up’ …” – Dr. Freckles

Friction and turbulence …

“Beware the friction free environment … that little bit of resistance? – is a little bit of control.” – Dr. Freckles


I think Demi needs more work, a boob job … butt job combo plate … junk reconstruction …

Stories …

  1. Lost MORMON GOLD …
  2. Doctor Baxton
  3. Gin Drinker Ranch
  4. The Fishing Trip
  5. Missionary Position
  6. Robot Loved People … so much …
  8. DITCH WARS of DUCHESNE … and Splinkton

Revenge works …

“I think, in most cases, revenge is more just than our ‘justice system’.” – Dr. Freckles

Most people don’t want to kill – they will do everything they can to rationalize themselves out of it … the killing … this is noble, even if biological and genetic in nature. Yes – random mob justice may seem random, but does our system ACTUALLY protect the innocent? – meditate.

Tough …

“When I was young, I thought my dad was too tough on me. I look back now? – and I wonder if he was tough enough.” – Dr. Freckles


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220121_VOLCANO_YACHT_SEX_CLUB.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Turning the phone off …

I’ve been wanting to NOT TALK to people when they call … no matter who they are. I love to call them the next day … it’s better for all of us.

Hearing, listening …

“I hear God … I don’t often listen.” – Dr. Freckles

Where am I going?

“CRAZY … want to come along?” – MOM

(yes – and it’s ok)

Not knowing, and consciousness …

“It’s not FOMO, it’s the FONK … because FINK!” – Dr. Freckles

FONK: Fear Of Not Knowing

(we run the risk of clinging onto, too closely, bad ideas)

FINK: Fear Is Not Knowing

The Great Discontinuity …

The wind, and life …

“Don’t pretend to own the wind.” – Dr. Freckles

A special James Bond style “love club”, right?

One neat trick …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220115_One_neat_trick.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

  1. One neat trick for lowering your electrical bill …
  2. One neat trick for lowering the cost of home ownership
  3. One neat trick for dealing with your mobile bill …
  4. One neat trick for a GREAT ATTITUDE … (really great)
  5. One neat trick for fixing your marriage …
  6. One neat trick for saving money on food …
  7. One neat trick for dealing with that lump …
  8. One neat trick for that neighbor next door …
  9. One neat trick to start your car in the morning …
  10. One neat trick for losing weight …
  11. One neat trick for cursing your enemies …
  12. One neat trick for sexual stamina …
  13. One neat trick for better gas mileage …
  14. One neat trick for raising gorillas …
  15. One neat trick for stealing a shit load of money …

What would Ron Popeil do?

What time is it?

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220113_What_time_is_it.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

When I’m drinking …

“When I’m drinking, I’m focused mainly on getting drunk.” – Dr. Freckles

Dude does NOT like FLOWERS …

Link: https://youtu.be/W_C2DcyUBFg

CADMIUM from the SKY …


Jesus …

“What did Jesus do? – he taught us to fish, and then he left. It was up to us to teach others.” – Dr. Freckles

Cosmology …

“Cosmology is religious studies … with a shit-load of pretense, and hubris.” – Dr. Freckles

Minimalism …

  1. it’s knowing you only have so much time on this Earth, in this world …
  2. it is prioritizing joy … and for a Christian? – prioritizing Jesus.
  3. it is knowing that it makes ZERO SENSE to horde things that will never be used.

McNuggets …

What about THIS?


The never ending psyop …

Current Models of Reality:

  1. Covid is Totally REAL and the worst thing ever and all you have to do is get the vaccination … and this is why there are logistical failures and other random delivery nonsense … ignore the suicides, cuz you’re racist.
  2. Covid is kinda real and not very dangerous … literally means: we overreacted … and it’s just too bad all the suicides and overdoses …
  3. Covid is NOT real, but it was just one big mistake.
  4. Covid is NOT real, and it will bring about the RESET.
  5. They want to kill us all with vaccines … in about 3 years …

What could be coming, if you believe any of the above ….

  1. The Reset
  2. The Infinite Gray Nothing
  3. The Simulation
  4. You are in Hell

What I believe:

  1. It IS an ongoing military psychological warfare operation since late 2019.
  2. It does not apparently have an “end date”, but appears to be ending every couple months.
  3. The tempo of the psyops follows a wave pattern – high/low, open/close
  4. I have ZERO solid evidence that any of the stupid shit they are threatening, or are saying other countries are doing, is real. Zero.
  5. It does not look like “they” control the schedule.
  6. I don’t see any future with billions of crazy people.
  7. The “race war” was the halftime show.
  8. We are in sudden-death overtime.
  9. Lies this big? – don’t tend to hide anything good.
  10. The pattern fits a fuzzy event, not a discrete one (like an asteroid or triggering WW3 – you can pick a day for this or predict this to the day), this is more like predicting a major volcanic eruption or earthquake.

Great Power

“With great power comes the LOSS of responsibility.” – Dr. Freckles


“Geese, flying West, for the Winter … or Spring?”

Something I saw the other day, with a friend …

Wolves … and dogs …

“Nietzsche would have made a terrible wolf.” – Dr. Freckles

A lot of ignorance is expressed in Nietzsche attribution of “strength” to other cultures values, given that every culture expresses core similarity and ergo rejects his division.

Public Schools …

“Public schools are slightly better than pedophile babysitters … sometimes.” – Dr. Freckles

A right to principles, beliefs …

This is crazy …


Before I go too deep, let me outline, once again, the only things I believe (cannot prove) are true at this point:

  1. In 2019, TPTB, decided to trigger one major (RONA) and several minor military psychological warfare operations.
  2. During the summer of 2019, the short-term lending facilities between banks (REPO) began failing, overnight rates spiked to double digits, and this signaled a coming collapse of the banking system.
  3. Prior to 2020, many journals, newspapers, and even films, featured scare mongering around “killer pandemics”. In 2018, articles began appearing about “Disease X” … very ominous sounding at the time, and ridiculous.
  4. The core message of these military psychological warfare operations is this: STAY THE FUCK HOME … don’t talk to people, don’t meet with people, and did I say STAY THE FUCK HOME? … an ominous thing, to have “snow day” for almost 2 years.
  5. The nature of the psyops, with their “on again, off again” sine-curve tempo indicates that whatever TPTB are responding to? – it is a “fuzzy event” … the kind of event that doesn’t have a predictable date … collapse of an empire is a fuzzy event … so is abrupt climate collapse or the clathrate gun or volcanic events, earthquakes, solar CME, etc …
  6. It is not conceivable that a psyop using trauma as a core component could work more than 2 years … which means TPTB believed they were within the “window” of some event … again: could be dollar collapse … what a gentle world if that’s the case.
  7. Because they are using trauma based mind control? – they are, in essence, setting fire to the “building”. No “reset”, no Klaus Scwab BS … you can’t build on ashes.
  8. TPTB had ALL THE FUCKING POWER they wanted or could rationally use … so why would they do the “reset” if they didn’t have to?
  9. I believe, based on my own observations, that TPTB are geo-engineering … I’m not sure why. The spraying has been really bad lately.
  10. The “weather reports” look more and more like their own propaganda …
  11. My own subjective experience of seeing a place like WA state (where I grew up) change over time? – it looks like the ecosystems of the PNW are in collapse.

So, what is a “sheepdog” in PSYOP terms?

A “sheepdog”, in psyop terms, is a popular authority figure, sometimes and underdog outsider also, used to direct the flock AWAY FROM the truth … it’s like this “mass formation psychosis” nonsense … it gets CLOSE to the truth, but still … it’s quite far away. Unlike the “fool” (Greta is a good example), they need to look like “credible outsiders” … that way, you can feel comfortable with the lesser truth they give you … it’s the boundary.

Much, if not most, of popular alt-stuff on YouTube is FILLED with “sheep dogs” …

If you want to succeed on YouTube, taking on the role of the sheepdog is very helpful … and supported.

YouTube might “ban you” … but this is also a credibility builder. When your channel comes back? – you can give weird speeches about that too …

Now … regarding Dane Wigington … very early on in the covid-monkey-herpes lie, he pushed it … and I thought “well, maybe it will take him a few months to see through this bullshit”. He never did see through it … he gets close to the truth, almost like tantric sex: still edging away.

Daylight Savings Time

DST: the first great mind fuck?

Link: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/how-daylight-saving-time-got-started/2666081/


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220109_FLORIDA_MAN_is_not_DEAD_with_AJ_from_Florida.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

AJ’s YOUTUBE Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK7uUefH4CZvbJIbd7e4kgg

A) Something scary sounding: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/bill-filed-washington-authorize-strike-force-involuntarily-detain-unvaccinated-families-already-set-internment-camps/

B) Florida Update

C) Utah Update

D) Pyramids on Mars

E) WuFlu Rebellion (Supply Chain Pixelation)

F) Reorganization period (1970’s repeat)

G) 1984 World Gov Collusion 


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220108_HYPER_STATISM_vs_COLLAPSE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

“If you want an abortion …”

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/british-military-deploys-200-people-london-hospitals-staffing-shortages-bite

What did my friend’s wife tell me, when I was in the US Army 20 years ago?

“If you want an abortion, just have your baby in a military hospital.”

(good luck with using the military replacements, the real fun starts soon)


  1. the NWO/deep-state fucks had enough power in 2020 to turn off much of the world economy. They had been raping, stealing, and doing other crooked shit for my entire life, probably longer, so why would they stop?
  2. any statism that follows the previous EPOCH can only be called hyper-statism
  3. hyper-statism is the totalistic control of all human affairs, to include human thought … this is NOT “1984” … they had “thought police”, but they couldn’t actually read minds … they were like our thought police TODAY … no, “thought police” in hyper-statism means the ability to infiltrate, with technology or other means, the deepest reaches of the human mind … to control it, program it.
  4. I’ve talked about collapse enough, on my podcast, I figure people know what collapse is …
  5. So the question is, what is more likely: hyper-statism which will require all of the promised technology, and beyond, to be delivered – soon … or collapse?

TECH requirements of Hyper-Statism:

  1. bio-electronic human programming
  2. free energy (or energy return that is better than oil in 1900)
  3. pre-crime
  4. experimental / cultural behaviorism
  5. neo-slavery
  6. cybernetic education systems
  7. quantum computing
  8. functional above room temperature non-rare earth based super-conduction (synthetic AND cheap super conductors)
  9. total destruction of spiritual life
  10. nano tech
  11. (just think BORG)

Forget politics, forget your favorite news site … if you were betting:

a) hyper-statism


b) collapse

(I think all other options are off the table, given the brain damage present in much of the population … I would love it if people understood that the only true path to survival is freedom … but I doubt they will)

(we don’t get a “graceful degradation” or “incrementalism” from here … sorry)

(nature: NOT LINEAR)

Stories and madness …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220107_Stories_and_Madness.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Madness …

… and Foucault …

1/6 …

The crazy continues …


Link: https://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/183059/swedes-invent-antifreeze-for-humans/

Fiction, delusion, madness …

“Every great story is a description of madness.” – Dr. Freckles


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/seattle-police-officers-falsified-reports-about-proud-boys-moving-toward-chop-watchdog

Seattle Employee 90 seconds in: https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20200616_CHOP_CHAZ_Voyage_2.mp4

BLM/Bike Cops/No pics:

  1. https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20200703_Seattle_BLM_1.mp4
  2. https://planetarystatusreport.com/video/20200703_Seattle_BLM_2.mp4

The Story (which I think is true) …

  1. Since the 1970’s, US Policy (economic and otherwise) has been destructive and kleptocratic. Eventually: you run out of countries to bomb, shit you can rip off. Takes us to 2019.
  2. Prior to 2019, the deep state promoted and promulgated a pop culture mythology around viruses, epidemics, etc. People were primed and ready, and a general societal germophobia and anti-ANTI-VAXXER mentality was EVERYWHERE … in TV shows, news, radio, music, people treated the anti-vaccination crowd, prior to 2020, as OUTCASTS.
  3. When the REPO facilities began to fail for banks during the summer of 2019, clearly people in “charge” took this as an indication of the “BIG WHATEVER”.
  4. The “BIG WHATEVER” is, hopefully, just the collapse of the US dollar and the neocon empire, that’s baked into the cake and is happening as we speak. The only question is this: is collapse as bad as it gets? – there is reason to believe that they are conducting PSYOPs to cover up something much worse.
  5. Whatever the “BIG WHATEVER” is? – it’s a fuzzy event … which means there’s no “date” when “it” happens … many things fall into this category, including collapse. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, solar CME, the “clathrate gun” – could all be classified as fuzzy and not easily predictable …
  6. Probably, in 2019, the bean counters figured out they were in the window of likelihood for this fuzzy event: this is why the pulled the trigger on the PSYOPs …
  7. The main message of the psyops, since 2020, has been: stay angry, confused, sad … but MOSTLY … STAY THE FUCK home and don’t talk to anyone.
  8. No trauma based mind control operation can be effective PAST the point of psychological exhaustion … we are at the point now (a recent event with a neighbor confirms this I think) that people are beginning to go crazy … from the psyops … this is a dangerous moment.
  9. It is unlikely they would have pulled the trigger on these psyops if the “window of likelihood” were greater than 2 years … it’s why I call the BLM/Antifa nonsense the “halftime show”. I don’t think any of these motherfuckers believed we would make it through 2021 … it’s why the OMNICRON-RONA-MONKEY-HERPES bullshit continues …
  10. We are now in the phase I would call “sudden death overtime” – interpret that how you will. Cascading collapse in an overly complex police state? – not gonna be pretty. And this cascade is ongoing … any day now, we could experience the “next big drop in altitude”. Hopefully it’s just a “ten foot drop”, this might give people a chance to get their shit together … but I’m thinking it’s gonna be more like a “twenty foot drop”, and a lot of folks will be staring at their dead smart devices WEEKS after the power is out … more will be waiting, like during Katrina, for helicopters to drop water.

To summarize: a) they don’t control the schedule, b) they are lying and the lies are big, c) the main message of the lies has been “stay home, don’t talk, don’t do anything other than buy shit and watch the Soviet channels”, d) no trauma based mind control op can go on indefinitely, eventually enough people lose their shit that society falls apart.

“Going to the Crawlspace …” – https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160801_Going_to_the_crawlspace.pdf

“Odds of Survival …” – https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160729_Odds_Of_Survival.pdf

GHOST CITIES with “Seattle Mike”

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220105_GHOST_CITIES_with_Seattle_Mike.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

  1. Space: https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-sunday-telegraph/20220102/281805697267737
  2. What’s up in Seattle?
  3. Russian PSYOPs in the UKRAINE: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2021/12/26/psy-ops-as-the-key-to-understanding-what-russia-has-been-doing-lately-to-force-a-us-nato-capitulation/
  4. The Spanish FLU: https://medium.com/microbial-instincts/spread-of-spanish-flu-was-never-experimentally-confirmed-9f91b37c4dd8
  5. OMICRON variant causes inflation, according to the FEDERAL RESERVE.
  6. Bernays and the problems of peace “SOLVED” by germophobia and mass hypnosis: “It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilities of regimenting the public mind. The American government and numerous patriotic agencies developed a technique which, to most persons accustomed to bidding for public acceptance, was new. They not only appealed to the individual by means of every approach—visual, graphic, and auditory—to support the national endeavor, but they also secured the cooperation of the key men in every group—persons whose mere word carried authority to hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of followers. They thus automatically gained the support of fraternal, religious, commercial, patriotic, social, and local groups whose members took their opinions from their accustomed leaders and spokesmen, or from the periodical publications which they were accustomed to read and believe. At the same time, the manipulators of patriotic opinion made use of the mental clichés and the emotional habits of the public to produce mass reactions against the alleged atrocities, the terror, and the tyranny of the enemy. It was only natural, after the war ended, that intelligent persons should ask themselves whether it was possible to apply a similar technique to the problems of peace.”
  7. China R/E “market,” so-called. “Informed China observers have been concerned about the imbalances in China’s property market, often described as one of the largest financial bubbles in history, for over a decade. But it was just last week that markets suddenly and collectively decided that China’s property sector now posed a meaningful risk to the global recovery—and to China’s long-term growth prospects.” Mike: LOL — SUDDENLY —  that one made me cackle. “Beijing has clearly indicated its intention to reduce the Chinese economy’s reliance on the property sector, as evidenced by the frequent official repetition of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s words that “houses are for living, not for speculation.””   REALLY?!  Haha “But the fundamental imbalances in China’s property market point to far weaker new construction activity ahead over the next two to three years and possibly beyond. And the fact that financial markets are taking Beijing’s messaging toward the property sector more seriously means, as Dornbusch warned, that a much weaker Chinese economy may become reality far sooner than most observers expect.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-25/why-china-s-developers-have-so-much-dollar-debt-quicktake
  8. China is the other side of the American Empire equation. They are what has largely made the extension of this current iteration of the American hallucination possible since 1971.  A mathematical, philosophical, financial, metaphysical and physical garbage dump for America’s real and psychological shit.

Obey, Hide, or FIGHT …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220105_Obey_Hide_or_Fight.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/french-president-views-unvaxxed-non-citizens-vows-piss-them

  1. The governments and authorities of the world have made nothing but THREATS against their people since 2020 … of which, I can’t really verify ANY OF IT … so far? – it looks like PSYOP bullshit … to include the NWO/FEMA CAMP/RESET nonsense.
  2. The acts of governments since 2020 (at least since then) have indicated an inability to do their jobs effectively or ethically.
  3. The act of shutting down economies is an abdication.
  4. Given that the moral authority of these governments (as if they ever had any) is gone? – you have ZERO obligation to obey their dumbass edicts.
  5. You can start killing these demonic fucks … that’s where we’re at in the game

REMEMBER: if someone comes to your home to medically rape you or your friends or family, you have a right and an obligation to kill those fuckers.

If they use your job against you? – guess what … YOUR JOB WORLD IS DONE.


If they think they can get away with this? – time to explain, in brutal terms, that they won’t.

And if you’re a Christian? – THE LORD GAVE YOU FREEWILL, DIGNITY, THIS LIFE … treat it accordingly … don’t give in to evil.

“Doctor Freckles’ Rules of War”: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160802_Dr_Freckles_Rules_Of_War.pdf


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220103_CHRISTMAS_GARBAGE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

  1. Boomers in the tune of F C C … (HAM RADIO)
  2. “The problem with being fooled, is you don’t really KNOW you’re being fooled, while you’re being fooled.” – Dr. Freckles
  3. “Don’t be afraid of retreating, it means you still have a chance to win.” – Dr. Freckles
  4. “It’s OK to stop at Libertarian … because from there? – it’s a short dash to freedom.” – Dr. Freckles (like living in East Berlin)
  5. “In that show THE TWILIGHT ZONE, space is basically a desert.” – Dr. Freckles
  6. “Consciousness is paranoia.” – Dr. Freckles … Boomer and Bacon … Beans and Taco Time “you hiding burritos from me? … bacon?”
  7. YouTube commercial while listening to XMAS music … “You want to know why you feel sick? – look at this shitty banana … want to know why your wife is cheating on you? – TAKE A FUCKING LOOK, AT THIS FUCKING BANANA … does it look good to you? yeah? – then eat it.
  8. “If the world were less trip wire, and more flow – oh how far we could go.” – Dr. Freckles
  9. Boomer Bargaining
  10. “We don’t serve the INJUN ‘fire water’ … we serve him DRINKS!” – Dr. Freckles
  12. A new kind of funeral service: desert-coyote, old-hobocide, 5 way hooker-lover-cocaine-combo … dynamite morning at Deception Pass
  13. Work should have a purpose
  14. “All lovers are thrill seekers.” – Dr. Freckles
  15. Let’s say you are adding too much salt to your soup … would you want a swat team to break down your door, to stop you … under cooked meat?
  16. “CABIN FEVER: A covid nightmare …” https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/covid-outbreak-us-cruise-ship-despite-fully-vaxxed-passengers
  17. “I’m a long term optimist, short term pessimist.” – Dr. Freckles
  18. “Power is a sweaty stick of dynamite.” – Dr. Freckles
  19. Domesticating people … “a city is a livestock yard” – Dr. Freckles
  20. “The spotlight is big and hot, so share it.” – Dr. Freckles
  21. Feeling welcome, and at home …
  22. LITLER: the lit Hitler
  23. Crypto is a furnace
  24. https://nationalpost.com/news/covid-19-vaccine-now-mandatory-to-get-euthanized-in-germany
  25. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/there-are-growing-fears-china-could-be-hiding-missiles-containerships-worldwide
  26. “hackers” “Russians” “BLM” … It seems like this crappy neo-Stalinist system only produces one thing reliably now: EXCUSES https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hackers-blamed-cream-cheese-shortage-currently-afflicting-us

MASTER: Radio Band Plan

PDF: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20220103_Radio_Band_Plan.pdf

FrequenciesSegment/Net nameModeCommentsWebsite
50.058FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
50.11DX WindowOtherDX Calling Frequency. CW/SSB. Once you establish a QSO, please move off this frequency. 
50.125SSBSSBDomestic calling frequency. You CQ there for US/US QSO’s – once established you move up the band to continue. 
50.16Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
50.16Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
50.1625HFPACKSSBUSB – Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFpackhttp://hfpack.com
50.1625ALEOtherALE Voice, Data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth 
50.26M SSB NetSSBTuesday 8 PM Central time. KQ0J net control. 
50.25JT6MDigitalCalling Frequency for JT6M (Weak band enhancements)http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/
50.25AMAMAM – Northern Coloradohttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
50.26FSK441ADigitalCalling Frequency for FSK441A (Meteor Scatter Contacts Only)http://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/
50.272NetSSBYankee SSB Net, meeting since the 1960s, Sunday am 9:30 Local Timehttp://yankee6meterssbnet.blogspot.com
50.276JT65-ADigitalNewly developed JT65A is finding a home here 
50.276JT65DigitalWeak Signal Users 
50.276JT65aDigitalcalling frequency 
50.28Meteor ScatterSSBDigitalWSJT-X
50.29DigitalDigitalCalling Frequency for PSK31 and Hell modeshttp://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/
50.29MFSK16Digital http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm
50.29BPSK31DigitalBeen the defacto frequency for years 
50.291Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
50.3DigitalDigitalOperating Frequency for RTTY and MFSKhttp://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/
50.3rttyOtherDigital On Six (DOS)http://www.ykc.com/wa5ufh/DOS/index.html
50.46M So Cal AM NetSSB6M AM Net So. Cal 10am Sundays. Net Control AA6DD 
50.46M AM callingAMMainly Saturday night 6M AM NY / PA round table talks. Anyone with 6M AM anywhere can join in. 
50.62PacketDigitalDigital (packet) calling 
50.644FSQDigitalFSQ Calling Frequency[email protected]
50.68SSTVFM http://www.amateur-radio-wiki.net/index.php?title=SSTV_frequencies
51Military backpack radioFMEquipment usually low power (< 5W and inefficient antennas) and sporadic in time and geography (Hamfests, milrad exhibits, etc.) 
51.5Local FM Simplex – General ConversationFMIn Phoenix, AZ, this new network is under construction.https://www.facebook.com/5150-Net-1736240103341311/
52.02FM SimplexFM  
52.04FM SimplexFM  
52.49VT Allstar LinkFMvt allstar link 42668https:/www.vermontallstarnetwork.com
52.525FM SimplexFMPrimary FM Simplex 
52.54FM SimplexFMSecondary FM Simplex 
53.15EmergencyFMWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
53.5Remote controlDigital  
53.6Remote controlDigital  
53.7Remote controlDigital  
53.8Remote controlDigital  
53.9FM SimplexFM  
1808FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
1812.53905 Century ClubCW http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
1815CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
1817.5W1AWCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
1836.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
1838MFSK16Digital http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm
1838Calling/QSOsDigitalBased on limited personal experience plus posting on JT65A sked web site 
1838JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
1838JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
1838PSK31/DigitalDigitalPSK31, Digital (everywhere except USA) 
1845ALEOtherALE Voice, Data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
1855W1AWSSB http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
1860Amateur BullitinsAM www.wa0rcr.com
1860Amateur BullitinsAMGateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter-Saturdaywww.wa0rcr.com
1880OMISSSSBFriday and Saturday at 04:00 Zomiss.net
18923905 Century ClubSSB http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
1900net controlSSB1900 group with live straming videolivehamcam.com
1926awards netSSBrecently moved herehttp://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/index.htm
1930OMISS 160m SSB NetSSBFri/Sat at 0400, also holidayswww.omiss.net
1945Greyhair NetAMPromotion of AM activity on 160http://www.greyhairnet.org
1947ragchewSSB http://1.947group.org
1957RagchewSSBHeabrean Net 
1960western kansas 160m netSSBthis net meets every tues night on 1.960 LSB at 8PM mountain time. a ham radio topic is discussed every week. 
1970CQ-QSOSSBFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
1985RagchewAMThanks for the web page. 
1985Get togethersAMWe meet every night at about1700 hrs to about 2000 hrs. 
1996ALEOtherALE: Voice, Data, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
1998.2Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
3520RNARS Calling-FrequencyCWCW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to joinhttp://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html
3530IOTACW http://www.rsgbiota.org/
3530AMAMAM South Americahttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
3535IN CW NetsCWIndiana Section Nets 0830ct 1900ct (W9ILF Mgr)none
3547QFN FL TFC NETCWAll Florida CW Traffic Net 7 and 10 pmhttp://cwnet.homestead.com/
3547.53905 Century ClubCW http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
3549Georgia State TrafficCWGSN is daily @ 7 pm and 10 PM 
3550French AM netAM  
3550SKCCCW http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php
3555WI Traffic NetsCW1800 Novice Net , 1830 Slow Speed Net, 1900 and 2200 WI Intrastate Net, all local times 
3556FRNCWNAQCC Sunday roundtable nethttp://naqcc.info/cw_nets.html
3556.5County Hunting NetCW http://ch.w6rk.com
3557MDD TFC NETCWMaryland-DC-Delaware NTS Section Tfc Net. 7 & 10 pm dailyhttp://www.arrl-mdc.net/mdd_net/net.htm
35573RN TFC NETCWDC-DE-MD-PA 3RN NTS Cycle 4 at 7:45 & 9:30 daily 
3558FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
3559Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
3562Tennessee CW TrafficCWNet meets 1900 CT 
3563QMNCWMichigan Traffic net 
3563QMNCWMichigan Traffic Net. Early 6:30 PM Eastern. Late 10:00 PM Eastern 
3563MSN MD TFC & TNGCWMaryland Slow Net, Tfc & Net Op Training. 
3563MSN MD TFC & TNGCWMaryland Slow Net, Tfc & Net Op Tng. 7:30 pm dailyhttp://www.bdb.com/~msn/
3565ALEOtherALE: Voice, Data, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
3565Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS CW NetCWMeets daily at 23:00 UTC 
3565Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS CW NetCWMeets Daily at 23:00UTChttp://nts.ema.arrl.org/
3568CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
3569Traffic netCW  
3570Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
3570ZL2KO NetSSBWeekly M.A.R.S. Net 
3572Traffic NetCWIdaho-Montana Net (daily at 0300Z) 
3573FT8DigitalWhat are JAPAN FREQ. at 3.573 
3573AGCW QTCCWAGCW QTC Mo. 1800 UTChttp://www.agcw.org/
3575Traffic NetCWAlabama Section Net – CW Traffic 
3575Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
3576TrafficCWFrequency changed when realigned 
3576JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
3576JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
3576JT65ADigital http://www.hflink.com/jt65/
35783905 Century ClubDigital http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
3581.5W1AWCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
3583.5paNBEMSDigitalpaNBEMS is an NBEMS working group to test and train with Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System software for use in emergency communicationshttp://www.paNBEMS.org
3584MFSK16Digital http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm
3585JT-65Digital3576 NOT allowed in IARU REG 1 !! 
3585ARES Digital NetDigitalSouthern Ohio ARES Digital Net – Mondays @ 9 pm est 
35863905 Century ClubDigitalRTTYhttp://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
3588FSQDigitalIARU Region 1 
3590K6YRCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
3590Empire Slow Speed NetCW6:00PM Eastern 
3590Olivia MT-63DigitalIllinois ARES Digital Netshttp://www.ilares.org
3590FSQDigitalIARU Region 3 
3590DX WindowDigitalRTTY 
3592.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
3593NBEMS netsDigitalTues Thurs Sat Mi. @ 7 and Mn at 8 pm cst 
3594FSQDigitalIARU Region 2 
3597.5W1AW DigitalDigital http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
3598.2Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
3600EmergencyCWWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
3600French AM netAM  
3615AMAMUK AMhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
3619FAXSSBheard 0615z 04jun16 wx map image lsb 
3625W1AWDigital http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
3625AMAMAM in the UKhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
3626ALEOtherALE Data, Voice, Sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
3627.3ARRL SkipnetDigitalNet80E. Zero beat 3629 LSBhttp://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm
3630dutch ham netSSBDutch HAM net every day /nite 
363080 Meter Round TirolSSBAll Welcommewww.oe7mfi.at
3650Traffic NetCWRegion Five CW Traffic Net 
3650RAGCHEW – EUSSBnd EIwww.normandycoast.com
3650AMAMAM South Americahttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
3668Geratol NetSSBNew FQ and URLhttp://geratol.info/
3670New York State CW Net Morning Cycle 1CW10:00AM Eastern 
3670Eastern Area NetCW8:30PM Eastern 
3677New York State County NetCW9:30AM Eastern Sunday 
3677New York State CW Net Early Cycle 4CW7:00PM Eastern 
3677New York State CW Net Late Cycle 4CW10:00PM Eastern 
3683QSY Society NetCW9:00PM Eastern, most days 
3685SRALSSBSRAL – The Finnish Amateur Radio League’s bulletin at 1300 – 1330 UTC on Saturdayswww.sral.fi
3685SSBBoard of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) answering questions at 1200 – 1300 UTC on the first Saturday of every month transmitting from their home stationswww.sral.fi
3690Second Region NetCW7:45PM Eastern 
3690Second Region NetCW9:30PM Eastern 
3690SSBOH-stations’ rugchew 24 hwww.sral.fi/en
3690Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
3690AMAMAM Calling Frequency, Australiahttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
3699RagchewSSBFinnish HI-Activity Bullshit Channel, 24h 
369924h Finnlands only national calling frequency on 80 mtrSSBI kindly request to respect this qrg even if you dont understand finnish 
3700Tyrol RoundSSB10.00-12.00 amhttp://afu.mauler.info/
3705AM European NetAMUsed from French and Italian Hams on the afternoon night winter netshttp://groups.google.it/group/boatanchors-net/topics
3714Hit and Bounce Slow NetCW7:30AM Easternhttp://arfernc.tripod.com/
3715New Jersey Slow NetCW6:30PM Easternhttp://home.att.net/~njtb/
3717Maryland Slow NetCW7:30PM Easternhttp://www.bdb.com/~msn/
3717Maryland Slow NetCWMoved to 3563. This entry no longer valid here. 
3725AMAMLoyal Order of the Boiled Owls – 0420 ESThttps://sites.google.com/site/loyalorderboiledowls/
3729Daily SSB netCWBritish Columbia Public Service Nethttp://www.percs.bc.ca/OPS_BCPSN.htm
3729BC Public Service NetSSBThe BC Public Service Net starts at 01h30zulu on 3729khz.http://www.bcpsn.com
3729BC public service netSSBpublic service directed net at 1830 PDT every dayhttp://www.bcpsn.com/
3735SK Public ServiceSSBSaskatchewan Public Service Nethttp:/www.sarl.ca/nets.htm
3740SATERNSSB http://www.wx4nhc.org/
3742Ontario Phone Net (NTS)SSBOccurs daily at 7PM Eastern Time (Standard/Daily). Affiliated with the National Traffic Systemhttp://www.racaresontario.ca/public/display_opn_info.php
3743RNARS The Bubbly Rats NeSSBMonday – Saturday 1030-1330http://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html
3744Saskatchewan Public Service NetSSBSaskatchewan Public Servicehttp://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm
3744Saskatchewan Public Service NetSSBNet 01:00 – 01:30 UT Daily.http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm
3744wrong button clubSSBmon -friday 9am pacific everyone welcome 
3753Saskatchewan Weather NetSSBNet 14:00 – 14:30 UT Daily.http://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm
3753Saskatchewan 80M ARES NetSSBNet 14:30 – 15:00 UT Sundayshttp://www.sarl.ca/nets.htm
3755IOTASSB http://www.rsgbiota.org/
3755ONTARS NetSSBNet operates daily from 7AM to 5PM Eastern Time (Standard/Daylight) as a service to Amateurs in or around Ontario.http://www.radioroom.ca/
3755ONTARS NetSSB www.ontars.ca
3760WAB netSSBwhen 40m Condx do not allow. Every day morning till eveninghttp://wab.intermip.net/default.php
3765ESSBSSBLITTLE PEOPLE NETWORK – Net usually starts around 12:00 AM Pacifichttp://members.cox.net/kn6z/littlepeoplelog.htm
3768GERATOLSSB http://www.qsl.net/geratol/
3791ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
3791HFPACKSSB-USB- Upper Sideband – HF Portable Calling Frequency – regions 1-2-3; International Emergency/Reliefhttp://hfpack.com
3791SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://hflink.com/channels/
3810Kentucky Phone Net (Morning Net)SSBEvery Morning 8:30am Eastern Timehttps://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/
3814St. Max Kolbe NetSSBSundays 8:00 PM ETwww.stmaxkolbe.org
3815Friendly 7.188 NetSSBPriemier Caribbean EnComm and Welfare Net. Daily Net 1030 and 2230 UTC.http://www.cewn.net/
3815Caribbean Emergency & Weather NetSSBDaily @ 10:30 & 22:30 UTChttp://www.cewn.org
3816Kentucky Phone Net (Evening Net)SSBEvery Day at 7:00pm Eastern Timehttps://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/
3820Little Red Barn NetSSB0830 EDT – (Thursdays, 3.826 due to QRM)http://www.historyofwowo.com/
3825OMISS 80m SSB NetSSBDaily 0300zwww.omiss.net
3837Antique Wireless AssociationAMweekend gathering, every weekend 
3837Pajama GangSSBPajama Gang-0845 CST 
3840DAILY NET ON 3.840SSBw5yjb Bill and group ALSO SHORT WAVE LISTENERS 8:AMCST live and recorded on Bob Bellars web sitehttp://www.3840khz.net/
3845Traffic NetSSBOklahoma. Sooner Traffic Net. Monday thru Saturday. 
3845Arufon NetSSBamateur radio UFO discussion Net 
3850midwest rag chewSSBragchew from 7:00 cen to 9:00 am cen & 6:30 pm till midnite!!https://www.facebook.com/groups/446742322068372/
3855Awful Awful Ugly NetSSBDaily 8PM Central Timehttp://www.qsl.net/k/kb5aau//aaunet/
3862MS Phone NetSSBMississippi Phone Net 1800utc dailyarrlmiss.net
3862MSPN Mississippi Section Phone Net Emergency and Training NetSSBMississippi Section Phone Emergency and Training Netwww.arrlmiss.org
3862.5AM Traffic NetSSBM-F 0600 cst 0700 S-S & Holidaysarrlmiss.net
3870AMAMAM – USA West Coasthttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
3885Gulf Coast Mullet SocietyAMTHURSDAYS @ 1900ET – W4GCM Net Controlhttp://flamgroup.com/about/
3885Southeastern AM Radio ClubAMW4AMI Trade & Fellowship Net – TUESDAYS @ 1900EST/1800EDThttp://
3885FL AM GroupAMAM Roundtable – SUNDAYS @ 0600 ET = Pre-Net Checkins SUNDAYS @ 0630ET = Formal Nethttp://flamgroup.com/about/
3885FL AM GroupAMWEDNESDAY Night Informal Net @ 1900EThttp://flamgroup.com/about/
3890ragchewAMhome of k5bai jim 
3896Arizona Traffic and Emergency NetSSBDaily at 0030 UTC in winter, 0200 UTC in summer.http://www.atenaz.net/
39023905 Century ClubSSB http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
3903OTH GangSSBThe Over The Hill Gang, usually start gathering at 7:30 am to 9 am cst Monday thru Friday. All are welcome. 
3905N. American Traffic & Awards NetSSBBringing back the ORIGINAL WAS Net: Jan. 1, 2009Coming soon!
3905Net OperationSSBNet meets daily except Sunday and Thursday (local time) at 0345z (0245z during DST)www.northamericantrafficandawards.net
3905DELAWARE TRAFFIC NETSSBDelaware Traffic Net and Emergency Phone Net 
3906calif.traffic.netSSB califtraffic.net
3908WARFASSBHealth and Welfare traffic and member station friendly exchanges.http://www.warfa.org
3908HI FIVERS NETSSBThe friendly bunchhttp://hifivers.wix.com/hifivers
3908HI FIVERS NETSSB8pm cst early check in 9pm cst net starts, The friendly bunchhttp://hifivers.wix.com/hifivers
3910Clearing House NetSSB11:00AM Sunday 
3917EPAEPTN/EPA NTSSSBEPA Emergency Phone & Traffic Net 
3920SATERNSSB http://www.wx4nhc.org/
3920OMIK NetSSBHealth and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The organization celebrates it’s 54th anniversary this year.http://www.omikradio.org
3920Kansas Weather NetSSBWeather reporting from Kansas and adjacent states. 7:00 A.M & 6:00 P.M. (local time) daily. 
3920Gallops Island NetSSBGallops Island Radio Association Net 
3920Maryland Emergency Phone NetSSBEvery evening at Six since 1952.http://n3wke.home.comcast.net/MEPN/
39224 PMRSSSBfriendly rag chew, M-S, 4pmthe4pmrs.net
3923NC ARES NetSSBTarheel Net @ 7:30 ET daily – NC AREShttp://www.ncarrl.org/nets/THEN/index.html
3923.5Wyoming Cowboy NetSSB0045 UTC Monday through Friday. 
3925Clearing House NetSSB11:00AM Eastern 
3925New York Phone NetSSB1:00PM Eastern 
3925Second Region NetSSB1:45PM Eastern 
3925Second Region NetSSB4:45PM Eastern 
3925New York Public Operations NetSSB5:00PM Eastern 
3925New York State Phone Traffic and Emergency NetSSB6:00PM Eastern 
3925Second Region NetSSB6:30PM Eastern 
3928Informal ragchew netSSBRagchew net primarily afternoons from Fall through Spring. New England area.www.thebullnet.com
3933Green Mountain NetSSBThe net starts at 21:00 UTC. This net has been on the air since the mid 1950s.http://home.myfairpoint.net/k1ku/gmn.html
3935Carrier NetSSB9:00AM M-Shttp://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/1413/carrier.htm
3935friendship – ragchew – handle traffic if availableSSBMichigan based net with several stations from Ohio, Indiana, & Illinois. Net begins at 7:00 p.m. daily, with pre-net beginning 30 – 60 min. prior to net. During winter months nets begin earlier due to band conditions.www.wssbn.com
3939NM Traffic Net – 0100ZSSBNew Mexico Roadrunner Traffic Net 
3940Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
3940Morning NetSSBEarly Bird Transcontinental Nethttp://www.earlybirdnet.com/
3940.5OMISSSSB omiss.net
3942OMISS 80m NetSSBSeven days a week @ 0200zwww.omiss.net
3944Western MA Emergency NetSSBSunday 8:30 am Eastern (local) time 
3945New England Phone NetSSBGeneral conversation net, Sunday am at about 8:45 local time, NCS is on Cape Cod, MA. 
3950NTS NJ Phone NetSSB2200Z Daily and 9:00 AM ET Sunday 
3950North Florida ARES NetSSBStarts @ 9am EST Alt Freq 7242Arrl-nfl.org
3952WPSSSSBWPSS – Western Public Service System Netwww.3952khz.net
3960Calif Emerg Svcs NetSSBMon 2000 Hrs Pacific CESN OA checkins 
3965TrafficSSBAlabama Traffic Net Mike; Sun-Sat 1830 CT; Sun 0800 CT 
3970NoonTime NetSSBLSB 3970.0 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 7268.5kHz LSB and 7283.5kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morninghttp://www.noontimenet.org/
3970Noontime NetSSBLSB 3970.0 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 7268.5kHz LSB and 7283.5kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morningwww.noontimenet.org
3970CQ-QSOSSBFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
3972.5Ohio Single Sideband NetSSBTraffic Net – daily (10:30AM, 4:15PM and 6:00PM)http://www.qsl.net/ossbn/
3973Breakfast Club NetSSBEarly Mornings, 7 Days a weekwww.hamdata.com
3975Traffic/SocialSSBWashington Amateru Radio Traffic System. The oldest SSB statewide net in the State of Washingtonhttp://www.wartsnet.org
3977.7SATERNSSB http://www.wx4nhc.org/
3977.7UFO NetSSB  
3978Massachusetts-Rhode Island NTS Phone NetSSBMeets on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 22:00 UTC 
3980Tennessee SSB NetSSBNet meets 0645 CT and 1830 CT weekdayshttp://www.tnarrl.org
3980Regional InformationSSB http://www.win3980.com/
3980Tennessee State Traffic NetCW  
3987.5Razorback NetSSBArkansas Section Net 6pm local time 
3990W1AWSSB http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
3995Land Rover netSSB9:30 PM nightly For Land Rover and other 4 Wheel Drive owners. 
3996ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
3996HFPACKSSB– USB – HFpack – HF Portable – Calling frequency – UPPER SIDEBAND – Net – Regional NVIShttp://hfpack.com
3996SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
5102SSB 60mSSBUSB – Australia Emergency WIA/WICENhttp://hflink.com/5mhz/
5167.5SSB 60mSSBUSB – ALASKA Emergencyhttp://hflink.com/5mhz/
5195BeaconOtherDRA5 Beacon – Center Frequency 5195.0kHz – CW – PSK31- QPSK31 – RTTY (FSK_45baud)- radio-propagation forecasts, solar flux, sunspot , geomagnetic, index.http://www.dk0wcy.de/station.htm
5258.5SSB 60mSSBUSB – Upper Sideband – UKhttp://hflink.com/5mhz/
5278.5SSB 60mSSBUK-Finland-Norway-Iceland-etc.http://hflink.com/5mhz/
5287.2WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
5288.5SSB 60mSSBUK – Finland – Norway – Iceland, etc – Canada Experimental – UK Beaconshttp://hflink.com/5mhz/
5290BeaconCWUK 5MHz Beacons. Propagation study network, multiple stations transmit CW ID and stepped power levels, at intevals.http://g4irx.nowindows.net/fivemegs/comparison.php
5290.5NVIS-BeaconDigitalVideo-ID/PSK250 and CW c/s OV1BCNwww.oz1fjb.dk
5291beaconCWNVIS, test of propagation in Switzerlandhttp://www.hb9aw.ch/bake-infos-zum-projekt/
5298.5SSB 60mSSBUSB – Finlandhttp://hflink.com/5mhz/
5320SSB 60mSSBUSB 5320.0 – New Zealand – Amateur Radio Emergency Communications using AREC callsigns (5320.0kHz – 5322.8kHz any mode)http://www.nzart.org.nz/nzart/Update/infoline/infoline-122.pdf
5330.5SATERNSSB http://www.wx4nhc.org/
5330.5SSB 60mSSBUSB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc)http://hflink.com/5mhz/
533260mCWCW freq = 5332.0 kHz only. (USA New 60m CW Channel) and monitor 5330.5kHz USB for non-interference.http://hflink.com/60meters/
5346.5SSB 60mSSBUSB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc.http://hflink.com/5mhz/
5354APRSDigitalRobust Packethttp://robust-packet.net/
5355SSB 60mSSBUSB – Australia Emergency – WIA/WICENhttp://hflink.com/5mhz/
5357ALEDigitalAutomatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Channel Frequency – All IARU Regions 1,2,3 – Texting/Data/USB voicehttp://hflink.com
5357JT65DigitalUSB dial freq, new WRC-15 band since 2017 
5357JT-65DigitalFrequency built into JT-65 HF HB9HQX Software 
5358.560mCWCW freq = 5358.5 kHz only. (USA New 60m Channel) and monitor 5357.0kHz USB.http://hflink.com/60meters/
5366.5SSB 60mSSBUSB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – etc)http://hflink.com/5mhz/
5366.5SSB 60mSSBCHANNEL DELETED from USA AMATEUR USE by FCC in 2012.http://hflink.com/60meters/
5366.5OliviaDigitalCentre of activity for Olivia on 60m in UK 
5371.5ALEOtherALE voice (emergency only in USA). Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
5371.5HFPACKSSB– USB – HFPACK – HF Portable Calling Frequency – SUNSET NET – Regional NVIShttp://hfpack.com
5371.5SSB 60mSSBUSB (USA – Finland – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc)http://hflink.com/5mhz/
5395SSB 60mSSBUSB 5395.0 – New Zealand – Amateur Radio Emergency Communications using AREC callsigns (5395.0kHz – 5397.8kHz any mode)http://www.nzart.org.nz/
5398.5SSB 60mSSBUSB (UK – Finland – Norway – Iceland – etc)(Canada-Experimental)http://hflink.com/5mhz/
5398.5SSB/CWSSBIreland SSB/CW Experimentalhttp://www.irts.ie/
5403SSB/CWSSBIreland SSB/CW Experimentalhttp://www.irts.ie/
5403.5ALEOtherALE voice Region1 (emergency only). Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
5403.5HFPACKSSB– USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Region 1 – HFpack Net alternatehttp://hfpack.com
5403.5SSB 60mSSBUSB (USA – UK – Norway – Iceland – St.Lucia – etc)(Canada-Experimental) International Callinghttp://hflink.com/5mhz/
540560mCWCW freq = 5405.0 kHz only. (USA New 60m CW Channel) and monitor 5403.5kHz USB for non-interference.http://hflink.com/60meters/
5405.3cwCWdanish hams with aproved licenses 
7020RNARS Calling-FrequencyCWCW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to joinhttp://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html
7022.5HFPACKCWHF Portable CW calling frequency – Region 1, 2, 3 – International – HFPACKhttp://hfpack.com
7025High Speed ClubCW  
7026OliviaDigitalOLIVIA 500/16 – Japan – Asia R3 – Audio Center Frequency=750Hzhttp://hflink.com/olivia/
7028FISTSCWRegion 1http://www.fists.org
7030IOTACW http://www.rsgbiota.org/
7030QRPCWRegion 1 & 3 QRP CW Calling 
7030Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
7038.5HFPACKCWHF Portable CW Calling Frequency – North America/USA – HFpackhttp://hfpack.com
7038.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
7039JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
7040DX WindowDigitalRTTY 
7040QRPCWPlease leave for QRP ops. Region 2 QRP CW Calling. 
7040SSTV CallOther  
7042Hit and Bounce NetCW8:30AM Easternhttp://arfernc.tripod.com/
7044FSQDigitalIARU Region 1 
7045Elecraft NetCWMonday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT) 7045 kHz 
7045AMTORDigitalAmtor Sellcall ATORwww.amtor.de
7045CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
70463905 Century ClubCW http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
7047.5W1AWCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
7050Waterway CW NetCW http://www.waterwayradio.net/cwnet.htm
7050Eastern Area NetCW2:30PM Eastern Saturday and Sunday 
7050VK CW calling frequencyCWWhile 7030 is the QRP calling frequency in region 3, 7050 is being used as general CW calling frequency in Australiahttp://www.vkcw.net/7050
7050CW calling in VKCWStations move off (QSY) after contacthttp://www.vkcw.net
7050ChineseSSBChinese Rag-Chewing Frequency 
7052Amateur Radio Telegraph SocietyCW  
7055Canada National SSBSSBnational traffic net, alternate emergency freq from 80M 
7055SKCCCW http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php
7055IOTASSBfreq. as per IOTA webpagehttp://www.rsgbiota.org/info/
7056ReferenceCW7×24 carrier, no modulation 
7056.5County Hunting NetCW http://ch.w6rk.com
7058FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
7065ALEOtherALE voice, data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
7070AMAMAM Southern Europehttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
7070PSK31DigitalCommon PSK31 for 40M 
7070.43905 Century ClubDigitalPSK31http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
7072MFSK16 (Region 2)Digital  
7072.5OliviaDigitalOLIVIA 500/16 – Region 2 USAhttp://hflink.com/olivia/
7073NJ NBEMS NetDigitalOlivia 8-500 1500 Hz waterfall weekly 0930 EDT Sundays 
7075EmergencySSBWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
7076OliviaDigitalOLIVIA 500/16 – Region 2 USA – Audio Center Freq = 750Hzhttp://hflink.com/olivia
7076JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
7076JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
7077Winmor testingDigitalUSB only, Winmor peer to peer 
70843905 Century ClubDigitalRTTYhttp://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
7090Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
7095W1AWDigital http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
7098.8ARRL SkipnetDigitalNet40E. Zero beat 7100.5 LSBhttp://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm
7099.4W6ADOCWMorse practice 
7101.8ARRL SkipnetDigitalNet40M Zero Beat 7103.5 LSBhttp://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm
7102ALEOtherALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
7103.2Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
7104FSQDigitalIARU Region 2 
7105FSQDigitalIARU Region 3 
7112Handihams CW NetCW4pm CDThandiham.org
7114CW ElmersCWSKCC members and others 
7114BeginnersCW7114 – QRS – Elmer frequency for beginning operatorshttp://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php
7115CW ElmersSSB  
7120AMAMAM South Americahttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
7123Ham Radio CW netCWSouth East U.S. CW Nethttp://www.qsl.net/ki8du/sunrisenet.htm
7123Ham Radio CW netCWcorrection to URL for SunRiseNet CW at QSL.nethttp://www.qsl.net/srn/index.htm
7125AM in AustraliaAM  
7143AMAMAM in United Kingdomhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
7146AMAMAM Calling Frequency, Australiahttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
7148Sun Rise NetCWDaily beginning at 0700 Eastern timehttp://www.qsl.net/ki8du/sunrisenet.htm
7150RVSU – YO EmCommSSBFor disaster and emergency communications – Calling frequencywww.yo3ksr.ro
7153Treasure Coast Net 0800 – 0900 easternSSBDaily since 1961www.tc7153.com
7160AMAMUsed for AM since 1950’s 
7160WAB netSSBNet for working all the OS map squares for various awardshttp://wab.intermip.net/default.php
7165.5ALEOtherALE voice, data. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
7165.5HFPACKSSB– USB – Upper Sideband – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFPACK NET alternatehttp://hfpack.com
7165.5SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
7173Digital SSTVDigital  
7175AMAMAM – USAhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
7177Mabuhay DX netSSBM-SUN morning net @ 6-9 AM PST 
7178Old Codgers NetSSBM-F 5-6 PM ET (EST or EDT) 
7185OMISS 40 meter netSSBdaily at 01:00 GMTomiss.net
7185Omiss NetSSBWork all states and awardsomiss.net
7185NATA NetSSBDaily at 23:00z – 00:30zhttp://www.natanet.info
7185north america traffic & awards netSSBtraffic & WAS awards netwww.natanet.info
7185OMISS 40m SSB NetSSBDaily 0100zwww.omiss.net
7185County Hunting NetSSB http://ch.w6rk.com/
7185.5HFpack USB calling primaryOtherUSB HFpack primary calling vice your listed 7165 freq. 
71883905 Century ClubSSBCCN has new web address and 40M FQ changed a few years backhttp://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
7188Friendly 7.188 NetSSBConnecting the Caribbean and the world. Daily Net 1000 to 1200 UTC.http://www.friendly7188net.net/
7188Friendly 7.188 NetSSBConnecting the Caribbean and the World. Daily Net 1000 to 1200 UTC.http://www.friendly7188net.net/
7190Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
7190HHH NetSSB0700z daily – New frequencyhttp://www.hhhnet.net/
7190The Brothers NetSSB6 nights weekly Mon – Fri 9:00PM EST Sunday 8:00Pm ESTwww.w9bro.org
7192MaritimeSSB7 Days a week, West Coast CA & MX 
7192Brothers NetSSBMo-Sa 2300zw9bro.net
7195NATA NetSSBQRV 0000z to 0130zhttp://www.northamericantrafficandawards.net
7195ragchew (24×7)SSBFixed stations communicate with mobiles nationwidehttp://7195group.com/
72083905 Century ClubSSBMeets daily at 0400 Zulu +/- 3khzhttp://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
7214Placer County ARESSSBPlacer County ARES daytime net and emergency use.http://www.sacvalleyares.net
7222Country Hams NetSSBRag =chew group/gen,info.www.countryhamsnet.com
7225Chart for Vietnam vetsSSB www.vietnamvetnet.com
7230Calif Emerg Svcs NetSSBWednesdays 1000 Pacific CESN OA, Relay checkin 
7233MaritimeSSBWest Coast, CA & MXhttp://www.bajanet.jackclarke.net/
7235HHH NetSSB0700Z, +- 2 kHzhttp://www.hhhnet.net/infopak2.html
7235Traffic Net West VirginiaSSBcheckin is at 11:45am Eastern Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7235 kHz LSB and daily alternate frequency is 3810 KHzwww.qsl.net/wvsarc
7238Rotten ApplesSSB http://members.aol.com/RottenApplesARG/rottenapples.html
7238County Hunting NetSSB http://ch.w6rk.com
7240NTSSSBHigh Noon Traffic Net[email protected]
7243County Hunting NetSSB http://ch.w6rk.com
7243Eastern Area NetSSB2:30PM Eastern 
7243Section ARESSSBSunday afternoon schedulehttp://www.alabama-ares.org/
7250Digital Voice CommunicationsOther http://www.hamradio-dv.org
7250Digital Voice CommunicationsOtherAOR Digital Voice Modem Nethttp://www.hamradio-dv.org
7251South Coast Amateur Radio ServiceSSB2 sessions daily 
7255East Coast ARSSSBEast Coast Amateur Radio Servicehttp://www.ecars7255.com/
7258Midwest ARSSSBThe Midwest Amateur Radio Service is in session from approx. 7 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time, 365 days a year, but is sometimes in session for extended time periods if needed due to severe weather conditions, etc. Everyone is welcome, with or without traffic.http://mid-cars.org/
7258Midwest ARSSSBBandplan correction: .NET not .orghttp://mid-cars.NET
7260SouthBEARSSSBSouthBEARS: Southern Baptist Emergency Amateur Radio Servicehttp://www.southbears.net/
7260SouthBears NetSSBSouthBears emergency amateur radio servicesouthbears.net
7260SouthBearsSSBSouthBears Emergency Net Sundays 15:30 easternsouthbears.net
7265SATERNSSB http://www.wx4nhc.org/
7265OMIK NetSSBHealth and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The net starts at 7:30 EST/EDST every Sunday morning and ends at 9:00AM eastern.http://www.omikradio.org
7267.53905 Century ClubSSB http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
7268Waterway NetSSB7:45AM Easternhttp://www.waterwayradio.net/
7268Hurricane WatchSSBHurricane Watch Nethttps://www.hwn.org/policies/activationplans.html
7268.5NoonTime NetSSBLSB 7268.5 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 3970kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morninghttp://www.noontimenet.org/
7268.5Noontime NetSSBLSB 7268.5 kHz – NoonTime Net – North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (alternate frequency: 3970kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morningwww.noontimenet.org
7270CQ-QSOSSBFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
727272 Rag ChewSSB72 Ragchew Grouphttp://www.ragchewers.net/
727272 Rag ChewSSB72 Rag Chew 
7272Utah Beehive NETSSBUtah Beehive NTS Net. Daily 12:30 Mountain Timehttp://beehiveutahnet.com/
7272Traffic NetSSBBeehive Utah Net, section level net in the National Traffic System (daily at 12:30 MT)http://beehiveutahnet.com
7283.5NoonTime NetSSBLSB 7283.5 kHz – NoonTime Net alternate frequency. North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7268.5kHz LSB and 3970.0kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morninghttp://www.noontimenet.org/
7283.5SSBLSB 7283.5 kHz – NoonTime Net alternate frequency. North America (west of the rockies) check in 12noon Pacific Time – everyone welcome – mobile – base – portable (primary frequencies: 7268.5kHz LSB and 3970.0kHz LSB) informal session of net is also active in the morningwww.noontimenet.org
7290W1AWSSB http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
7290AMAMAM Calling Frequency, USAhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
7290Independent Traffic NetSSBThe 7290 Traffic Net has been on this Freq. for 63 Years. 10 AM to 12 Noon and 1300 to 1400 six days a week.www. 7290trafficnet.org
7295AM NetAM  
7296ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
7296HFPACKSSBUSB – HFpack Group – Upper Sidebandhttp://hfpack.com
7296SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
7300AMAMAM South Americahttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
10106QRPCWCW, also 10116? Both actively used? 
10108CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
10115IOTACW http://www.rsgbiota.org/
10115EmergencySSBWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
10116QRPCWCW, also 10106? Both actively used? 
10117.5HFPACKCWHF Portable CW Calling Frequency – HFpack CW Nethttp://hfpack.com
10118RNARS Calling-FrequencyCWCW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to joinhttp://www.rnars.org.uk/schedules%20frequencies.html
10118FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
10120SSBSSBUSB – Calling Frequency (Australia, NZ, Oceania, Asia, Africa)http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/australia_bandplan.pdf
10120SKCCCW http://www.skccgroup.com/membership_data/opfreq.php
10122.5County Hunting NetCW http://ch.w6rk.com/
10123V4SSBV4 protocolhttp://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/V4Protocol/
10132Winmor TestingSSBUSB only Call: Kn6KB-5 
10132SSTVDigitalMP73-N or other Narrow band SSTVhttps://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/30mSSTV/info
10132SSTVOtherMP73-N Narrow Band SSTVhttps://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/
10132N-SSTVOtherNarrow SSTVhttps://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/
10134.5OliviaDigital10134.5 USB dial freq [Olivia 500/16 Audio Center Freq=750 Hz] or [Olivia 1000/32 Audio Center Freq=1000Hz] (proposed Olivia calling freq for IARU Region 2 and Region 3)http://hflink.com/olivia/
10136.5ALEOtherALE data, voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
10138JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
10138.7WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
10138.9Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
10138.9Propnet PSK31DigitalPropnet Automatically Controlled Digital Stationhttp://propnet.org
10139JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
10139County Hunting NetDigital http://ch.w6rk.com
10140FSQDigitalIARU Region 3 
10140PSK31Digital30 Meter Psk & Digital Grouphttp://www.30meterdigital.com
10141OliviaDigital10141 USB – IARU Region 1 (Europe, Africa, MidEast, Russia) [Olivia 500/16 – Audio Centre Frequency=750Hz]http://hflink.com/olivia/
10144FSQDigitalIARU Region 1 and 2 
10144N-SSTVOthernarrow SSTVhttps://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/
10145ARRL SkipnetDigitalNET147. Zero beat 10.147 LSB.http://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm
10145.5ALEOtherALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
10145.5SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baudhttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
10147MFSK16Digital http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm
10148PSKMAIL EUROPEDigitalBPSK 500R, 250R, 125R, MFSK16 1000HzPSKMAIL
14040IOTACW http://www.rsgbiota.org/
14047.5W1AWCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
14050Elecraft NetCWSunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz 
14050SKCCCW http://www.skccgroup.com
14052RNARS Calling-FrequencyCWCW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join 
140533905 Century ClubCW http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
14055CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
14056.5County Hunting NetCW http://ch.w6rk.com
14058FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
14059HFPACKCWHF Portable CW Calling Frequency – Pedestrian Mobile – Backpack Portable – Bike Mobile – HFpackhttp://hfpack.com
14060Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
14063Feld HellDigitalFeld Hell watering hole 
14063HellschreiberDigitalNew standard for Hell modes on 20Mhttp://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home/feld-hell-faq
14065SATERNDigitalemergency comm freq. Training Sat. 1200CST 
140683905 Century ClubDigitalPSK31http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
14068Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
14070PSK31Digital20M PSK frequency 
14073Feld HellDigitalFeld Hell watering hole 2 
14073County Hunting NetDigital http://ch.w6rk.com
14074FT8DigitalNew & Very Fast 
14074FT8Digital http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html
14076JT65SSBCalling frequency for JT65 (weak signal) 
14076JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
14076JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
14080MFSK16Digital http://kf4houtn.tripod.com/snddigi.htm
140843905 Century ClubDigital http://www.3905ccn.com/newsite/netsched.htm
14095W1AWDigital http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
14095.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
14096.3ARRL SkipnetDigitalNet098, Zero beat 14.098 LSBhttp://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm
14097Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
14100NCDXF BeaconsCW http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html
14103NET14 APRS WW.NETDigitalFSK 300 Baud packetNET14
14103NET14 APRS WW.NETDigitalFSK 300 Baud packet 1700HzNET14
14103NET14 APRS WW.NETDigitalGMSK250 1300HZNET14
14103Robust Packet TELPAC BBS DB0UALDigitalRobust Packet (RPR) 300/600bps OFDM 500Hz BWhttp://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf
14103.3Network 105Digital http://ka1fsb.home.att.net/net105.html
14106.5olivia 32/1000DigitalCenter of 1000 hz 
14107.5olivia 32/1000CW  
14107.5olivia 32/1000Digitalcenter on 1000 hz on waterfall 
14112PAXDigitalUSB Dial Frequency=14112.0 (Audio Center Frequency=1000Hz) 
14117.3ARRL SkipnetDigitalNet119. Zero beat 14.119 LSBhttp://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm
14125EmergencySSBWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
14140National netsSSBnational nets and Canada 20M calling frequency 
14183ANZA DX NetSSBAustralia, New Zealand, Africa Net. Anyone, anywhere welcomewww.anzadx.net
14195International Mr. Nino (IT9RYH) and company frequency.SSBIf empty (If Mr. Nino is not working on this channel) this Frequency may be used for DX-peditions 
14227SSTV analogDigitalMost of JA contest for slow scan are here 
14233SSTVDigitalDigital (DRM) 
14236Digital VoiceOtherDigital Voice Nethttp://www.melwhitten.com/
14238.5Trivia+Bologna NetSSBdaily tech and personal chat 
14245SSTV RepeaterOtherVK4ET Repeater 
14260IOTASSB http://www.rsgbiota.org/
14262Buckeye NetSSBMon-Sat 11:30-Noon Eastern Time 
14263Collins NetSSBSundays at 2100 zulu 
14265SATERNSSB http://www.wx4nhc.org/
14265HongKongSSBHong Kong calling frequency, informal net. Cantonese (and other chinese languages) commonly spoken on this frequency in Asia. (USB voice)http://www.harts-web.org
14270ChineseSSBChina calling frequency. China EMCOMM. Chinese languages commonly spoken on this frequency in Asia. 
14280AMAMPer Electric Radio publication 
14282Amsat netSSBThere is still an Amsat net on 14.282 Sundays beginning around 1800z. Keith W5IU and Larry W7LB run it, with a cast of extras joining in from the fringes. First hour is informal discussions, followed by the reading of the Amsat bulletins. 
14290W1AWSSB http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
14290OMISSSSB omiss.net
14290Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
14290OMISS 20m SSB NetSSBDaily 1830zwww.omiss.net
14292Swan Users NetSSBSundays 2100Z, All are welcome 
14295OMIK NetSSBHealth and Welfare traffic and club member info exchanges. The net meets every Sunday from 11.00 AM EST/EDST until 12:30 PM eastern time.http://www.omikradio.org
14300Maritime Mobile NetSSBNet in progress 15 hours per dayhttp://www.mmsn.org/
14300Intercontinental Traffic Net (Intercon)SSB http://www.interconnet.org/
14300pacific seafarersnetCWRAKA sailboat 
14303International Assistance and Traffic NetSSB6:30AM Eastern Winter, 7:00AM Eastern Summer 
14303Maritime Mobile NetSSBStart time 0800Z & 1800Zhttp://www.rnars.org.uk/Nets_DX.htm
14303.5Elecraft Users SSBSSBSunday 1800Z; all are welcomewww.elecraft.com
14303.5Elecraft SSB Sunday NetSSB1600 UTC Sundays 
14303.5Elecraft NetSSBSunday 1800z (Sunday 11am PDT) 
14313German maritime mobile net intermarSSB intermar
14316AFSNSSBAmerican Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1500z until 1530z. KF7E is Net Control.https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info
14320Knotheads NetSSBThe Knothead Net is called at 9am Eastern M-SA. 
14325Hurricane WatchSSB http://www.wx4nhc.org/
14325Hurricane InfoSSBHurricane Watchhttps://www.hwn.org/
14329FlexRadio Users NetCWSundays @ 1800 UTC on 14.329 MHz ± QRM. The net is also simulcast on the Internet using CQ100 from www.QSOnet.com @ 14.329.www.flex-radio.com
14330AMAMNew 20m AM frequency gradually replacing 14.286 which suffers from SSB QRMhttp://amfone.net/Amforum/index.php?topic=33053.0
14332YL SystemSSB http://www.hamwave.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?action=viewnews&id=38
14336County Hunting NetSSB http://ch.w6rk.com
14340MaritimeSSBWest Coast,MX,As fas poss into Pacifichttp://www.reocities.com/TheTropics/3989/
14342.5ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
14342.5HFPACKSSB– USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – HFPACK NET – 1130z – 1630z – 2230z – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero welcomehttp://hfpack.com
14342.5Flying HamsSSBFlying Hams Net – 2130z – Tuesday/Thursdayhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/flying_hams/
14342.5SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
14346ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
14346HFPACKSSB-USB- HF Portable Calling Frequency – alternate – HFPACK NEThttp://hfpack.com
18080Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
18080CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
18081.5HFPACKCWHF Portable CW Calling Frequency – Pedestrian Mobile – Backpack Portable – Bike Mobile – HFpackhttp://hfpack.com
18085FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
18091.5County Hunting NetCW http://ch.w6rk.com/
18097.5W1AWCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
18098IOTACW http://www.rsgbiota.org/
18102JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
18102JT65DigitalUSB dial freq. 
18102.5W1AWDigital http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
18103.9Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
18103.9Propnet PSK31DigitalPropnet Automatically Controlled Digital Stationhttp://propnet.org
18104.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
18106ALEOtherALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
18109.5PacketDigital17m Robust Packet (18.108 USB dial w/ 1500 Hz CF)http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robustpacket/
18110NCDXF BeaconsCW http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html
18115.3ARRL SkipnetDigitalNet117. Zero beat 18.117 LSBhttp://www.uspacket.org/hfnets.htm
18117N-SSTVOther https://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/
18117Narrow SSTVOtherAny MP-N Modes in MMSSTVhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/NarrowSSTV/
18127.5ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
18127.5HFPACKSSB– USB – HFpack – HF Portable – Calling Frequency – Alternatehttp://hfpack.com
18128IOTASSB http://www.rsgbiota.org/
18140Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
18150EmergencySSBWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
18150CQ-QSOSSBFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
18157.5ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
18157.5HFPACKSSB-USB- HF Portable Calling Frequency – HFPACK NET – 1130z – 1630z – 2230z – mobile – portable – base – marine – aero – QRP – QRO – welcomehttp://hfpack.com
18157.5SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
18158OMISS 17m SSB NetSSBFri/Sat at 1900, also holidayswww.omiss.net
18160W1AWSSB http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
18165OMISSSSB omiss.net
21040IOTACW http://www.rsgbiota.org/
21055QRS CWCW  
21056.5County Hunting NetCW http://ch.w6rk.com/
21058FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
21065CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
21067.5W1AWCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
21076JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
21076JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
21089DominoEXDigitalfor for audio offset @ 1kHz: use USB and TRX displayed as 21088 kHz 
21094.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
21095W1AWDigital http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
21098Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
21099.5PacketDigital15m Robust Packet (21.098 USB dial w/ 1500 Hz CF)http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robustpacket/
21110ROSDigitalalso 21115 
21140Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
21150NCDXF BeaconsCW http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html
21157.5ALEOtherALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
21190EmergencySSBWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
21260IOTASSB http://www.rsgbiota.org/
21270CQ-QSOSSBFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
21285AMAMAM QSOhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
21360OMISSSSB omiss.net
21360Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
21390W1AWSSB http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
21395OMISS 15m SSB NetSSBFri/Sat at 1700z, also holidayswww.omiss.net
21412Maritime Net 2100z-2400zSSBPacific Maritime Mobel Service Net, every day 2100z-2400z on 21.412 Mhzhttp://www.pmmsn.net/
21412Pacific Maritime Mobile Service NetSSBDaily 2100 to 2400http://www.pmmsn.net
21412Pacific Maritime mobile Service NetSSBPacific Maritime Mobile Service Net. Daily Nets 2100 to 2400 hours GMT.http://www.pmmsn.net/
21416AFSNSSBAmerican Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1530z until 1600z. KF7E is Net Control.https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info
21425AMAMAM QSOhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
21437.5ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
21437.5HFPACKSSB– USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aero – HFPACK NET alternatehttp://hfpack.com
21437.5SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
24910Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
24911CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
24917JT65ADigitalThis replaces 24920http://hflink.com/jt65/
24917JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
24918FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
24920JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
24924Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
24924Propnet PSK31DigitalPropnet Automatically Controlled Digital Stationhttp://propnet.org
24924.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
24926ALEOtherALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
24927N-SSTVOthernarrow SSTVhttps://narrowsstv.wordpress.com/
24927Narrow SSTVOtherAny MP-N Modes in MMSSTVhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/NarrowSSTV/
24930NCDXF BeaconsCW http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html
24950IOTASSB http://www.rsgbiota.org/
24950EmergencySSBWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
24960Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
24970CQ-QSOSSBFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
24977.5ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
24977.5HFPACKSSB– USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aerohttp://hfpack.com
24987.512m Narrow FM CallingFMLegal if modulation index is < 1 
28052RNARS Calling-FrequencyCWCW Ham Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusiveNil
28052RNARS Calling-FrequencyCWCW Ham Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. for CW contact on this band: not exclusiveRNARS.org
28052RNARS Calling-FrequencyCWNon-RNARS callers welcome to joinRNARS.org
28056.5County Hunting NetCW http://ch.w6rk.com/
28058FISTSCW http://www.fists.org
28065CQ-QSOCWFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
28067.5W1AWCW http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
28076OliviaDigitalDial Frequency USB. OLIVIA CALLING FREQUENCY – 500/16 Audio Center Frequency=750Hzhttp://hflink.com/olivia/
28076JT65ADigital+/- 1 khz on USB 
28076JT65DigitalUSB dial freq.http://groups.google.com/group/jt65-hf
28095W1AWDigital http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
2810110-10 Intl CW Calling FrequencCW  
28117DominoEXDigitalfor for audio offset @ 1kHz: use USB and TRX displayed as 28116 kHz 
28118.8Propagation trackingDigitalPropNET is an ad-hoc 2-way RF-based digital communication network whose activity is reported on the Internet for the purpose of propagation tracking.http://www.propnet.org
28118.8Propnet PSK31DigitalPropnet Automatically Controlled Digital Stationhttp://propnet.org
28124.6WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter Networkwsprnet.org
28135Mid-Atlantic Retired Guys NetSSBDC, MD, DE, PA region, USA 
28146ALEOtherALE data, sounding. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
28180Radio Scout FrequencyCW http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
28185ROSDigital28.185 and 28,295 
28200NCDXF BeaconsCW http://www.ncdxf.org/beacons.html
28242CW BeaconCW24/7 Operationhttps://sites.google.com/site/bill8800/wd9cvp10mbeacon
28327.5ALEOtherALE voice. Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com
28327.5HFPACKSSB– USB – HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile- Portable – Base – Marine – Aerohttp://hfpack.com
28327.5SELCALLOtherUSB – Amateur SELCALL – UPPER SIDEBAND Dial Frequency – Selective Calling CCIR 493 – 1700Hz 100baud, for use with SSB Voicehttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
28337Ohio Rag Chew NetSSBWill get more active when cycle kicks up. 
28370CQ-QSOSSBFrequency to do CQ-QSO Runshttp://cq-qso.com/
28380NARL NetSSBWed nite 7:30PM EST 
28380Ten Ten NetSSBhttp://ten-ten.orghttp://ten-ten.org
28380Ten-Ten Net International netsSSB28800 is one of the two frequencies used for nets by 10-10 Net Internationalhttp://www.ten-ten.org/daily_nets.html
28385Kentucky Friday Night RagChewSSBKentucky Friday Night RagChew Every Friday Night At 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Everyone Welcome 
28390Radio Scout FrequencySSB http://home.tiscali.nl/worldscout/Jota/frequencies.htm
28400CallingSSBUSB calling 
28415RAGCHEWSSBWestern LINY, NYC and New Jersey 
28416AFSNSSBAmerican Foreign Service Net – Sundays @ 1600z until 1630z KF7E is Net Controlhttps://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/w3dos/info
28425Gold City Chapter of 10-10SSBNet @ 1700 UTC WednesdayGoldCityChapter.net
28435Mid-Atlantic Retired Guys NetSSBDC, MD, DE, PA region, USAThis is a correction. NOT 28.135…..
28450Orange County (NC) Monday nightSSBOrange County (NC) Monday night net@2000Lhttp://www.ncocra/org
28450EmergencyCWWICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
28450EmergencySSBCORRECTION to Mode – sorry. WICEN – Emergency communications support & training in Australia (VK)http://www.wicen.org.au/
28460IOTASSB http://www.rsgbiota.org/
28470Bauxite Chapter 10-10 netSSBBauxite Chapter 10-10 net. All amateurs welcome. Sun & Mon 8:30 pm Central Timehttp://www.nwla.com/bauxite/
28485Atlantic Zone SSB NetSSBOrignates from Northeast Tennessee (Grid EM86)https://wb4ixu.wordpress.com/
28490Pacific Dx WindowSSBVery popular around the pacific 
28560IOTASSB http://www.rsgbiota.org/
28590W1AWSSB http://www.arrl.org/w1aw.html
28665OMISSSSB omiss.net
28665OMISS 10m SSB NetSSBFri/Sat at 1730, also holidayswww.omiss.net
28677SSTV RepeaterOtherWB9KMW Repeater & Beaconwww.WB9KMW.com
28677SSTV BEACONOtherSSTV Beacon 
28800Ten Ten NetSSBhttp://ten-ten.orghttp://ten-ten.org
2880010-10 Net InternationalSSB28800 is one of the two frequencies used for nets by 10-10 Net Internationalhttp://www.ten-ten.org/daily_nets.html
288856M DX NetCW6M DX Liaison Frequency 
29000AMAM10m AM Calling Frequencyhttp://www.amwindow.org/freq.htm
29050Collins NetAMSunday PM once band returnscollinsradio.org
29300FM SimplexFMJA FM Simplex Calling Frequency 
29310c4fmDigitalYaesu System Fusion Frequency for FT991www.va7ref.info
295002nd FM SimplexFMWhen 29600 is busy – stations go here 
29600FM SimplexFM  
29600rag chewFMlocal ragchew, NW UKmbars.co.uk
10115-10140SSB segment AustraliaSSBSSB segment Australiahttp://www.wia.org.au/members/bandplans/data/
10124-10127DSSTV/DVOICEDigitalDigital SSTV and DRM Modeshttp://www.kc1cs.com/digi.htm
10130-10132.5BPSK31Digital10130.0 USB Dial Freq PSK31 – PSK63 (proposed new 30m calling frequency for USA, North America, and Region 2)http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psk31/
10130-10140RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
10130-10150RTTYDigitalMost RTTY activity occurs below 10140 and above 10142http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
10134.1-10134.7OliviaDigital10134.4kHz_Olivia_500/16_center “OLIVIA CQ FREQUENCY” 10133.65_USB_dial_freq 750Hz_audio_centerhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/oliviadata
10135-10145Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
10137-10142Digital ModesDigital30 Meter Digital Modeshttp://www.projectsandparts.com/30m/
10137.1-10139.2ALEDigital10136.5USB ALE 8FSK – ARQ,Short Text Messaging, Geo Position Reporting, Keyboarding, Automatic Link Establishment Ionospheric Soundinghttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
10139-10141JT65Digital10139.0 kHz USB VFO Dial Frequency JT65 JT65A JT65B Calling (signal frequency 10140.27+)http://www.obriensweb.com/bozoguidejt65a.htm
10140-10140.1QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, JasonDigitalExtreme narrow bandwidth techniqueshttp://www.qsl.net/on7yd/136narro.htm
10140-10150AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – IARU Regionshttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
10140-10150Digital Data ModesDigitalAustralia, Digital Data Modes Onlyhttp://www.wia.org.au/members/bandplans/data/
10140.1-10140.2MEPT_JTDigitalNew MEPT_JT mode by, Joe, K1JT.http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/MEPT_Announcement.TXT
10140.1-10140.2MEPT_JT/WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 10.13865 USBhttp://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/
10140.1-10140.3WSPRDigitalUSB dial 10138.7, audio 1400…1600Hzhttp://wsprnet.org/
10140.8-10143.8ALEOther10140.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network – IARU Region 1, Region 2, Region 3; Data/Text/Messaginghttp://hflink.com
10142-10146DominoEXDigitalnominal mode DominoEX 11 
10145.5-10148.1ALEOtherUSB – 8FSK – ALE data, sounding, Selective Calling, ARQ file exchange. USB_Dial_Frequency=10145.5kHz Amateur Radio ALE is USB standard Automatic Link Establishment 2.2kHz Bandwidth (lowest_freq=750Hz; highest_freq=2500Hz)http://hflink.com
10145.5-10148.5ALEDigital10145.5kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
10147.8-10148.2pskmail/aprs serversDigital10147.750, 10148, 10148.250 BPSK63/ARQhttp://pskmail.wikispaces.com
10148-10149APRS Robust Packet OFDMDigitalAPRS RobustPR dial10147,3 USB +1500Hz OFDM 500Hz BWhttp://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf
10149.1-10149.5APRSDigitalAPRS – 300baud FSK packet network for geo-position reporting. Mobiles, portables, marine. (LSB_Dial_frequency=10151kHz_LSB;Mark=1800Hz) (LSB_Dial Frequency=10151.51;Center=2210Hz)http://www.aprs.net/vm/DOS/HF.HTM
14000-14025DX WindowCWCW 
14063-14069Feld HellDigitalCommon Feld Hell range 
14070-14072.5BPSK31Digital14070.0 USB – PSK31 [International] (Center of Activity 1kHz audio) 
14071.5-14073.5PSK63Digital14071.5 USB PSK63 [International] (Center of Activity 1000Hz audio) 
14072-14072.2THOR 16Digital  
14073-14077CHIP64DigitalMixed with other DATA modes in Region 2 
14075-14082Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
14075-14082Feld HellDigitalThis is the old Feld Hell range, no longer in use 
14075.5-14078OliviaDigitalOlivia 500. Olivia 500/16 – USB Audio Center Frequency 750Hz – Signals spaced every 0.5kHz in this rangehttp://hflink.com/olivia/
14076-14078JT65Digital14076.0 kHz USB VFO Dial Frequency. JT65 JT65A JT65B Calling (signal frequency 14077.27+)http://www.obriensweb.com/bozoguidejt65a.htm
14076.1-14076.7OliviaDigitalOLIVIA_500/16_ACTIVE_FREQ 14076.4kHz_Center_Freq. (Dial_Freq=14.075.65kHz_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz)http://hflink.com/olivia/
14077.1-14077.6OliviaDigitalOLIVIA_500/16 – 14077.4kHz_Center_Freq. (Dial_Freq=14.076.65kHz_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz)http://hflink.com/olivia/
14078-14079JT9Digital18 July 2013 von Nick 
14078-14082MFSK16DigitalMFSK8 and 16 normal area of operation USB 
14078.1-14078.7OliviaDigitalOLIVIA_500/16 – 14078.4kHz_Center_Freq. (USB_Dial_Freq=14.077.65_Audio_center=750Hz Olivia500/16_Lowest_Olivia_tone=516Hz)http://hflink.com/olivia/
14079-14089RTTYDigital14080+ RTTY – FSK 45.45baud 170Hz Shift – Normal Center of Activity [International] 
14080-14084DominoEXDigitalnominal mode DominoEX 11 
14080-14110RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
14089-14099AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – 500Hz Bandwidth – IARU Regions 1,http://hflink.com/bandplans/
14097-14097.2MEPT_JT/WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 14.0956 USBhttp://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/
14098.1-14098.5APRSDigitalAPRS – 300baud FSK packet network for geo-position reporting. Mobiles, portables, marine. (LSB_Dial_frequency=14100kHz_LSB;Mark=1800Hz) (LSB_Dial Frequency=14100.51;Center=2210Hz)http://www.aprs.net/vm/DOS/HF.HTM
14100.5-14112AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – ALL Regions IARU – 2700HzBWhttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
14100.6-14102.8Pactor3DigitalWinlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14101.1-14103.2ALEDigital14100.5kHz_USB_Dial_Freq_ALE – 8FSK – Selective Calling – Text Messaging – Propagation – Amateur Automatic Link Establishment – Internationalhttp://www.hflink.com/channels/
14101.2-14101.4HF PacketDigitalNet14 packet network, especially in Europe. VFO = 14103.0 kHz LSBhttp://www.bandscommunications.co.uk/
14101.6-14103.8Pactor3Digital14102.7 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14101.8-14104Pactor3Digital14102.9 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14102-14101APRS Robust Packet OFDMDigitalworld wide APRS channel in new ROBUST PR mode, GATEWAYShttp://www.oevsv.at/export/sites/dachverband/interessensgruppen/aprs/APRS_auf_KW/Robust_Packet_Radio_rev1.pdf
14102.1-14104.3Pactor3Digital14103.2 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14103.1-14105.3Pactor3Digital14104.2 Winlink 2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14103.2-14103.4HF PacketDigitalOld style packet net in North America. FSK tone frequencies = 14103.21kHz +14103.41kHz. VFO dial frequency =14105.0kHz LSB 
14103.2-14103.4Network 105Digitalset VFO 14105.0 LSBhttp://mysite.verizon.net/ka1fsb/idx105.html
14103.8-14106Pactor3Digital14104.9 Winlink 2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14104-14109OliviaDigitalOLIVIA 1000/32. Audio Center Freq 1000Hz- 14104.5/14105.5/14106.5/14107.5/14108.5http://hflink.com/olivia/
14105.6-14107.8Pactor3Digital14106.7 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14105.8-14108Pactor3Digital14106.9 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14107.8-14110Pactor3Digital14108.9 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14108.1-14110.3Pactor3Digital14109.2 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14108.8-14111.1Pactor3Digital14109.9 / 14110.0 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14109-14112ALEDigital14109.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
14109-14112ALEDigital14109.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network – Emergency/Disaster Relief frequency (Automatic Link Establishment )http://hflink.com/hfn/
14109.5-14112ALEDigitalALE. USB – 8FSK – ARQ. File Transfer and Text Keyboarding via Automatic Link Establishment with ARQhttp://hflink.com
14109.5-14112ALEOther14109.5 USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 1, IARU Region 2, IARU Region 3; Data/Text/Messaging.http://hflink.com
14109.9-14112.1Pactor3Digital14111.0 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14110.5-14111.5PskMailDigitalPskMail, 500 Hz wide. PSKR500 default modewww.pskmail.com
14110.8-14113.1Pactor3Digital14111.9 / 14112.0 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14111.8-14114.1Pactor3Digital14112.9 / 14113.0 Winlink 2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14112.3-14115.3ALEOther14112.0 kHz USB – ALE – 8FSK, 6PSK, 8PSK,Texting/Keyboarding QSO – DBM ARQ – FAE ARQ – RFSM2400http://hflink.com
14112.5-14115.5ROSDigitalVFO Dial Frequency = 14112.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal 
14112.8-14115.1Pactor3Digital14113.9 / 14114.0 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14114.9-14117.1Pactor3Digital14116.0 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14116.8-14119Pactor3Digital14117.9 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14119.5-14121.7Pactor3Digital14120.6 Winlink2000 Networkhttp://www.winlink.org/
14180-14185ANZA dxnetSSBlist operation 0515 utc daily 
14185-14225SSBSSBUSB – DXing 
14236-14239DigiVoiceDigital14236.0 USB Digital Voice Calling Frequency (DV) [International] 
14252.5-14262.5SSBSSBUSB – Special Events Stations 
14260-14265SouthBearsSSBSouthBears Emergency Net Sun 17:30 easternsouthbears.net
14265-14347SSBSSBUSB – Various Nets 
1800-2000SSBSSBGenerally 1843-2000 kHz 
1805-1810Ragchewing & DXDigitalRTTY 
1806-1808.8ALEOtherUSB 1806.0kHz – ALE Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Regions 2 and 3) Voice/Datahttp://hflink.com
1807-1810BPSK31DigitalREGION 1 
18100-18110RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
18101-18107Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
18103.1-18103.7OliviaDigitalOLIVIA_Calling_Freq_18103.4kHz(Center_Freq). DIAL_FREQ=18102.65kHzUSB – AudioCenterMarker=750Hz – Olivia Format=500/16 [International]http://hflink.com/olivia/olivia.html
18105-18107.3ALEOther18104.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network- Data/Text/Messaging – QSO Keyboarding – 8FSK – AMD, DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ.http://hflink.com
18105-18109AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – IARU Regionshttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
18106-18109ALEDigital18106.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
18107.5-18108.5PskMailDigital18108 center of 500 Hz modes. PSKR500 default.www.pskmail.com
18111-18120AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
18117.5-18120.2ALEOther18117.5 USB – Voice/Data – ALE International Common channel. Automatic Link Establishment and Selective Calling.http://www.hflink.com/
18162.5-18165DigiVoiceDigital18162.5 USB – Digital Voice – Calling Frequency [International] 
18165-18170Airborn ham-pilotsSSB  
1830-1840DX WindowCWIntercontinental DX window 
1836-1838JT65DigitalJT65 in USB 
1837-1840digimodesDigitalPSK/Olivia/MFSK/JT65A all found here (East Coast US) 
1838-1838.2WSPR mode DXDigitalQRP weak signal DX. Radio dial freq 1836.6http://dev.wsprnet.org/drupal/
1840-1843DigitalDigitalIARU Region 1 – Digimodes – All modes – 2700Hz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
1840-1843ROSDigitalVFO Dial Frequency = 1840.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal 
1840-1850DX WindowSSBIntercontinental DX window 
1840.5-1843.2ALEOtherUSB – 1840.5 kHz ALE Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 1) Data/Voicehttp://hflink.com
1880-1950AMAMPer Electric Radio publication 
1996-1999HFPACKSSB– USB – HFpack – HF Portable – calling frequency – alternate – localhttp://hfpack.com
21000-21025DX WindowCWCW 
21063-21070Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
21070-21100RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
21086.5-21087OliviaDigitalOLIVIA 500/16 CALLING FREQUENCY – USB_Dial_Frequency_21086.5 – Audio_Center_Frequency_750Hzhttp://hflink.com
21090-21110AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – Region 1 – Bandwidth 500Hzhttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
21096-21099ALEOther21096.0 kHz USB – Automatic Link Establishment – High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 2, IARU Region 3 – Digital Texting/Datahttp://hflink.com
21096-21099ALEDigital21096.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
21110-21120AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 – 2700Hz Bandwidthhttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
21116-21119ALEOther21116.0 kHz USB – Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 1 – Texting/Datahttp://hflink.com
21117.5-21120ALEOtherUSB – 21117.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishmenthttp://hflink.com
21151-21160AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stationshttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
21152.5-21153.5OliviaDigitalOLIVIA 1000/32 CALLING FREQUENCY – Dial_Frequency_21152.5 – Audio_Center_Frequency_1000Hz (note: this segment shared with automatic stations)http://hflink.com/olivia/
21152.5-21155.5ROSDigitalVFO Dial Frequency = 21152.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal 
21400-21450AMAMPer Electric Radio publication 
24920-24925Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
24920-24930RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
24925-24929AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stationshttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
24926-24929ALEDigital24926.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
24931-24940AutomaticOtherAutomated Stations – IARU Region 1 (Bandwidth 2700Hz)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
28000-28025DX WindowCWCW 
28063-28070Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
28070-28150RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
28100-28110Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
28120-28150AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
28120-28189AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stationshttp://hflink.com/bandplans
28126-28126.2WSPRDigitalWhisper WSPR Weak Signal Propagtion Reporting – Low Power Levels usedhttp://wsprnet.org/drupal/
28140-28142PacketCWAPRS at 28.140 USB dial (1700 Hz CF)http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.brightman/net14frequ.htm
28146-28149ALEDigital28146.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
28225.5-28228.5ROSDigitalVFO Dial Frequency = 28225.5 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal 
28300-28320AutomaticOtherAutomated Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
29200-29300AutomaticOtherAutomated Stations – IARU Region 1 (6kHz Bandwidth)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
29300-29510Satellite downlinkOther  
3500-3510DX WindowCWCW 
3500-3600cw-rtty-psk, etcDigitalNo digital allowed above 3600 kHz 
3520-3525DigitalDigitalJapanese digital window 
3520-3530Japan Digital WindowDigitalThis is a correction of what is currently listedhttp://jarts.jp/rules2013.html
3555-3555.5NAQCC FRNCW8pm Pacific Time Sundays and Mondayshttp://naqcc.info/cw_nets.html
3577-3580ROSDigitalVFO Dial Frequency = 3577.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal 
3580-3582BPSK31DigitalALL DIGIS on USB in Region 2 BPSK31,QPSK31 
3580-3620RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
3582-3589Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
3582.5-3584.5OliviaDigital-USB Dial Frequency- OLIVIA 500/16 CALLING FREQUENCY 3582.5 USB- Audio Center Frequency=750Hzhttp://hflink.com/olivia/
3583-3586THOR 4-22DigitalBEST OF THE DIGIMODES 
3585.1-3587.4ALEOther3584.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network- North America – IARU Region 2 – Data/Text/Messaging – 8FSK – AMD, DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ.http://hflink.com
3590-3593ALEOther3589.5 USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network (QSY Text/Data Frequency)http://hflink.com/
3590-3600AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
3594-3594.2MEPT_JT/WSPRDigitalWeak Signal Propagation Reporter – dial 3.5926 USBhttp://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/
3596-3599ALEDigital3596.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
3596.2-3599.3ALEOther3596.0 kHz USB – ALE – Automatic Link Establishment – International Amateur Radio ALE Network – Selective Calling – GPS Reporting – Data – Texting, 8FSK MIL-STD 188-141 and MIL-STD 188-110http://hflink.com
3600-3620AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stations – IARU Region 1http://hflink.com/bandplans/
3600-3800SSBOtherAll Modes – Region 1 (2700Hz_Bandwidth)[SSB Digi SSTV etc]http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/region1_bandplan.pdf
3603-3606ROSDigitalVFO Dial Frequency = 3603.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal 
3617-3619.8ALEOtherUSB – 3617.0 kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Regions 1 and 3) Data/Voicehttp://hflink.com
3620-3635AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stationshttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
3620-3640DigitalDigitalAustralian digital window 
3725-3750Local and Provincial SSB netsSSBtraditional Canadian traffic and emergency nets 
3733-3739HamDRMDigital http://www.qslnet.de/f6gia
3775-3800DX Window – SSBSSBIARU – ALL Regions except US (3790-3800)http://www.iaru.org/
3790-3800DX WindowSSBSSB 
3805-3806Collins NetSSBTues&Thurs 8-10 PM Central Timecollinsradio.org
3825-3832Traffic, WAS NetSSB www.omiss.net
3830-3833SSB LSB VoiceSSBRodger Net NY/NJ/PA 
3845-3848ALEOther3845 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment – Voice Net – Eastern USA – North America – IARU Region 2http://hflink.com
3870-3890AM WINDOWAM3885 AM CALLING, 3870-3890 AM WORKING 
3870-3890AMAMPer Electric Radio publication 
3977-3980Oregon Emergency NetSSBLSB on dial 3980 – 6PM to ~7:30PM 7 days/wkW7OEN.net
3977-3980Oregon Emergency NetSSBLSB on dial 3980 – 6PM to ~7:30PM 7 days/wkW7OEN.net
3985-3982.5Wisconsin Traffic NetsSSBNTS nets: Badger Weather Net 1100Z; Badger Emergency Net 1800Z; Wis Side Band Net 2300Z0http://www.arrl.org/files/media/Group/NCS110610.htm
3986-3989DigiVoiceDigitalUSB 3986.0 kHz – Digital Voice Net (Alternate) North Americahttp://hfpack.com
3991-3994DigiVoiceDigitalUSB 3991.0 kHz Digital Voice Calling – Net (Primary) – North Americahttp://hfpack.com
3996-399980m SSTVSSBnew analog sstv working frequencyhttp://webpages.charter.net/partytown/sstvcam.htm
50.1-50.125DX WindowOtherMixed CW/SSB 
50.215-50.25JT6MDigitalEUROPE JT6m (Center 50.230) 
50.255-50.285DigitalDigitalFSK441 & JT6M meteor scatterhttp://www.qsl.net/digitalonsix/
50.292-50.2925OliviaDigitalOLIVIA CALLING FREQUENCY – Dial_Frequency=50291.5kHzUSB – Audio_Center_Frequency_750Hz – Olivia_Format=500/16 [Region 2]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oliviadata/
50.8-51Remote controlDigital20-kHz channels 
51-51.1DX WindowCWPacific DX window 
51.12-51.18Repeater inputsDigitalDigital repeaters 
51.12-51.48Repeater inputsAM19 channels 
51.62-51.68Repeater outputsDigitalDigital repeaters 
51.62-51.98Repeater outputsAM19 channels 
52-52.48Repeater inputsAM  
52.5-52.98Repeater outputsAM  
5250-5450Emergency / general communicationsOtherTrinidad & Tobago — Secondary allocation basis — All mode, 1.5Kw oupputhttp://www.tatt.org.tt/
5258.5-5261.5CW/SSB 60mCWCW/SSB (OK / Czech Republic)http://hflink.com/5mhz/
5258.5-5261.5SSB/CWCWCzech Republic SSB/CW Experimental channel allocation (OK1RP) 
5258.5-5264UK 60mOtherNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5276-5284UK 60mCWUK 
5276-5284All modeOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5278.5-5281.5Lower Ragcew light usageSSBGood for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland but subject to SeaSerface Radar QRMnon
5278.5-5281.5Lower Ragcew light usageSSBGood for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Iceland but subject to SeaSerface Radar QRMnon
5288.5-5292UK 60mCWUK 
5289.5-5290.5beaconOther5289.5-USB & MT63 / 5290.5 CWwww.oz1fjb.dk or www.qrz.com/ov1bcn
5298-5307UK 60mCWNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5298-5307All modeOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5298.5-5301.5Lower CommonSSBRag Chew, talk back Inter EU/G/EI subject to ALE and other QRMnone
5298.5-5301.5Irish fixedfixed 60m channel (canno QSY)SSBUsed for EI/UK Rag Chew twice daily, also EI/Scandanavianone
53-53.48Repeater inputsAM  
53.5-53.98Repeater outputsAM  
5313-5323UK 60mCWNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5313-5323UK All modeOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5325-5425ham emcommOtherBand 
5333-5338UK 60mCWNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5333-5338UK All modesOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5350-5450PA: SSB/CW/DIGI/AMSSBThe Netherlands – all modes allowed – 100 W. PEPhttp://www.agentschaptelecom.nl/
5354-5358UK 60mSSBNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5354-5358UK All modesOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5357.1-5359.9SSB 60mSSBUPPER SIDEBAND freq = 5357.0kHz USB voice (USA New 60m Channel) use transmit filter bandwidth = 2.5kHz or lesshttp://hflink.com/60meters/
5357.1-5359.960mDigitalDATA center freq = 5358.5 kHz [use 5357.0kHz USB VFO dial freq + 1500 Hz audio center] (USA New 60m Channel) with maximum signal bandwidth 2.8kHz.http://hflink.com/60meters/
5362-5374.5UK 60mSSBNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5362-5374.5UK All modesOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5371.5-5374.5SSB 60mSSB5371.5kHz USB (UK )http://www.rsgb-spectrumforum.org.uk/5mhz%20operating%20practice.htm
5378-5382UK 60mSSBNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5378-5382UK All modesOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5395-5401.5UK 60mSSBNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
5395-5401.5UK All modesOtherOpened up to UK NOV 1/1 2013 
5398.5-5401.5Upper Common, RSGB NewsNetCWGood for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Icelandnone
5398.5-5401.5Upper Common, RSGB NewsNetCWGood for inter G/EI and Europe Scandanavia,Icelandnone
5403.5-5406.5UK 60mSSBNew UK freq as of 1st Jan 2013 
7000-7010DX WindowCWCW 
7025-7030DigitalDigitalJAPAN – Digital 
7025-7030DigitalDigitalJAPAN – Digital 
7030-7040Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
7030.5-7033.2ALEOtherUSB – 7030.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 3) Datahttp://hflink.com
7035-7040BPSK31DigitalREG. 1 – Narrow band modes (7035 PSK31 Center Activity)http://www.iaru.org/Chapter-5.1.pdf
7035-7045RTTYDigitalRegion 1http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
7038-7040AutomaticDigitalAutomatic Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (500Hz Bandwidth)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
7040-7040.2WSPR (Worldwide)DigitalWebsite shows dial freq=7038.600 kHz. Op freq =dial + 1500Hz +-100Hzhttp://wsprnet.org/drupal/
7040-7040.2WSPR (Worldwide)DigitalUSB dial = 7038.6, audio 1400…1600Hzhttp://wsprnet.org/drupal/
7040-7043AutomaticDigitalAutomatic Digital Stations – IARU Region 1 (2700Hz Bandwidth)http://hflink.com/bandplans/
7040-7043PSKDigital7.040 USB is the most common 40m PSK frequency in the UK 
7040-7050Digi ModesDigitalaccording to new bandplan region1 
7040-7060BPSK31DigitalEW Region 1 Bandplan in effect Marts 2009! 
7040-7060BPSK31DigitalEW Region 1 Bandplan in effect Marts 2009!http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=download&id=67&chk=2c64c5a348decd46ef8f00b39fd90109&no_ht
7041-7043ALEOtherUSB – 7040.5kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishment (IARU Region 1) Data [Europe/Africa/Mideast/Rus]http://hflink.com
7043-7100SSBSSBSSB Voice; All Modes [International – IARU Regions1,2,3] [except USA lower 48 states] 
7053-7056ROSDigitalVFO Dial Frequency = 7053.0 kHz USB – ROS digital mode – weak signal 
7067-7069Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
7074-7075THOROtherBest chat mode yet!http://af4k.com
7075-7082Feld HellDigital http://feldhellclub.org/
7080-7100RTTYDigital http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html
7100-7102.2ALEOther7099.5 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network – IARU Region 2; Data/Text/Messaging.http://hflink.com
7100-7105AutomaticDigitalAutomated Digital Stationshttp://hflink.com/bandplans/
7100-7125CW QRSCWPromoted by SKCC for slow CW. Used for this purpose in North America. Former U.S. novice CW sub-band. 
7100-7200SSBOtherAll Modes – IARU Region 1 [2700Hz_Bandwidth] (SSB Digi SSTV etc)http://www.hflink.com/bandplans/region1_bandplan.pdf
7102-7105ALEDigital7102.0kHz USB Global ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) provides HF internet messaging connectivity, HF to SMS cellphone mobile texting, HF-to-HF text relay, selective calling, and interoperability 24/7/365http://hflink.com/hfn
7102.3-7104.9ALEOther7102 kHz USB Automatic Link Establishment High Frequency Network 24/7 Pilot Channel Frequency – IARU Region 2; Data/Text/Messaginghttp://hflink.com
7104-7105FSQDigitalFast Simple QSO (chat)http://www.qsl.net/zl1bpu/MFSK/Rules.pdf
7110.8-7113.8ALEOther7110.5 kHz USB – ALE – 8FSK, 6PSK, 8PSK, QSO Keyboarding/Texting: DBM ARQ, FAE ARQ, RFSM2400http://hflink.com
7160-7163GreenGroupSSB7160 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group – 0200z 
7160-7185Green daily net 02:00zOtherUSB military equipment user’s net. Daily 02:00z 
7170-7173GreenGroupSSB7170 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group (F2) – 0200z 
7185-7195AM Italian netAMAM week end boatanchor lovers nethttp://groups.google.it/group/boatanchors-net/topics
7185.5-7188HFPACKSSB7185.5 USB (Upper Sideband) International HF Portable Calling Frequency – Mobile – Portable – Base – Marine – Aerohttp://hfpack.com/air/
7185.5-7188.5ALEOtherUSB 7185.5kHz ALE Automatic Link Establishment – International Calling Frequency – UPPER SIDEBAND Voicehttp://hflink.com
7185.5-7188.5ALEOther7185.5 kHz USB – International Amateur Radio HF ALE Automatic Link Establishment Network – Selective Calling – 8FSKhttp://hflink.com
7190-7193GreenGroupSSB7190 USB – UPPER SIDEBAND – Green radios group (F1) – 0200z 
7195.5-7200ALEOtherUSB 7195.5 kHz ALE – Automatic Link Establishmenthttp://hflink.com
7285-7286Tri-Town Amateur Radio Club Alumni GroupSSBI have been NCS for 19 years for the group. Club over 75 years with 40 years on or about subject freq. 
7286-7289DigiVoiceDigitalUSB 7286.0 kHz – Digital Voice Net (Alternate) – North Americahttp://hfpack.com
7291-7294DigiVoiceDigitalUSB 7291.0 kHz – Digital Voice Calling – Net (Primary) – North Americahttp://hfpack.com

HOW could WE have KNOWN?

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220103_How_could_we_have_known.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Orphans …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/cia-experimented-100s-orphans-torturing-them-reveal-psychopathic-traits-report

“Penny’ll start a fire …” – Sealab 2021


Near the Rapids …

“Some of the MOST INTERESTING THINGS happen … near the rapids.” – Dr. FRECKLES

Fixing broken windows …

“You don’t fix a broken window by breaking more.” – Dr. Freckles

You don’t fix a broken window by breaking your neighbor’s window …

You don’t fix a broken window by murdering random old people …

Sometimes, it’s how it gets lost …

“Depending upon how you lose things, or how things fail, has a LOT to do with stability … buddy.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. arrow through brain (right part of brain)
  2. jenga … don’t break the ice game whatever …
  3. tetris …. in so many ways …

The Food Field: fuck FIDO

Don’t you wish you had a photonic membrane mimicry device that HID your EATING while your dog was in the room?


Stopping to talk …

Tired of people pulling out guns, but then having conversations, in movies/stories …

Tired of heartfelt conversations between killers and victims …


“We don’t really know how fat a human can be … in zero-G, they might weigh 10,000 pounds and have a 3,000 pound brain.” – Dr. Freckles

Government is a pirate ship …

best case scenario: “All governments, under the best conditions, are pirate ships.” – Dr. Freckles